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Posts posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. I did it.  No regrets.  Did the front end GSXR swap, too.   Sure, the 180 makes it a little "less flickable", but it was plenty capable of whatever I threw at it.   It handled awesomely.  Loved it so much that I bought a SV1k, put the GSXR front end on the 1k, put the 1k front end on the 650, and sold the 650.  

    On paper, the only notable difference (besides the engine) should be that the 1k is 40 lbs heavier.  Same wheelbase etc.  


    The 650 was a much better handling bike.  

    I like the 1k, but loved the 650. 


    Great project.  Have fun. 

    Oh yeah, and sold it for more than I had into it...

    The SV's are great bikes and often overlooked (thats good.  It keeps them cheap).     I like the look, sound, and power of both.

  2. You folks crack me up. Jamie Colby enrolled in Univ of Miami at FOURTEEN. She had her Juris Doctorate at 22 FFS. Molly Henneberg graduated Summa Cum Laude from Vanderbilt.


    What a bunch of liberal asshat hacks. Jesus. One thing we have proven, is that any one of them.....Maddox, Colby and Henneberg are smarter than you two put together.

    I heart Tonik. 

    There.  I said it.  

    • Upvote 1
  3. Should we launch the warheads?  Not sure what response you think is required.  Did you support the movement for iraqi freedom?  Did you support the invasion of Afghanistan?  You do understand that Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by our own troops right, or was that a lie?  How about our search for the weapons of mass destruction?  Did we win on that detail? I just have to ask, with all of your vast experience supporting worthless conflicts on false pretenses, what should we do with Russia at this time?  Obviously your foreign policy ideas are beyond reproach, so what would you do in this situation?  


    I say that you do not have fucking clue what you would do if you were in a room surrounded by smart people.  Your ideas would be exposed as equivalent to a child's dream and your intellectual ammunition would be found lacking.  Fortunately for you the socialist muslim usurper hasn't put you in prison yet.  Do you understand why your explosive ideas have not exposed you to the secret service?


    I LOVE this!  Libs are always the smartest people in the room, with all the answers, and everyone else is completely wrong.  

    I think Tonik would be right at home in a room full of smart people.   He's able to defend his positions, and seems to enjoy the banter.  He doesn't try to belittle or beat down the other person.

    Arrogance is just a front for insecurity.  Shouting someone down and belittling them is the liberal tactic to change the argument because they're losing. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Your links do not prove that there was any instance of actual in person voter fraud.  How much of the taxpayers money should we spend fighting a problem that does not appear to exist?  I thought that those of us who pated here were fiscal conservatives?  I do not want to spend any more taxpayer dollars to fight a non existent problem.  Thanks!!

    Glad to see that you've made a point of being my fanboy.  


    Uhm, where do I speak of voter fraud?   I WAS indirectly referring to the secrecy that this "most transparent administration in history" has cloaked itself in, starting with Mr. Holder.  


    Oh, and we've already had the voter fraud discussion.  Search function above...


    Since you've decided to drop in and dive-bomb the site, I'll help you:


  5. Why DON'T you believe? And why does it bother you so much that I do?  I don't push or force my beliefs on anyone. I don't walk around saying "God bless" and pushing a bible in anyones face.   I TRY to live my life and raise my family in what I FEEL is the right way for us, and betterment of the people and community around us.  I don't look down on non-believers, nor view them as any worse or better than myself   I do whats right for me.


    And FWIW, I don't care if he's Muslim, Christian, Jewish, agnostic, or whatever.  
    I don't have any issues with his religion (or lack thereof). 

    I strongly disagree with what he's doing to this country, and I stand in utter disbelief of those who follow him blindly.  If the media would do their job, he'd be outed for whomever he really is, but at this point they are in fear of him.

    I don't believe that he is the person who he portrayed himself to be.  I feel that the whole thing is an ingenious fabrication from the highest level to specifically get him into office.   No school history ("He graduated when?  I was in that class, and never saw nor heard of the guy"), a horrible record in congress, etc.  Every program or idea that he's implemented has failed, but nobody seems to keep track.  His wife wants to change the way I am allowed to eat, even though she seems to have put on a few pounds over the last few years.  He's a foreign policy nightmare, and the fact that John Kerry is Sec of State is laughable.  

    I've got my doubts.  Deeeeep ones.

    But not about my religious beliefs.   Slam all you want.  You're not gonna change that.   Just because you're "right" in your own head doesn't mean that you know whats right for me.    I'm just not sure why some are so threatened by the fact that I believe that this wasn't all an accident. 

    • Upvote 4
  6. This fits as well here as anywhere else, though its in regard to Toyota.  


    "a blatant disregard for systems and laws designed to look after the safety of consumers. By the company's own admission, it protected its brand ahead of its own customers. This constitutes a clear and reprehensible abuse of the public trust."


    Replace "the safety of consumers" with "American citizens".    


    For Holder to speak of anything that "constitutes a clear and reprehensible abuse of the public trust" is laughable.   Does this open the door for him to throw himself (and his boss) in jail, or institute huge fines?   Methinks it does.


    Talk about a pot and a kettle (and thats NOT a racist inference, Magz). 

  7. find some skanks on the UD campus.


    But for real, the bar scene near campus might be a LOT of fun if you can get there during the OSU v. UD matchup for the tournament.  That might be before you get there though...


    Winner plays Saturday.   If that ends up being Dayton, it will be a mad house.


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