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Everything posted by Xfz

  1. OK, that ought to reduce participation to near zero1:cool:
  2. Thanks for the video John, now I am really bummed about not being able to hang with you guys to the good part of the ride. 78 to Nelsonville was ok but, nothing like the video.
  3. Xfz

    Worth Getting?

    Wow!! I learned to ride on a TS 125 of the same vintage. It is definitely worth $50. On the other hand I am not so sure it cost much more brand new.
  4. Xfz

    Back in Ohio

    Welcome, see you around the village. Drop a note when you get your bike.
  5. Xfz

    The Dragon

    The Dragon is a great ride. Its worth the Interstate time to get there. Once you work up a sweat on 129 switch to the Cherahola. Now that is a fantastic ride with long sweepers.. A lot less traffic and did not see any cops.
  6. Xfz

    Big Pine

    That section between 374 and 56 usually has a lot of gravel.
  7. Xfz

    Big Pine

    I don't think that there was any mention of Big Pine being a race track in my note. Yes, the horses were there and no they didn't even even look up as I passed by. However this would explain the dirty looks from all the people in the parking lot. As far as BLAZING by the place, this was my the first time on this section of the road. I enjoyed the road and wanted to share the info.
  8. Xfz

    Big Pine

    Big Pine Rd between 664 and 374 is excellent if either of the main roads are packed with cages. Its a little narrow in places but, the pavement is nearly flawless. Last Saturday there was only one spot of gravel at the base of a driveway. Also Big Pine is a really good short cut to 56. Can't imagine why anyone would want to but, there it is.
  9. Ohio Valley in Lancaster has a one day course. Its pretty expensive but you get to shoot in the DARK:eek:. Pretty cool. Also the Fairfield County Sheriff's office is easy to work with. (As far as CCW goes anyway. )
  10. Do my best to get there. Depending on timing I may need to bail and take a short cut home. The "CEO" may object to my disappearance for the whole day.:grin:
  11. This looks like a fantastic ride! It covers some of the road like 26 which I have been meaning to try. Do you have be in the CSBA to ride along?
  12. Gents, I try to ride the hills every Saturday and/or Sunday. Just drop me a note and I will be happy to lead or sweep.:grin: The earlier in the morning the better.
  13. That was a cool ride:grin:. I hope everyone got back home safe. And for the ones who tangled with the gravel. I am very sorry. Should have scouted the road on Saturday but, I was not home.:sad: That Beemer sounds cool when you open it up.
  14. I am not too sure about this group riding thing. However, if you don't mind I will hang with you guys for at least some part of the ride.
  15. Xfz

    hocking ride

    Clear Creek is terrible. You have to work really hard to miss those gigantic pot holes. In a couple of spots there is nothing you can do. Stand up on the pegs, grin and bear it.
  16. OK, That's funny. Noon is kind of late anyway.
  17. If you guys don't mind a slow old guy tagging along I should be able to make it. Don't know the Coshocton area at all but, hearing all the noise about how great the roads are, I just got to try. Just say when and where.
  18. Xfz

    7/3 morning ride ?

    Anyone up for a quick morning ride (Hocking area). I have a couple of things to take care of in Lancaster than I am off. Meet at Tim Hortons @ 8:30 AM?
  19. Excellent route. A word of caution though, you are looking for a world of hurt on those roads if you are pushing hard enough to knee down. Gravel in the usual places and assholes in pickups coming at you in your lane on blind curves. On the positive side 374/180 section is pristine. :grin: I will be out there a few hours after you guys.
  20. Xfz


    Did anyone notice the total disappearance of the Universal Japanese Motorcycle??? The closest thing I have seen is the Suzuki Bandit but, its just not right. I read that Ducati is trying to market an all purpose motorcycle with really fancy electronics. However, at $20,000 its no UMJ. After spending a year with a 1000RR ( could not help it Honda was giving them away:smile:) I kind of wish there was some modern equivalent to my GS1100E. Yup, I am old.
  21. If there is an M2 involved I am in. Name the place and time. If anyone wants to try a 375 Ruger let me know. The scope is not sighted in. The iron sights work. :grin:
  22. Damn, like to see one of the new Beemers in action. I will ride with if you can give a little more warning. I am only minutes for Carroll and 33. I will be out there this Saturday if interested.
  23. I am sending for the stickers right now. The creativity on this site just boggles the mind. Plus I may not have the coordination required for some of the moves. Although humping the gas tank could work :grin:
  24. Count me in. Ride or not I will make a stop.
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