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Posts posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. More importantly, did you figure out what caused the wheel to lock up? Incorrect assembly or overfilling of fluid can cause the fluid to expand when warm and activate the brake. I've seen this happen when people buy cheap levers and they partially actuate the brakes even when not pulled.

    Good point.   New pads shouldn't cause this. 

    When I saw that Joe had posted, I thought he was gonna tell you to bring the tank over, that he had a full paint and body shop at his new house....



    Ebay for the emblem.   Or dealer.  

  2. Go ahead and order a decal, you'll need it regardless of who does your work. Or just get a bigger decal and cover the whole mess...

    Shouldn't be tough for a painter to fill and paint.  I've got a guy in Centerville (south Dayton), but he would fill and paint the base coat, then require YOU to apply the decal, then he'd clear coat (he doesn't want to be blamed for misplaced/ misaligned decals, stripes, etc.  Makes sense to me).   It would be an extra trip up from Cinti for you, but he's very reasonable.  Let me know if you are interested. 


  3. So libs were the only ones who complained when gas went from $2 to $4??  >> I didn't say that. I was referring to the uproar of "Bush and his Big Oil cronies are getting rich" when the gas temporarily spiked under his presidency.  And yet we're in year #3 of the same high prices under Obama, and there was NEVER a peep or media coverage.   Three years.   None of us liked it.  The situation was hyped under Bush, muted under Obama. 

    No, no they weren't. Everyone hated it that I knew.  >> I agree completely, on both points.  

    Gas has been high for years but you complain of a recent spike in food prices. Therefore it's not hard to realize the recent increases aren't from fuel prices. Yes they contribute but not the cause of the rise.

    >>  I didn't say it was a recent spike.  I realize that its not sudden.  I stated that the grocery is where I notice it the most, and also stated that I don't go to the grocery very often.  I don't believe that I stated that they are the sole cause.

    And for you and others to call any president a dictator shows a complete lack of understanding what actaual dictators do. You and I would both be tortured and killed in short order for our comments.

    >>  I do consider him a dictator, as he does himself.  Did he not say "I've got a phone and a pen"?  What do you think he was implying?   Does he not give "executive orders" to change his own laws, i.e. Obamacare?  And has the SCOTUS not struck his decisions down 13 times thus far, when he's tried to act on his own?  Is he not usurping Congress in "making laws" which affect most, if not all, of us?   Is he not threatening and harassing his "enemies", i.e. Tea Party groups via the IRS?  i.e. ranchers re: the invasion of the illegals? Controlling the media (why is the Invasion of the Illegals not all over the news? 

    I appreciate your need to defend him no matter what he may do, but in the end I don't think it will serve you very well. 



    You gotta give the fox news lemmings a break, if Hannity calls him a "mom jeans wearing, weak, drunk on power, pussy weenie dictator", they have no filter to say, "wait a second, those 2 things contradict each other". They just eat it up, and regurgitate it onto forums and youtube comments.


    >>  Wow.   A liberal talking to me about contradiction and hypocrisy.  Things really have come full circle.  But how quickly we get to the name calling...

    If Hannity has stated anything that I've posted, its sheer coincidence, as I don't follow Hannity.  

    I firmly believe that your president is evil, and attempting (succeeding) to dismantle this country. 


    United we stood, divided we're falling.   We need to physically divide the country, because your schools have taught you to dislike this country.  We're not going to find a middle ground.  

  4. Funny how you mention it was cheap when Obama got elected when it favors your argument and then a couple posts later argue that it was higher when Bush was president.

    Here is a possible reason or two:

    1. $4.50 a gallon after we stir up a shit storm in the middle east which was a Bush decision!

    2. We had never had prices that high before so it was a big deal.

    3. Obama pushed for higher CAFE standards so higher bad prices affect those who buy the newer higher mileage cars aren't paying more overall despite it being higher per gallon.

    Regarding your bitching about food prices, it's likely higher due to weather and drought more than fuel prices. Which those assholes on the left are also trying to do something about that you won't like and you will surely overlook the benefits of and/or credit someone else.

    Actually, I don't see it as hypocrisy at all, but see how it might have sounded that way.  The point I meant to make was the way the libs screamed when gas went way up under Bush for a short while (but then it came back down to its previous level), whereas there hasn't been a peep from any of those same libs while fuel has been near present levels for over three years.    I find it "funny" that you guys can't let go of Bush, and its all still his fault.  Six-plus years later.    I find it "funny" that you fail to recognize Obama's failures, and his unconstitutional takeover of our country.   I find it "funny" that you give him a free pass no matter what he does.  I find it "funny" that you find nothing wrong with his control of the media, and threats against his enemies.  I find it "funny" how the IRS scandal is to be swept under the rug ("We lost the emails" when we're all told that anything digital never goes away).   I find it "funny" how a new crisis/ scandal arises just as the prior one is gaining traction in order to snuff out/ overshadow the prior one, so people will forget about it.   Now go back and substitute "astounding" for "funny" in the above sentences.  

    What are "those on the left" trying to do about higher food prices?   Sign me up on welfare so I get it for free, along with a smart phone, hair extensions, and frenched nails?   I DO see that they're starving farmers in Nor Cali for water in order to save some type of frog, gecko, or turtle.    And are you really saying that higher fuel prices don't contribute to higher food prices?   "Bitching about food prices"?  I was stating a fact, and food is where I see the most impact.

