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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. Well two people ended up showing up. Not bad for a last min post.
  2. I plan on going to the bethel and godown location some time around 730. If you are in town and want to join let me know. The weather sucks and my family is crazy so this Thanksgiving I am thankful for good beer.
  3. Bahahahaha love it! I am addicted to that game I have all 3 stars on the first and third sections and almost all the Golden eggs.
  4. didn't you just buy this? If I had the money I would be all over this but alas my sammich making skillz don't pay very well.
  5. Mr. Bret always seems to have one every time I see him. Cheech has had a few on occasion. I am surprised they haven't chimed in yet. My dad doesn't smoke but he always picks up cubans when ever he goes over to Europe to hand out as gifts. I don't think I have ever seen him with this many friends.
  6. Yeah I was a little more than drunk when I posted
  7. Thanks for the offers guys. 1000rr you are way out in bum fuck nowhere, even if I threw the bike in the back of my truck that is still a long ways out. I will probably keep it at beastiesssc's moms place seeing as how he is going to be my roommate in less than a month .
  8. I met her while she was back in the states for RR. They have been over there for a while and still have some time to go. They will definitely appreciate anything you guys send over.
  9. i dunno about internet better your ridding around campus sucks. I am pretty sure I have almost seen you nailed by a car on campus a few times. Non the less your bike sounds sick as hell and at least you have the balls to ride in shitty weather. ps im not stalking you I just happen to drive around campus alot and seeing as how I get hard on for bikes I naturally want to ruffy you and steal your bike
  10. gen3flygirl

    New Baby

    Congrats! now you just need to work on having a son
  11. What can I say I am a giver not a taker. When I offer the bush they don't get just the box they get the whole case $45 plus tax for the window from a junk yard and my friend was able to replace the window while I was at work. Total time driving with a garbage bag over the window was less than 36 hours. I am a CDL driver so not being able to see my one mirror drove me nuts.
  12. I joined because someone from an ex-500 forum told me to. I wanted to say that I stayed for the gang bang but a few people have already said it and at this point because I am the only female it would be a train. But in all seriousness the site has some great people. I met one of best friends from here. I have learned a lot about bikes, great places to ride, and the motorcycle community as a whole.
  13. +1 on that or if I bought it off line would you guys be able to hold it until the weekend? I would be able to swing by to pick it up on my way up to my parents house in Port Clinton.
  14. I would be interested in meeting up with some people for some wings. I am working today but have off between 330-and 545 if some one wanted to get there early and get a seat.
  15. It is a 97 Dodge ram 2500. A place called Edison has the window for 45 and coworker will replace it for a case of bush. Much better than the 175 most places have quoted me.
  16. Its the passenger side window,and it is automatic. I would have no idea where to get the glass from is the only problem.
  17. yeah the bike has been knocked over 3 time and this is the 3rd time someone has broken into my truck. The first two times they didn't break the window so this is a first for me.
  18. So some lowlife jackass decided to break into my truck last night. They didn't really get anything of any value but I am still out a window. Any one on here able to do replacements or know of a place in/around Columbus that can do them?
  19. BAHAHHAHA bomb threat on campus = me skipping class even though the threat wasn't for my building
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