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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. Sounds to me, like it might be time to find a new hobby that doesnt require alot of movement.. Video games are just gonna bore the ever loving piss out of you, it sounds like. I know reading sounds boring, but maybe you havent found the right books? Or maybe making model cars? The two months will be torture, but only if you let them. netflix on the Xbox is awesome. and for the 8 bucks for streaming only, its a hecka deal. what are your other current hobbies when you are not immoble, that maybe you can do a spin off of, into smaller hobbies
  2. I looked, i still have NOTHING in my yard.. nothing is sticking, at all.
  3. if his optiones are either One or the Other, im gonna assume they are pretty close to being the same
  4. The latest models are showing we will be lucky to get a full 1". South west Ohio to get the most.. I'm not terribly excited. :yawn:
  5. You're right. Sorry, cannot separate. I need to sell it all at once, or not at all.
  6. mrs.cos


    You are reading the wrong tutorials then... but anyways.. a quick youtube search
  7. nope. Sorry.. I need to sell it all at once, or not at all.
  8. Im jumping the canon ship, and clawing my way to the Nikon side of things, so my gear is up for sale. $725 for everything Teh only thing i DONT have a picture of is my camera.. because.. well.. if you cant figure out why, i have no way of helping you. http://www.flickr.com/photos/luckyboudica/sets/72157623839645807/with/5221799056/ http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5090/5221200637_af03faaa6d_o.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5284/5221200803_2a7dd2cef0_o.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4090/5221799056_b57d28ff8c_o.jpg
  9. the Nifty 50mm is a portrait lens plain and simple. It should IMHO be a part of EVERY canon owners lens collection (unless you are rich and can afford the 1.4:eek:) But for what you are talkigna bout.. no.. the 50MM would not be a good choice\ I would love to have 24-70mm for day to day stuff.. i routinely rent it from MPEX. (btw Dennis at Midwest is awesome and has some decent lens rentals if anyone cares, including the lens we are discussing here)
  10. If you dont get it, then you wont get it. Im not trying to be a smartass here, but seriously, it really is a good show. Season 12-15 to me have been the best, by far. The videography is beautiful, Jeremy Clarkson has presence, and is well spoken. THe humor is campy, but the episodes are intriguing and beautiful.
  11. We are giving it a real shot. We lol'd a fair bit in last episode. It will never replace UKTG, but we will enjoy it as a seperate entity.
  12. +4 Get you some snow tires.. then.. come spring start shopping for some summers.
  13. I'm just looking to talk to one about the adoption process. if any knows a good one, I'd appreciate any input, and contact info. Also, if you have adopted in the last 1-3 years, i'd like to hear about your experiences. (PM's are fine, if you dont care to talk publicly about it)
  14. this was posted on COS the other day about 1080/740 and viewing distances http://www.blogcdn.com/hd.engadget.com/media/2006/12/resolution_chart.jpg
  15. just an FYI, you can do Netflix on the Wii now. (no bluray/nor dvd player) I think, for kids its a great system. We keep ours bagged as a Party Game now, and take it with us to partys. I love mario. I dont see the wii going away anytime soon, even with Xbox's new kinect system. You will want an alternate gaming system as your main one. Get a refurb'd for the kids and buy yourself the PS3 or 360, imho.
  16. Those guys were COMPLETE assholes to us. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.
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