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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Usually it will fall down to the fact that some insurance companies do not write for pc 10 because of how they have made their deal with the state Ins commission. But like you said there will be those insurers out there that will write those policies. A few years back my wife was involved in some software testing involving rating. This included all states where Nationwide writes business. It was a real eye opener for me as to all involved in writing and rating a policy. And every state is different.
  2. I grew a shitload of habs and ghosts last year. I took 2 small flakes from some of the ghosts we dehydrated, 2 small flakes mind you, and threw them in about 2 gallons of non spiced chili I had made last winter, and the heat level on that chili was ATOMIC I kid you not.
  3. And so your next question should be 'why can't I be rated at the prot class 10 rate and keep your policy?
  4. hmmm, a little of this....... and some of this........ add up to this.......... I'm wonderin if anyone could eat a bowl of my chili???
  5. Shit like that sucks and today its happening more and more as our economy tightens its noose around everyone's neck. Hopefully everything turns out for the best!
  6. ohiomike

    Senate Bill 5

    Sorry to burst your bubble but not all of us union folk supported nafta, nor do we all vote democrat. Some of us can think for ourselves. I agreed with Perot back then and still do.
  7. We did our riding back in June on our 4800 mile ride west and back. Guess this time maybe we'll just ride over to Wheeling and cruise back west on the 'National Road' http://www.route40.net/page.asp?n=1067&s=OH&x=Ohiohttp://www.touring-ohio.com/history/national-road_mile-markers.html http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/back0103.cfm
  8. ohiomike

    Senate Bill 5

    I agree with SB5 in theory. Unionized public workers, well that is a different beast than any private sector union, so yes, their abilities to increase their monetary burden on taxpayers has to be controlled as does their collective bargaining rights. But at the same time you cannot have the final say in negotiations coming from one side or the other. It needs to decided by a 3rd party totally arbitrary. Escalating health care costs effect those benefit costs and retirement package costs. I think had the state bothered to take some time to work this out instead of manipulating and strong arming they could be sitting on a doable senate bill right now. Instead all they have done is wakened the beast, caused the state to spend even more money (the petition and election cost) while facing almost certain defeat of SB5. Kasich was voted in, partly due to the dems in Washington and partly because Strickland and the stunts he was pulling in Columbus. Kasich's biggest problem is his mouth. That and the attitude brought with it has led to this fiasco and will probably continue to get him in trouble while costing our state more unnecessary expenditures.
  9. I 'liked' it on fb, but see nowhere to become a 'fan'.
  10. LOL, back in the day, when I was growing, I had a crop of 52 7'-8' plants much like that, with stalks as big around as a baseball bat handle. A cop blew by the house (now I was living in town in a town of about 60K) and I noticed he was craning his neck around looking into my backyard. Ever had to rip out that many plants real quick like and stash them somewhere out of sight? I'll clue ya, they do not just pull up.....each root ball must have weighed 10 lbs. Whatta rush
  11. LOL, I did narrowly miss a big rain at home when I got back. The roads were still sockaed with puddles everywhere. Guess It had rained substantially but quit suddenly.... and my girl had a hot meal ready to plate when I walked in. Whatta babe....
  12. I have to agree. Websites don't mean crapola. References mean far more.
  13. I am running all red facing back-taillight, turns and brakes. No problems from an Leo's and I have been running all over Ohio in addition to other states. I just appreciate the extra visibility I now have from the rear
  14. Any road that gives us scenic panorama's with little traffic is a good riding road if you ask me. Its about the ride, the journey.....and the friendship
  15. ohiomike

    1001 mile ride

    Rode on up to Traverse City and back this weekend. Caught 31 N out of Marysville on up to US 30 W over to I-69 N at Fort Wayne. Stopped off in Battle Creek then took M-66 N to M-57 W. Caught M-37 on up. Had to stop in Newaygo at the sandwich shop downtown, then cruised on up through White Cloud, Baldwin, by Wolf Lake......man have those place changed.......stopped at the dealership in TC. Headed back early Sunday morning leaving in a cold (55*)rain. Ran out of the rain around Clare on US 127 S and saw all sorts of wildlife....right on the edge of the highway....and had to slam on the brakes when one of the buck whitetails decided the grass was greener on the other side. He scatted on across when he heard my exhaust backfiring....lol. Took 127 on down into Ohio stopping in Cement City (old Cement City Harley) at Town and Country Harley. Whilst riding through Lansing Mi the clouds decided to take a leak and it began raining (and nowhere to pull over!) so by the time there was a pullover spot it stopped so when I scanned the skies and saw more trouble on the horizon I found myself runnin at about 85 to get past the wickedness in the clouds. It worked and the rest of my ride was rain free. Ran on through Napolean, Ottawa, Miller City Left TC at about 9am and got home in Circleville at 6 pm. Great ride, love to go back to the ol home state as often as I can. Traverse City and the adjoining portion of the northern half of Michigan is just plain 'God's Country' imho. Everyone should take a ride up there. Ended up 1001 miles round trip and worth every raindrop......
  16. Mickey Iden http://www.manta.com/g/mm5c86l/mickey-iden references available A custom home builder. You will not get better anywhere.
  17. The only thing better about running the super slab is time- you get there quicker. Safer???? Hardly. And the deer. They will cross an interstate just as quickly as a 2 lane road if the geography surrounding the roadways can hold deer. Take a ride down 71 into Cincinnati. dead carcasses litter the shoulder. And I would rather hit one going 50 mph than hit one running at 70 mph. In addition your reaction time ain't the same. I cut my teeth riding in a state with a far larger deer population than Ohio. is right on. Its an inherent danger unless riding in the inner cities all the time.
  18. I am firmly against the health care bill in its entirety as written. The concept of national health care, or better yet, a reform of our health care system, is necessary, but the whole idea of writing up a bill, right or wrong, and proclaiming it a winner because doing something, even if its wrong, is better than doing nothing, is crazy, and the current bill is bs.
  19. ohiomike

    RIP Hightower

    a former Michigan State Spartan......
  20. I paid $85 for my Mossy 500 AB back in the 70's. Came with a slugster 24" slug barrel. Has never failed....has been dropped in duck ponds, ground into the rock beds of a rr track, abused and misused, but it still keeps firing. The stock and barrel were so screwed up, I re finished the stock and had the barrel re blued. The receiver was just a bit worn so I left it be. Easy to disassemble/reassemble and will load up 5 3" mag slugs or shotshells which is good enough for me. If I get into a firefight it'll have to be that along with my G23. I'd say a Mossburg should be the choice of a hd gun due to its price, availability, reliability and flexibility. Although that russian shotgun looks intriguing.....
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