    I'm not blaming libs for higher fuel prices.  I think that they are due to the oil companies themselves.  We've been desensitized to high gas prices, so there's no reason to bring them down.  And Exxon has to pay for their new compound north of Houston somehow.   The ripple effect of high fuel prices is endless.  My fees are higher because fuel is higher.   I'm gonna pass along that expense. 


    I don't blame liberals for anything/ everything just because they're liberals.  Ditto for conservatives/ Republicans (not the same thing).  I don't give Bush a clean pass, nor Kasich, nor Boehner (note:  I don't consider any of them conservatives, and fully agree with the eagle graphic above).  My viewpoints are based on observations.  I don't feel that Obama nor any of his ilk have the best interests of this country at heart.  I feel that they have an agenda (Rules for Radicals, Cloward and Piven.  Take a look.  Hopefully you'll see the connections).  His own words prophesied about his intentions.  He told us what he was going to do in his campaign speeches, but nobody paid attention.  Now  he has become a dictator with a "pen and a phone", and nobody is stepping up to stop him.  Nobody.  

    I think that those in power (government and corporate) have a sinister plan for world dominance. 

    Some days I worry about it.  Most days I don't.  God is in control, and knows what He's doing. 

  5. I wish Obama would get off his butt and drop the gas prices.  And then fix YouTube's caching problem - it's gotten worse and worse since he took office.

    My point exactly, which I don't think is what you intended. 

    He can't fix it, and neither could Bush, but the media was ALL OVER Bush about the short spike in gas prices.   And not a peep about Der Fuhrer in over three consecutive years.  

    I don't go to the grocery very often, but when I do is when I realize the impact that high gas prices can have.  Food is sooo much higher in such a short time, largely (I assume) because of transportation and other related costs.   And still, no griping from the left.   

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  6. Well, they are CRUISERS with short cornering ground clearances after all.  Footpeg scrapes when you don't know the point where they'll grab and cause a low-side can be nerve-wracking.  At least the guy knew his limits - a lot of squid boyz don't, and not only pay the price, but ruin the group ride for everyone else collecting the smashed bike and waiting for an ambulance to arrive.  When I'm on a slow group ride, I take it as a challenge to just dial back and enjoy the scenery instead of pushing the art of curve lines.

    I'm not nearly that insightful, especially on a straight, flat road (73 between Sboro and Waynsvl).  I view it as straight up inconsiderate assbaggery doucheyness.   And yes, those are real words.  It says so in the Geneva Convention.  Look it up. 

  7. The same way most things work: to maximize profit.

    There's even one school of thought that it would lower oil prices at home but like most things, I doubt that would come true long term.

     Yah.  Now that they know we'll pay $3+ gallon, I don't think it'll go much below that, if at all. 

    Remember $1.89/ gallon, the day Obama got elected? 

  8. I'm not ready to write this one off. 

    I'd give a nut for a XBow, but think the Slingshot would be a blast at the right price.    I like the minimalist approach.  Called my local Polaris dealer and they said that they don't have anything firm to base this on, but they thought the Slingshot was gonna start at about $18k.  Hmmm.  Okay.  I'll put a purchase of one of these in my "maybe" column, pending a test drive.    Then I dug a little further on the interwebz, and found that its gonna have a Chevy engine in it and be somewhere arount $30k.  Of course, all of this is wild speculation at this point, but that latter info put that vehicle in the "noooo chance" column of my ledger.  

    I'll wait and see.   Kind of like a Razr:  I'd like to have one, but when I look at it from a practical standpoint, it'd be a huge waste of money.  Although I could use this for work, whereas I can't use a motorcycle for what I do.  

  9. I've personally done 90 on a harley...a few actually. The vrod will do 90 in first gear. The other one was a dyna low rider and it took some persuasion but eventually got up there.

    Your problem might have been that this particular harley rider was also old as fuck, scared as fuck or dumb as fuck.

    Some people shouldn't ride.

    It seems to be a mentality thing (kind of like guys in diesel pickups that think they're obligated to leave a huge cloud of black exhaust when leaving every stoplight).   This wasn't the only recent case of a HD rider doing under the speed limit.   I don't like group rides, but did one about six weeks ago with some close friends. Leader is an awesome guy, but was on a HD, and we spent three hours riding 5mph under the speed limit.   

    I guess I shouldn't have said that HD is unable to do the speed limit, but the HD mentality that I've seen lately is that the riders refuse to.  Consistently. 

  10. TL1000's (Suzuki) had this issue.  For a year...


    I can believe the 20-30 mph story, but not the 90mph.  I've never been behind a Harley thats able to do the speed limit,  no matter where it is or what the speed limit is.  I was 11th in a line of cars yesterday afternoon (I was on the bike) on SR73 between Springboro and Waynesville.  Why the line?  Because the Harley at the front of the line decided that we all needed to be going 45mph in a 55mph zone.     Aaaaaarghhhh.   


    I have no desire to own or ride a Harley.  None.  

  11. Can Am trikes make me chuckle (not for any good reason). 

    THIS looks like it would be awesome.  May have to look into this, but I'm guessing there's a long waiting list.  I'd rather have an XBow, but hey...

  12. "spurs the nation’s economic recovery"  


    Yeah, I see evidence of that everywhere.   Uh huh.  A small part of NE Ohio and in the Dakotas.  Period. 

    Methinks that they thinks that if they repeat this mantra enough, we'll start to believe it.   Hey, it worked to START the "recession", right?   5% unemployment, and they said we were in a recession, which started one. 

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