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Posts posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. Good thing it won't be considered terrorism.  


    Whats really going to be interesting with this is to see what the French government does, if anything, given their reputation for being "less than aggressive" in dealing with threats.  Whereas 'Murika used to face threats with force, now the world views US like WE view France. 

  2. I sold my $300 Harbor Freight table in the spring of 2014 to a member because we were moving.  I'd like to replace it, and the HF table sufficed for most of what I need, except its "rollability".  My garage isn't very large, so I need to park the table against the wall when I'm done working for the day so I can get the car back in.  

    Anyone had anything other than the HF?   I guess that what I need is a table with four swiveling wheels rather than just two...


    I tried adapting a platform with four swiveling wheels to the HF table, and it was "okay", but not great. 

  3. Personally wondering why just ladies? It want till the 1930's that pink was considered a "feminist" color. Prior to that, it was masculine to wear pink and utilitarian as white was harder to keep clean. //end of history lesson. Nice looking lid.

    Because its almost a century later...

  4. Q-tips and tampons.  Or a tree in your front yard invading the sewer lines.   Or just bad karma.  

    I ain't no plummer', ya see, but slow flushin' with a properly funkshuning toylett means the water can't get to the street line fast enough.  If'n it ain't tampons and qtips, mus b a tree.

  5. >>How do you religious folks live with all the contradictions???<<



    Personally, I don't nitpick the issues. 
    Abortion?  I don't think its right, but I'm not going to stand in front of a clinic and scream at you. 


    Homosexuality?  Same as above.

    And most other issues.   Its between that person and God.

    There are always contradictions and hypocrisy in life, whether it be in a church (general sense) or most other organizations.  Politics get in the way of churches as much as anywhere else.  People get power hungry, jaded, disgruntled.   A church is no different than any other organization.  It SHOULD be, but generally isn't.  Holding all Catholics accountable because of pedophile priests is just as wrong as viewing all "religious folks" as being identical automatons who are easily swayed.

    If religion/ faith (different things) don't work for you, then so be it.  


    As for me, I'm comfortable with my faith, beliefs, and foundation.  It wasn't a snap decision, and my outlook now (in my forties) is much different than it was in my twenties.  

  6. Since John Clayton was mentioned in this thread, I though the following rebuttal might be important. It demonstrates the delusion of those afflicted with "faith" and education. It demonstrates the tortured logic employed but those who must see evidence of the devine where there is none.


    It is evident that John Clayton cannot be intellectually honest about his position. With his education he must grasp the ludicrous nature of his assertions but apparently the lure of easy money from those who do not share his erudition was too easy to bypass.

    Sad for those who reference Clayton as they lack the cognitive capability to see the massive holes in Clayton's logic or lack thereof.

    John Clayton is far from wealthy.  He started his studies in order to disprove God, and after studying extensively came to the opposite conclusion of what he wanted.

    To each their own.  My life is better as a believer.

    God gives the doctors their abilities.

    You have no idea of my cognitive capability.


    Note:  I checked out the link after posting the above. 

    Sounds like an angry atheist trying to draw a reaction.  He doesn't offer any proof of anything himself, yet slams Clayton repeatedly for not offering any proof of anything.  Typical liberal non-arguments:  "I can't prove my position, so I'm going to criticize yours and throw off the discussion".

    Not impressed.  

    Oh, and I love how he has to lay down all of his impressive credentials.  A scientist.  Again, I contend that science and religion are not mutually exclusive. 

  7. His  post makes sense.  The clip was written while Clay was alive.   I'm not familiar with Hamlet, and what a cool thing if this whole show has been based on a timeless classic. 

    Now that we're a little further down the road from when that clip was written, do you think that Jax HAS become Clay?  Gemma controlled Clay, now has Jax as a puppet.   Hmmmm

    • Upvote 1
  8. I'm a believer.  I wasn't raised that way directly, but came to it later in life.  

    I'm not judging anyone.  I'm as likely to call someone a name or get pissed on the highway as the next person.


    I see God all around.  John Clayton was instrumental in opening my eyes.  


    Doctors and science are necessary and beneficial.   Its not an either/ or proposition.   "Its either science, OR its God.  There can't be both".   Holistic folks find quickly that a lot of ailments can be cured naturally, but the medication folks.   Those cures/ treatments (i.e. natural remedies) were put here by God.   

    I think Todds comment is interesting, being that he's directly in the medical field.   The human body is a wonder in itself, as is our placement in the universe.   "The likelihood of this earth being in exactly the right place that it needs to be in this huge universe is akin to a tornado hitting a junk yard and coming out with a fully functioning 747 on the other side" (or something like that). 


    Its called "faith" for a reason.  "You can't SEE God", "You can't TOUCH God".  Directly? No.  But I have faith that this isnt all an accident.   "Why does God let bad things happen?", "Why does God let children get cancer?".    Dunno.  Don't profess to know.   But I think that prayer can only help.   I don't see any way that it could hurt. 


    If you don't believe, I'm not going to convince you.  Just like you won't convince me to not believe.   I'm not gonna fight that battle. 


      "There is no atheist in a foxhole":  Why is that?  There is something built in to us.  

    • Upvote 2
  9. I am still 100% convinced someone is working for/with interpol or something of that sorts. I figured it was Juice, because he is the only one to display any kind of remorse for what he has done, but sure he would have been saved by now. I'm actually starting to think it might be chibs.

    Bobby.  He's gotten realll quiet lately.  He's always been near the club president.  


    Chibs, or chebs?  Never have been able to tell.  When he introduced himself to the new chief (whatsherface) in the parking garage, he gave her a BS translation of his name ("Its Scottish for so and so").  So I looked up Chebs.  Go look it up.   I like.


    BTW, its funny watching Gemma starting to lose it.  

  10. I'm curious to see how they're going to wrap all of this up in just a few more episodes. 
    Like Breaking Bad, I'm gonna hate it when this show wraps up.   


    Yeah, I think it all unravels.  Jax has screwed too many people (or rather, "Gemma has caused Jax to screw too many people").   Gonna be interesting to see how the Chinese thing works out based on last weeks episode with the cops standing around while he beat on the Chinese leader. 


    Lovin' it.

  11. Congrats!


    LOL, I'm not sure that's the metaphor I would've used


    Go back and find some of her old posts.   The only question with her is: "why can't she find/ keep a man?".   Oh, wait.   Never mind.

    (Welcome back, girl).  

    I don't remember The Saipan Incident.  Guess I'll have to look back through some posts.   I live vicariously, y' know?

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