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Posts posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. I got an email blast from one of the leaders of my sons Boy Scout troop a few minutes ago.  He states that based on conversations with multiple local weather experts from different agencies (we're in the Dayton/ Cinti area), "we could have snow until late May or early June this year".




    I spoke to a client in Minneapolis last week.  She said that even THEY are sick of the snow, "and we're running out of places to put it".  

  2. Fedex the parts, and if you have quite a few going out, get an account with them (gets you a discount).  The "dimensional weight" is going to kill you on these things.  May only be 5 lbs, but the dimensional weight on a large box will make it equal to (for example) a 25 lb parcel. 

    I agree with Imprez:  Do a mock-up or estimate on a large piece, like a front fairing which will need a large box, and use UPS or Fedex' online calculator to get an idea of price. 

    You may not make enough $$$ to make it worth your time, effort, and supplies.   Big boxes are cheap at Lowes/ Home Depot, and you can cut them down to fit.  

    If shipping an upper fairing, either sell it with the windscreen attached or put an old screen on it to ship it.  If not, odds are that the horns on the fairing will break, the buyer will be pissed, and you'll have to give him all of his money back PLUS try to sell a broken upper. 

    I rarely sell on ebay anymore, but used to be a powerseller.  Ebay has completely removed any "rights" from the sellers, and the buyers know it.   

  3. Nathan kept posting up deals on beeeyoootiful helmets, but I just can't justify some of the prices.  He posted up the day-glo yellow Bell RS-1 Emblem a little while ago.   I didn't care for the yellow, but he made me a good deal on the matte black/ gray version of the same lid, so I bit the bullet, and also ordered a light smoke shield.  They arrived quickly, and just as ordered. 


    I finally got a chance to ride with the new lid yesterday (Sat 02/22/14) for about an hour, and am thoroughly impressed.   I've generally had Arai's and Shoei's, and my current go-to helmet was a Shark RSR2 (also a good helmet).  


    This Bell is a great helmet.  Good fit and finish and amazingly quiet.   I ride a SV1000 with Yosh pipes on it, and heard those, but didn't have much wind noise at all.   Even on the highway at speed.   Mine is an unfaired bike, so I'm all up there in the wind blast, and it was still great.  Incredible stability at speed, too. My head didn't bounce around AT ALL.   I feel a lot of turbulence with my Arai's and Shark on the highway, and it gets old pretty quickly, but this Bell is very stable.  May be the lip on the back, or whatever.  But whatever they did, it works.   Cheeks are a little tight, but 40mm thick is stock and I ordered some 30mm this morning, so we'll see how that does.  


    Now I'm kind of curious about the Star series, but for what I do, this RS-1 is near perfect, at a great price. 

    Thank you, Nathan and RD!   Money well-spent.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I spent the weekend with Massad Ayoob. 20+ hours of training that I think every person serious about conceals carry should do.

    Gives us a heads-up next time.  $400 seems like a bargain for his knowledge.   They're nowhere near our area again, per current schedule. 

  5. I'm amazed at the small number of bikes I see on the streets when I visit family in Texas.  But their traffic is a whole lot "worse" than most of ours up here.   I'm not sure I would ride that much down there. Roads are either way congested, or just straight and flat.   Borinnnnggggg.   Plus, its soooo hot in the summer that they spend it indoors/ in their AC'ed cars.   Their riding season isn't much longer than ours, all things considered.   And its all relative.  "Why on earth do you want to live where its cold for four months out of the year?".  "Why do you want to live where its too damn hot for four months out of the year?". 

  6. Bought an XDS9 last week, took it straight to the range.  Love my xd9 Subcompact, and expected the same from the S.  First twenty rounds I thought "oh mannnn, what have I done?".   Had a sheet out hanging that has four smaller targets, about 12" each.  I was aiming at the bullseye of the top left circle, and hitting the lower circle. 

    Got it figured out, and love the red front dot.  

    Its all good, and carries like a dream. 

  7. You want a fun AND cheap way to clear the driveway, get a big 2stage, throw it in high gear, and ride on a snowboard.....it's funner than just walking behind it


    Hey, and then I may be able to get the kids to clear OUR drive. "NO I'm NOT PAYING YOU TO CLEAR OUR DRIVEWAY!!!"

    Joking.  Good kids. 

  8. Point Blank east in Cinti had tons of 9mm when I was in there last week.   Out on the shelves (i.e. not just for range users).   Good reloads for $13.99/ 50 count and Federal white box $16.99 (or $17.99.  I forget) for 50 count.  


    BTW, what was pricing for 9mm prior to the madness/ shortage?

  9. Attackpainter 

    Haven't seen him here in awhile...


    Use the Search function up top on the right.   Choose the "members" button (default button reads "this topic".  Click it, choose Members).

  10. I think "And Justice For All" is their best record. Hands down. I liked "MOP", "RTL" and the black album. I tolerated "monster", because I live with an artist and when they do weird shit.. I just shrug like "what else is new?"


    However, "Some Kind of Monster" was the absolute end of any respect I had left for Metallica. I lost any love for the band after watching that documentary. What a bunch of crybaby faggots.

     I second all of this.  

    Saw them on Monsters of Rock, and two or three times on the AJFL tour.    Have never listened to their release with the symphony, although everyone tells me its great.   Black album was the last one for me.  

    Still a metal head (though I listen to a bunch of stuff).   FFDP rocks, though I think they've already run out of riffs.   The new Anthrax is good stuff (loved them with John Bush as well).  Pantera will always rule.  Older bluesy stuff from Tora Tora and Badlands.   Good to see that Jake E Lee is still alive.   "Found" a Great White song a few weeks ago, via Pandora, called Back to the Rhythm which I'm digging (esp the Youtube version with Jani Lane, RIP).  

    All That Remains.   Bullet for my valentine.  Disturbed.  Drowning Pool.  Shadows Fall.  Killswitch Engage. 


    I'm now the old, weird, gray-haired guy that shows up at the shows...but I still love metal.   I worried that I'd start listening to my dads stuff (Abba, Don Williams...), but it hasn't happened yet. 

    Still good metal being made. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 2007 Yam Wolverine 450 (which isn't really a 450...) with a winch-operated 48" plow.  4x4.  Works  like a charm.   Kids make money plowing the neighbors' driveways (made $110 on Wednesday...).   Picked it up used in 2010 for $3k, and it had had a hard life.  We've been hard on it as well, and its been a great machine.   The weight of the plow negates the need for a locking front diff for us.   It did okay in this weeks snow down here, but if I lived in CMH or north, I'd have something bigger.  I want a Grizzly so I can lift it and stuff.  

    I wish I had Hoblicks disposable income...


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