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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. The grandkids were 8 or so when they first rode on the back bringing the bike down from the barn (the driveway is blacktop and its maybe a couple hundred ft behind the house). At that time their feet couldn't touch the rear pegs but were supported by the saddlebags. When they grew so they could reach the pegs the began rides up the street and back. Now they are 11 and 12, can reach, so we go on short rides around town. Always with helmets and protective gear.
  2. I've been putting off a couple of medical issues myself....although I can sit without pain. I have finally resigned myself to surgery's but am going to wait until late fall early winter. Since dad was found to have cancer to which he lost the battle, I have had a hard time with doctors. But I think with some issues the only way to find relief is to do what the medical experts tell you to do. It sucks, but its real. 2tall, I sure hope you get it taken care of but can still fit your plans into the picture. But from the sounds of it maybe your issue is one you shouldn't fook around with.....no pun intended......or maybe there was! Best of luck bro.....
  3. Awesome is right! Enjoy man, you are living the life many of us can only dream of....
  4. The person on the red bike was one lucky sob. He should have gone directly to a casino and done some betting.........it was his lucky day.
  5. I've got the Scala G4 and until recently it was great. Then the wifes scala stopped working. Called Cardo and went through their checks and they finally just had me send it back for a new one. Can't beat that.
  6. I ride what you guys call a couch, a cruiser, because my back just can't take the leaning forward. Sad to think most of my riding years are behind me now, but there was a day when I loved hill climbing and trail riding. Not so sure I am limber enough for that anymore either...lol. So I ride a cruiser, need a backrest, but hey, I am out riding, and that's what counts. If I was a younger man like most here I would probably have bikes from different style groups too.
  7. We're cool barron, I should really take some computer courses.....lol...but at my age I always end up saying, 'why'. take care
  8. Welcome. I spent much of my childhood in the Detroit area. You name it, I probably lived there. Ohio has some primo roads to ride, so enjoy.
  9. I have been buying Cooper's for the cars and truck. I like the idea of them being made here in Ohio.
  10. Well I guess its just a lucky thing I didn't just go ahead and do what redbarron77 said. I'm a computer illiterate.
  11. I might just go back home after all that.....
  12. Yep not much reaction time, and a dog would have probably made the biggest difference.
  13. Lost lots of hunting gear to my dogs chewing them up. Back then they didn't have these nice little wire cages/crates they have now.
  14. That's the reason I and my wife always have our handguns within reach where ever we are in the house. A scene like this does make you want to kill that pos......
  15. Absolutely. And as far as I know hearing loss is gone forever, it doesn't heal and get better. I use those cheapo construction earplugs (foam kind) when on long trips. Its amazing how much better you feel after 8 hrs riding with ear plugs compared to without.
  16. It will take time to learn the in's and out's of this new software.
  17. Take some time away and come back and can hardly find my way around....
  18. Just change the taps inside the motor per the diagram on the plate.
  19. Check with some of the large moving companies. They quite often sell used moving boxes and those babies are very heavy. The even have large standup garment boxes you can hang stuff in.
  20. Congratulations on the opportunity! Hope everything works out for the best!
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