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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Sounds like you got a helluva deal. Good for you, and good luck!
  2. From the resident know-it-all..... The ONLY thing you got right is about Ron Paul. The rest is merely ass-umption.
  3. Just depends on the unit and what extra's might be on the tub that require a 120V feed.
  4. Ok hooking up a hot tub is ez. Check the nameplate to see the minimum circuit size (probably 30A). If so, use 10 copper stranded wire for the 2 hot wires and the neutral (if needed), and run it through some 3/4 schedule 40 (grey electrical pvc) pipe. If going underground bury it at least 18" down to the top of the pipe in the trench. Mount a gfci 30A disconnect and run the pipe into it. If you don't have a solid mounting spot for the dc, try a chunk of treated 4x4 with about 2 ft down in the ground and 2 or 3 ft sticking above ground.. After you have the pipe run from the breaker panel to the dc, pull in 3 cut pieces of #10 stranded copper wire, one in its black insulation, one with red tape on it (on both ends) and the last with white tape on both ends. Also run a piece of #12 with green tape on both ends. Make sure you cut the wire plenty long. You should end up with about a foot sticking out of the pipe coming into the dc, and 3 or 4 ft sticking out of the pipe going into the panel. Install a new 30A 2 pole breaker in your panel. Go outside and terminate the wires into the dc. Black-line 1, red-line 2, white (if needed) to neutral bar, and the green #12 to the ground bar (separate bar from the neutral bar. Now terminate the wires coming from the tub into the dc. After they are all tight and the dc is closed back up, go inside and terminate the wires in the panel. Black and red #10 to the breaker, white to neutral bar, and the green to the ground bar.
  5. check out this camera mount.... http://store.theflip.com/en-ca/products/Product.aspx?SKU=AAT1B
  6. I guess if you're not satisfied with the responses, then do some of the digging yourself. Its all public information.
  7. The only thing I can see as a major hurdle for Paul is explaining his comments on the 9/11 attack. Those being that the attack was our fault. He suggests that, claiming that our former foreign policies has pushed the envelope ultimately creating so much animosity within the Islamic world that the attack was a result. But he never actually gets the chance to explain clearly before the catcalls nearly cut him off. But if that's his only negative then I would gladly vote for him. I agree with him-WE ARE NOT THE WORLD"S POLICE. Think of the money we would save by adhering to this simply policy. He is a constitutionalist, he wants to shake up Washington by taking the Fed's out of our lives and giving the states back their rights to control their own destiny. He is a strong anti illegal alien proponent and says each of us needs to accept more responsibility in our lives. Imho he is closest to what this country really needs right now. If I were to be elected into the office my first move, right after being sworn in, would be to rip up Nafta, Cafta and all the other related trade agreements. While total isolationism won't work, a hefty dose of it will.
  8. Those are some great roads up around Apple Valley. Haven't been in a couple of years now. Got lost back in that complex of houses on the lake there. It was near midnight, dark as pitch......
  9. Doesn't look waterproof......and does it have a handlebar mount?
  10. Yep, I would go for the top opening.
  11. I ride a TC88 motor in my bike. Its air cooled, it gets hot. I recently rode an Ultra with a 103 in it, never really noticed temps being noticeably more than my 88. Maybe they were. But when we buy these air cooled bikes we are accepting the fact that the motors run hot. Complaining about anything always brings more carping from the grandstand about most anything, and considering we live in such a litigious society I am not surprised some numbskulls would sue. Just add more casework for our already overworked judicial system.
  12. Let me know when you need the cash, one XL, one small
  13. My wife's Yamaha and my Harley get along just fine.... My first bike was a Yammie, the second was a Yammie, and the third was a Kaw.
  14. Must have been a whole truckload of t shirts......
  15. How about a small too...one for my little lady
  16. Seriously thought about it, but I would have to leave here at 6:30 am to get to Millersburg by 9 So scratch that......be safe everyone!
  17. I'm in for one of these in XL, prefer the black myself, shows the front pic better imho
  18. So you can assign a value to a picture of a bike, huh? No details, just from a picture. Me?, I need details. So in answer to your question, I just don't know.
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