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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Glad to hear you are happy with the move. Here's wishing you the best for your future up there.....btw that tablesaw I bought from you a while back is still working great!
  2. Guess that would apply to drunk drivers too, huh? I mean, there are very few who ended up killing someone after driving drunk that would have said beforehand that they couldn't do it without getting into a wreck. Too bad inebriated or distracted drivers that got into a wreck, especially if it maimed or killed someone, weren't just eliminated altogether themselves.
  3. Yep, I have one of those 19V Craftsman batteries that is showing dead when I plug it into the charger. Good battery to try this out on.
  4. Interesting concept.....I'm going to have to give this a try!
  5. This discussion is nothing more than a repeat of earlier discussions over the same thing...lane splitting. Should we or shouldn't we. We have plenty of laws now that are not being enforced. We do not need another such law. We have enough to deal with on the road considering the numbers of 4 wheelers out there already disregarding bikes on the road. Adding to that allowing bikes to split lanes only increases the already bad odds of being involved in some sort of interaction with one of those 4 wheelers. Sitting in traffic waiting is just part of driving whether in a 2 or 4 wheeled vehicle. No one likes it, but with the increased volume of vehicles on the roads its a way of life. With that additional volume comes an additional need to be more careful on a bike rather than less so. I believe its not necessary and is thus a waste of time and money to even go through the motions to try and bring about that kind of change.
  6. Might as well face it-Leo's can do whatever and only occasionally are they made to face any sort of punishment. I know many like to say things about rights and all that, but when out on the road one on one with an armed cop, you are at their mercy basically. Then its your word vs theirs......to power any legal repercussions you might bring about later, if there is a later.
  7. Well we all know Washington DC is not known for having the smartest people around......lol
  8. Wow, I guess that did happen a while back. I wonder whatever happened with her lawsuit?
  9. A few years back I had AW Farrows install and balance a front tire I bought from them. Went up after it was done, rode it home to Circleville, 40 miles away. Noticed it was not riding very smoothly. Of course I picked it up at the end of day on Saturday. Rode it some Sunday and yes it felt like the tire was not balanced. I rode it slowly up the road keeping my eye on the tire and noticed what seemed to be a slight bulge or something in the tire. Parked it until Tuesday when they were opened. Rode it back up because I thought there was something wrong with the tire. They took it, called me later said it was done, they could find nothing wrong. I picked it up and they charged me $90! to check their work out. Rode it into town,m turned around and went back because it was still wobbling a bit. Argued with them getting no where. So I rode it to Reisers down on 23. He dropped what he was doing, pulled the front wheel off and mounted it on this simple tripod stand and spun the tire around. Sure enough you could see the tire was out of round. One side had a sort of bulge, enough to throw the balance off totally. He said the tire was bad and I should take it back where I bought it. I related my story to him then, and he said try the manufacturer. They said I had to go through the dealer where I bought the tire regardless. I went back to Farrows and ended up being escorted off the premises by the police. Moral to the story is make sure you are dealing with a shop that cares about making things right with their customers. Because, at least in my case, you have to deal with that tire dealer if there is a problem. The manufacturer will not help. In your case its a bit different. But adding a couple of tubes isn't all that big a deal. What, like $20 or so extra? Seems like cheap insurance, but I would take it back to have it balanced correctly. Hopefully that's all that's wrong. Best of luck.
  10. Hey now, facts are not allowed here......
  11. I just saw the initial video, the date said 4/2013, didn't know it was a repeat.
  12. Here is that other incident I was talking about.....remember?.......
  13. Sorry, only read the first post. Considering its stainless I would be checking with some of the more reputable gunsmiths in your area. Good luck.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9n6kJ3m5_8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Looks like more bs in the Canton area although this time its the county mounties instead of the Canton PD.......
  15. Depends on the rust....is it pitted or just light surface rust. For the surface stuff I will take some JB 80 and spray the area and let it sit for a while. Then any surface rust will come off pretty easy by using a rag to wipe it off. Then I leave a nice coating of the oil on the spot and do it again. Careful using anything like one of those green pads for cleaning dishes or anything abrasive as it can easily take the bluing off....ask me how I know....lol I have taken to using some of those silicon impregnated socks to keep my rifles and handguns in. Seems to keep them nicely lubed and rust free.
  16. I'm in the 'don't text' camp. Never have, never will. Using a cell phone will driving is bad enough (taking your attention off the road the other drivers) but texting makes it way worse, imho. Unless you have one of those bluetooth setups where its built into your car or truck. I mean, honestly, how many times has another driver cut you off, or done something otherwise that nearly got you in a wreck, and they were on their phone either texting or talking, when it happened? Seems it happens more than if the other driver is just driving along not using their phone. There's enough crazy crap out there, enough asshat drivers out there without making it worse with them screwing with their phones while driving, imho.
  17. Guess that biker showed the cager, huh? Just shows that idiots come in all shapes, sizes....and on all bikes.
  18. Blocks shoe store in Circleville has them
  19. That's some funny shit there.....LOL
  20. Try reading the news sometime. Although they were not called 'riots', they were almost certainly of the same lot. You should just go back and stick your head in the sand.........
  21. Hardly. Maybe you find yourself within this criteria, but not many people I know, including myself, can be compared to this government.
  22. Buckeye Firearms Foundation is raising money to buy Zimmerman a new gun. " On the heels of news that Attorney General Eric Holder and the DOJ will not give George Zimmerman his gun back anytime soon, the Buckeye Firearms Foundation is raising funds to buy Zimmerman a new one.The Foundation posted the following on their website: Regardless of what you think of the Zimmerman verdict, we are a nation of laws, not mob justice. George Zimmerman was tried in a court of law and found NOT GUILTY. And that entitles him to continue exercising all his rights, including his Second Amendment right to own a firearm. They then explained how "outrageous" it is that Holder refuses to give Zimmerman back his gun, adding: If Eric Holder chooses to deny Mr. Zimmerman [the right to own a gun], Buckeye Firearms Foundation will remedy the matter by purchasing a new firearm for him, including a holster, flashlight, and any other gear he wants. This is about more than mere principle--Zimmerman and his family now face daily threats against their lives. More than ever he has a right to defend himself against those who would seek to do him harm. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/22/Buckeye-Firearms-Foundation-Raising-Money-To-Buy-Zimmerman-A-New-Gun?utm_source=contentsharing&utm_medium=linkexchange&utm_term=postion5&utm_content=Buckeye-Firearms-Foundation-Raising-Money-To-Buy-Zimmerman-A-New-Gun&utm_campaign=foxnews
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