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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. Slightly OT. This drives me insane. babies inherently are NOT lactose intolerent. Personally, i see no reason to bottle feed on anything other than breastmilk, but thats a whole other debate, but would probably solve this problem. Soy formula will help with the fussiness, and it takes time for a babies digestive system to get used to something its not qute made to use yet. BOT/ Congrats on the new baby!! It will be a rough at first but totally worth it. I know an EXCELLENT newborn photographer if you need one! *wink wink-nudge nudge*
  2. You don't have to be a pro to love a photo you have.
  3. He also wasn't *that* unprepared. The 70-200 would have been MORE than adequate. THis was my response on a photography forum about this recent article. To add to that, he states that as a photographer he understands that you are winging it about 50% of the time (which is why most photographers come OVER prepared) He was able to "scrape" up a studio from a fellow photographer, he couldn't come up with a notecard and rubber band to use to bounce with? I have looked at others of his work, this is not his forte. I don't go photographing sports to sell because its not my forte, so why did he/his publisher let these out?
  4. And thats fine for other threads, but i know I personally don't want to be critiqued on what i consider my best work.
  5. I think this thread should not have any criticism (this is just my opinion) since these are what we consider our "best"
  6. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7264/7522657728_dcc1655e10_n.jpg Screen Shot 2012-07-07 at 4.33.54 PM by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr
  7. you fail at hot linking.. use IMGUR.
  8. http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2689/4303341132_5facab0882_z.jpg ruthbarnaclebeads2 by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr
  9. At 90° at midnight.. I can see why people weren't out. Trails was pretty light as well
  10. did you have an alignment done?
  11. Not posting them all, but here are a few from tonight http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8285/7518671820_2059aac0ba_o.jpg _PLH0129.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7274/7518672260_98f3d86bce_o.jpg _PLH0134.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7123/7518674094_8d01bd80f1_o.jpg _PLH0167.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr Here are the rest Flickr Set
  12. I lol'd till I cried when I saw this the first time
  13. People still hanging out up there, we are just leaving NatTrail
  14. Anyone know how late they are at national trails tonight?
  15. Also affordable pet care on trabue is cheap
  16. Midwest will give it a quick look over for free and suggest solutions as well as suggest who to have it repaired by if there is an issue.
  17. I have been using an app that has been working wonders with our junk mail bank offers. I highly reccomed it.. PaperKarma. We hav seen a DRAMATIC decrease in credit card offers. It takes anywhere from 3-12 weeks for it to become active and the app notifies you when it's been processed. It's awesome.
  18. I really think you might need to take it in to Midwest. I've been doing some serious searching on this issue and can't see to replicate what you are showing. I would suggest reset to default, drain the battery completely and recharge it ( or replace with a completely different battery) reinstall the firmware and try again. There is no update to the firmware other than what it came with.
  19. What lens are u using, both that you tried.
  20. I dont think it was the overpass.. i was standing before the road switches to bridge. I found out that my remote release for my D90 doesnt work with my D700, so i have to get anohter one. I was on bulb mode and using only finger on the trigger. the shake is probably more my fault than the road.
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