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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. I didnt know people still trusted 5/3. Sucks you have to go thru this, but hopefull you will find a bank that isnt full of criminals.
  2. My thread is prettier Why not merge them, then, Mr. Super Moderator? Thank GOD they are out helping!
  3. How has everyone else fared? Hilliard/Columbus Area Out 8:30ish Tuesday- Back on 12:45 Wednesday- Kerosene heater kept the house a lovely 70° and camp lanterns were helpful, but we were bored and decided to read and fall asleep.
  4. mrs.cos

    On ice

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5291/5408307819_504e41b195_z.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5016/5408919136_41488f6f20_z.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5095/5408920836_d2a99d7c6d_z.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5259/5408316937_a9b72a98f6_z.jpg
  5. I dotn think he has it on the screen, just the frame around it. Mine was like that for a while as well.
  6. I'd like to upgrade my processor.. http://www.lucky-designs.com/pc-Specs.jpg
  7. Hello, my name is Sony! Preez to take me home.
  8. Took them 40+ minutes to actually let us know what happened to P.Dempseys car.. drove me insane.. because i couldnt recall his car number to know if he was back on track.
  9. I think its the first STI wing i dont hate.
  10. There is a CF option for this, and i agree, it looks al ittle out of place. but honsetly when you are with the car, you barely notice it.
  11. QT has done 4 of our cars for us. I believe for my outback i paid ~250 for everything.. The Tint i have is lifetime transferable warranty. (this to me, is a big deal, as its a selling point)
  12. having worked at GM in a brake factory for long time, all i though about when i saw this was when we used to chuck the bad brake pistons across the lines into the reject dumpsters...
  13. Picasa is Aldo another free alternative
  14. Photoshop elements is pretty cheap compartivly to photoshopCS. I would reccomend this for starters and Scott kelbys photshop elements book. Gimp is a free alterative but can be flustering.
  15. Another small note to keep In mind, do you want potential owners to relinquish the pet back to you if you they no longer can keep the dog
  16. Indeed. http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/mpmyth.htm
  17. There is also this pic of course. *edit* Oh it loooks GOOD with those wheels!!! http://www.lucky-designs.com/isithereyet.jpg
  18. This seem like a very last minute decision to get into breeding, IMO. That being said, how many times do you plan to breed her? Will you be neutering the boy? A cycle, "heat", will last around 2-3 weeks. and happens about every 6-8 months. 2-3 litters was all we did for our girls when we bred pits (this was about 10 years ago) and we ALWAYS waited for her second heat before breeding. What kind of contracts do you want for the puppies. Do you want spay/neuter contracts, do you want to require finishing for the dogs. Are you breeding the two you are adopting together? How will you handle the separation of the parents while she's pregnant, or after she has the babies? One issue i came across was that the male in our house didnt like the puppies, and tried to get at them, any time he could. My family also bred dachsunds, and the mom was HORRIBLY aggressive to anyone who tried to get near her puppies. I cant talk about the costs of vent for pregnancy, because it was so long ago, but we didnt go that often. They arent pregnant very long At this point, i would really suggest contacting the breeder you are buying from and asking them a lot of questions. This website seems to have some good info, but appears to be about 5+ years old. Does have some good follow through reading on the birthing process. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_care_of_the_pregnant_dog.html This one seems pretty decent as well. http://www.dog-spoiling-made-easy.com/care-of-pregnant-dog.html
  19. The only Point and shoot i reccomend to anyone right now. Canon S95- Powerful camera with ITTY bitty living space.$454 This is among the top P&S camera that i have read about on all the photography forums i belong to. http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-cameras/canon-powershot-s95/4505-6501_7-34154931.html http://www.amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-S95-Stabilized-3-0-Inch/dp/B003ZSHNGS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296025236&sr=8-1
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