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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. I watch it.....soley for entertainment purposes. Its TV for God's sake. It's all melodramatic hogwash, make believe....there's no way in he!! the networks could offer a realistic rendition of biker club life.
  2. Thank God you managed to miss him. Deer usually fare better than riders in bike-deer collisions. Quite often its a fatality......for the rider.
  3. So, tell us, all of you critics, just why is this bike not valued at the amount mentioned? I read the article from the link and can in no way find any info that would give a value either way. Based on just what I read here, I guess I can see why someone would question you all.
  4. So do you consider one of those Can Am things to be a motorcycle?
  5. Welcome from Circleville, Ohio
  6. Ohio's Covered Bridges http://www2.dot.state.oh.us/se/coveredbridges/
  7. How about a link. I googled thunder on the river and got nothing about an event in OHio.
  8. wish I had seen this early enough to have ridden along with you.
  9. If the vote were today, mine would go to Ron Paul. Sadly I do not think the msm is going to give him a chance. Instead I think the smooth talking Perry is going to be the Rep. candidate. Even though I do not think he is the best candidate, he might be the one that can actually beat Barry Soetoro.
  10. Not on a bet. Or I'd have a video of this big buck walking out in front of me up on 127 southbound, in northern Michigan, when I was tooling along at about 75+. Luckily when I downshifted and the pipes backfired he heard me and darted on across. He sure wasn't hearing my horn.... or the turkey scratching in the gravel just off the blacktop just a few miles further down 127. Them critters!
  11. Well remember Doc, a concerted effort like this really needs a leader, someone who makes decisions to make the ride work out best for everyone, at least that's what I have discovered. We have run lines of 50 pairs riding side by side and managed to keep everyone together. The ride captain upfront, another man bringing up the rear with a man or two in the middle all being able to communicate with each other so if someone breaks down, or straggles, if there is a malady along the way, well you get the picture. Sounds like you all are going to be running strong though, more likely knees to the ground, and ours were more relaxed and steady, no hurry, just enjoying the ride and the scenery. Different strokes...
  12. No biggie man. Social mediums like this are lacking when sarcasm is used...lol. So.... I know everyone is invited, just pokin atcha man No need changing anything. If you want to require or desire that riders wear protective gear, its your gig. The other thing would be the distance.....partaking would mean an 11 hr ride day, not counting stops. That's a pretty long day in the saddle for me and the missus.... Do it, have fun, and don't look back!
  13. Well said all. My nephew just got back stateside after doing a year tour in Afghan. Gotta have faith in their ability and in our God to bring em home alive and well. God's speed to her, and His comfort to you both.
  14. LOL, rules of what you must wear. Is this a govt function? LOL Been riding for nearly 40 years, been on many rides with some very long lines of riders involved and have yet to see any rules of what you must wear. But whatever, your ride, your thing. I wasn't invited, not into riding in groups at brisk paces, which to me translates into problems keeping everyone running together and certainly not going to be told what I have to wear for a leasurely ride. So its just as well. Y'all have fun, be safe
  15. Looks like the rider intentionally rode into the grill of the truck imho. He was way over in the oncoming lane long before impact.
  16. Will mark it on the calendar, but weather will play a pivotal role in our decision. Oct can be a damp cold time.
  17. Hmmmm, this thursday is 9/8.....
  18. Haven;t heard anything either......hope all is well for the rider.
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