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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. I was a kid growing up around the Det are back in the 60's. Back then it was the 3rd largest city in the US behind Chicago and NY and a very vibrant city. Its hard to believe its gone downhill so much that its barely larger, population wise, than Columbus. But the town is just a shell of what it once was. Sad indeed....
  2. chevysoldier- Have you ever checked out how much your mpg's change when using an ethanol mix? I call it 'cost per tank' which is different from mpg. You might still be ahead of the game when you get big discounts at Kroger, but unless you actually check and 'do the math' you never know. Same with trying a higher grade of gas. Might make a difference even though the initial outlay is more......sure proved me wrong with my truck anyway because when someone suggested me checking into it I said the same thing as you. I was driving nearly 100 miles one way to work everyday so I tried it, figured I would prove the guy wrong. Joke was on me....lol Just thought I'd bring it up, might be worth the try especially if it works.
  3. I also found that sometimes using a higher grade of gas actually makes the overall cost of a tank of gas cheaper because it improves your mpg's enough to more than offset the increased cost per gallon/tankful. I had an S 10 once that called for reg unleaded, but if I put mid grade in the mpg's went up. Enough so the actual cost of the tank of gas was cheaper using it. You just have to pay around with a few tanks of gas to figure if it is that way with your vehicle.
  4. My driving habits when trying to stretch my gas mileage- Keep whatever tires you have all aired up to specs, keep the air filter clean (I installed a K&N kit which added 2 or 3 mpg), do not use ethanol or ethanol blended gas, no jackrabbit starts, try and keep as constant a speed as you can....and when on the highway if I drive over 73 mph I see gas mileage drop quite a bit......60 mph seems to be about the best.....understanding where your vehicle gets the best mpg is good to know... The old theory of driving a pickup with the tailgate down to improve mpg is a myth-mythbusters proved that. Keeping your vehicle tuned and all the things you mentioned kept up also helps. I once owned a Dodge 1/2 ton shortbed with a 318 in it. It got 12 mpg, loaded, unloaded, fast or slow, didn't matter how I drove or what I did (as long as I kept it maintained up to snuff). Sometimes a vehicle is just going to suck gas.
  5. Neither are very good, perhaps both are bottom feeders
  6. ^^^^^^ This Thorogoods are American made-best boot I have ever owned.
  7. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/15/holder-zimmerman-trayvon-civil-rights/2518435/ I just don't see how this can go anywhere, but one never knows.
  8. Well, AG Holder is saying he is going to try and bring Federal charges against Zimmerman so this isn't going to die down anytime soon.
  9. And if he were to be acquitted.....BAM!, civil suit. Sure seems like double indemnity to me, but the die has been cast.....
  10. I've done the resto thing-a 1971 Z-28. Didn't have to do any bodywork, but did rebuild the entire suspension including body bushings, rebuilt the tranny & rear end, and rebuilt the engine which ended up dyno'ing at 508 rhp out of a small block chevy motor. It can be lots of work, but the more work, the more satisfaction derived when its all done, imho. But like someone else said, do not expect to get back out of it what you invest in it. Consider it a labor of love. Enjoy
  11. That's what I was afraid of....thanks man!
  12. It is far different than any other site I frequent.
  13. Yep and I might have been that dumbazz too Ben. I truly appreciate you speaking up. Just trying to fit in but not doing a very good job.....
  14. Ever get the feeling you're not wanted?

  15. How is traffic on 315 to 23 and on north at 7-7:30AM on a Friday? thanks
  16. The Nolan trilogy I just got is pretty quiet. Airflow is tremendous imho. Best helmet I have ever owned.
  17. Be safe out there and have fun today!
  18. Mine was a '71 Yamaha 360 Enduro and a '72 Yamaha 360 MX-bought em both at the same time..
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