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Everything posted by FZRMatt

  1. I stop if there is someone there or approaching the crosswalk. If not, I slow roll watching for someone coming. Our department does not take accident reports or issue tickets on private property unless it is a hit-skip or injury accident. There are tickets that can and do get written on private property, but for the most part it doesn't happen unless there are other circumstances.
  2. ci·vil·ian    /sɪˈvɪlyən/ Show Spelled[si-vil-yuhn] Show IPA noun 1. a person who is not on active duty with a military' date=' naval, police, or fire fighting organization. WIKIPEDIA's version A civilian under international humanitarian law (also known as the laws of war) is a person who is not a member of his or her country's armed forces or other militia. Civilians are distinct from combatants. They are afforded a degree of legal protection from the effects of war and military occupation. The term "civilian" is also often used metaphorically to refer to people who are not members of a particular profession or occupation, especially by civilian law enforcement agencies, which often adopt rank structures emulating those of military units.
  3. I looked this up several years ago, and I will need to do it again because I don't remember 100%. But I believe that the only civilian who can direct traffic legally is a (believe it or not) a school crossing guard.
  4. I was wondering about this myself.
  5. FZRMatt

    CCW Issue

    This is exactly right. You have the ORC on your side. Don't draw attention to yourself. Once you do, if they want you out, they will find another part of your lease that you violated and throw you out for that. That way, they don't violate your rights.
  6. FZRMatt

    CCW Issue

    Piss on them! It's concealed, and they can't make you remove your clothes to prove that you do/don't have it on you. Ride out your year lease then move out! Matt
  7. I love the McRib. Had one last night and now I'm craving one again!
  8. You are correct. He should have removed the people in question (back seat passenger minimum) then addressed the driver. He should have taked to the driver as if it was a regular traffic stop which would have given the driver a chance to inform the officer about his CCW permit. I don't know what had taken place earlier in the night. It may explain his actions, it may not.
  9. Sorry, I missed this when it originally posted. The reason he didn't go to the driver first is because tactically you never turn your back to a threat. You always address the rear seat first. Once the officer is comfortable that there are no threats in the rear seat, they will address the driver. In this case, the officer had previous encounters with both the front and rear seat passengers and knew them to be criminals (rear-pimp, front-prostitute). Once the rear seat passenger was removed/detained the officer should have turned his attention back to the driver. The officer should have NEVER searched the vehicle with the driver still inside.
  10. There is a fine line between discipline and abuse. This was nowhere near that line. This shit head beat that child. I think what pisses me off almost more than the video is the fact that he is a judge that presides over child abuse cases. Assholes like this are the exact reason that I will never be able to work on our child abuse squad. I am positive that I would have beat the shit out of him after seeing a video like this and ended up being charged myself. Don't get me wrong, I spank my children as needed, but this was more than excessive. The only thing preventing this douche bag from being charged is the statute of limitations. He is a disgrace to the criminal justice system and should be removed from the bench.
  11. I left that area in July '10, and i understand they put a tower up (somewhere) just before. Their reception may have changed since then. It always drove me nuts though!
  12. I had AT&T then switched to Verizon. I hated AT&T because I worked in downtown Columbus and dropped every call at the intersection of Spring n High. The nail in the coffin was going to Old Man's cave and having everyone in my family have service except me.
  13. I don't have the answer on that one. All I know is what I have been told by multiple people I have talked to on the phone. I have mine mounted on a Scorpion EXO 1000.
  14. I got one last Christmas and use it every day. I have never listened to a call from my helmet, but the sound quality in the helmet is excellent. My wife as well as everyone else that I talk to from my bike say that you can't hear wind or bike noise at all (can't see how that is possible, but can't dispute it either). It is a great piece!
  15. I must be missing something. All I see are 3 computers that are off and one covered up. Even if it does have images from a Mexican web site, you did notice she is a Spanish teacher, correct? I don't know about you, but when I took Spanish 25teacher years ago, we had to do everything on Spanish. Including getting information from Spanish newspapers. My guess is someone was doing research. Don't think you solved the crime of the century. Good detective skills though, I hear they may still be looking for the kidnapper of the Lindberg baby. Happy hunting!
  16. I don't want to sound like a dick, but you may want to check your facts before you spout off. If you go to muslimdayparade.com you will see that they in fact do have an annual muslim pride parade in NYC. If you click on the link in blue titled Council On American Islamic Relations, New York, you will see that in 2009 they actually held their 24th annual muslim pride parade. All it took was a google search "muslim pride parade nyc" to get the link. If you go to hoax-slayer.com/muslim-fridays-new-york.shtml you will find that indeed they do take over Madison Ave. in NYC for prayer. However, it is only during the Muslim Pride Parade which has been held annually since 1985.
  17. Why does it have to be like that?! Oh hell, who am I kidding? Bulk up boy!
  18. Try OSU PD. Their pay is great and their benefits are even better. Congratulations by the way!
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