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Everything posted by TSB67

  1. Looking at the ASE website you can take recerts regardless of how long they have been expired. I let mine expire in 2004 when I was out of the industry. My resume just reads "previously ASE Master Tech certified."
  2. On another forum a guys' wife always referred to us as "those internet fags." It has always gotten some looks when someone asks "Who you going with," and the response is "Oh, just some people from the internet." I guess some people think that all internet encounters end either locked in some guys' basement or eating cookies with Chris Hanson.
  3. Count your blessings that happened from a stop.
  4. I bought a crap trickle from Walmart years ago for a kart starter box that I put my motorcycle batteries on for the winter. Never had to buy a motorcycle battery so I guess it's good enough. Of course they may have been fine just sitting for all I know.
  5. Cuz fuck you that's why. P.S. According to the article it's all rep's fault.
  6. There were some very stealthy cars like this in my hometown, eventually you made a note of them when passing by major events. Like a random LBTS 10yr old teal base model Grand Am. I heard stories over the years that if you actually did something dumb enough traffic-wise to engage them, they would pull you over and just sit there until a marked car showed up. I saw one at Rock on the Range too. Pulling in the lot I was behind it and wondering who the hell puts a "Click it or Ticket" sticker on their LBTS aging american mid-size shitbox. Walking from my truck to the gate I saw it lit up with a kid bent over the hood in handcuffs. Couldn't even tell which of the guys standing around it were the cops.
  7. There's nothing to run into from door to ground except birds, and at that point it's a normal skydive.
  8. That guy is lucky as hell and I would do it in an instant.
  9. "The bottom line is that if these two Democrats had their way, licensees would need permission to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense almost anywhere they go." Uh, you mean the "right" you already have to train, get permission and pay to excercise? Gosh durn democrats.
  10. TSB67

    Columbus Racing

    WTF is it? I originally heard about it from people on here. Drag racing? Street racing? Parking lot posing? Internet trash talk? Track days? Autox? Wheel-to-wheel? I tried to check it out awhile back but got fed up around step 3 or so of the approval process. I don't remember what I wrote but I'm banned for life. Just curious.
  11. http://bmv.ohio.gov/registration_titling_apv_usv.stm Not sure if the lists on the left are "OR" or "AND." 10 years ago I got a title from an MCO on the third try. I learned it is best to go to the BMV and tell them what to do rather than ask.
  12. What sort of bike are you looking for?
  13. If the owner is out of state, yeah. That being said I would have no problem buying a dirt bike with MCO only if I only planned to use it closed course.
  14. Off topic; I noticed there is minimal ghey on the MS forum. Is OR your guys' "closet?"
  15. I heard it has nothing to do with Hind's.
  16. Damn I wasn't busy yesterday, I wish I would've checked this out. \ Hob: what springs did you have in that thing? Do pegs drag constantly or is there plenty of clearance? Oh, and were those YSRs you were dicing with?
  17. Will be checking this thread Sunday to see if they're still around.
  18. Awesome to see an actual rider battle again. Thanks for posting this or it may have slipped off my DVR.
  19. TSB67

    New toy!

    Ha I looked at that for awhile too... it's a high-back kitchen chair or something. Bet there is a hell of a flash out of that thing - shoot it yet?
  20. I love waving at people on scooters. People on scooters always seem happy. Maybe I need to get a scooter.
  21. Just for the record, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular, especially not yourself. I was just commenting on the direction of the thread in general, yours was the last post and I wanted to use the 100hp quote. I can see now how you/you/you're seems personal, sorry about that.
  22. I put mine on a 0%-for-a-year credit card way back when. Of course that was in the good ol' days of "predatory lending" when they would just dump $50k in my checking account with a phone call.
  23. That camping page is for spectator events. You can leave whatever in the paddock between consecutive days, and I think they actually started allowing camping for consecutive days and maybe even the night before. Ask in the trackday section - there are plenty of people here who should know.
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