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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Yeh, and lets hope the Ohio conservation department doesn't open the deer hunting seasons up any, like most other states have. Idiots they are. Can't figure the increased monies they will be getting, or the decrease in the number of deer out there.
  2. We have Verizon landline and wireless. On our trip out west, through Ia, Neb, SD, WY. Mont, Id, Ut, Co, Ka, Mo, Ind, Ill, never lost service until we got up in the higher elevations in the Rockies. No dropped calls. Used to have Nextel before moving here, but there is slim to no coverage down Circleville way with them so we switched. Been happy since.
  3. ohiomike


    Circleville. Its about a 20 mile ride. Nice stretch of sweepers, sharp hills and a few real sharp blind curves off the tops of some of the hills. Felt almost like I was going airborn at times...
  4. ohiomike


    Made a trip over to Lancaster and back today. Not far, I know, but taking it at 80 made it kind of fun......and it didn't take long either. Beautiful fall day, gots to grab them when we can these days...
  5. I disagree. We already have too many unemployeds. Adding more potential workers to an already overburdened labor system, educational system, ss system, health care system does not add up. Take the new legislation in Alabama. "Read Alabama's Immigration Law, Signed on June 9, 2011" http://www.whnt.com/news/whnt-read-alabamas-immigration-law-signed-on-june-9-2011-20110609,0,964137.story The ultimate undoing of ANY reform of immigration is that it'll cost the wealthy business owners money, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect that labor supply. Republicans want to protect the virtual slave labor the the mega farms and big businesses have and the Democrats want the new crop of social welfare junkies to vote for them and theirs. It's a win win for them and a lose lose for us. Remember this, the bottomline for the deciders, those politicians who are the paid for sellouts, is $$$money$$$= votes= re election = $$$money$$$. The irony of this is (the new Alabama law) is its doing one thing: Its PROVING that the illegal issue can be addressed. They (Illegals) are leaving Alabama in droves and taking their anchor babies with them. JUST ENFORCE THE LAW.
  6. The Yammie V Star line is nice with some big boys that are said to be some nice rides. But there is something about riding a Harley that sets it apart imho. I have helped several people find and buy some nice metric cruisers and am amazed at how different different bikes of the exact same makeup (brand, size, accessories) can be to ride. Reinforces how important it is to test ride them all. For instance I found my wife's V Star 650 Classic and its a great riding, operating bike. I helped her friend trying to find one and could not find one to match how good a quality feeling ride my wife's bike is. Ended up finding her a 750 Honda that felt right. conversely when looking for a bike for the wife most of the Hondas felt like pos's.....go figure...lol. Good luck!
  7. Hey man I'll ride wich any of y'all, ya just gotta slow down so I can keep up....lol
  8. Question is when will 'big brother' decide its time to stop the demonstrations.....ala another Kent State?
  9. Sure, but the other 49 are here to make sure they don't suffer. I mean the state represents too many votes!
  10. Rode a few short shorts this weekend. Twice to Chilli, and Sun we rode down to Jimbo's for some eats. But they were out of hamburger! Seems over 1000 visited the place Sat and they went through over 300 lbs of burger! We had to settle for pulled pork, but man that was still good. Took the long way back, turn here, turn there, go down a stretch, turn there.....until we made it back to Circleville. What a glorious day! Hope everyone made it home safe. Sat, came up on someone on a Valky sitting at the corner of Kingston Pike and 56 about 11 am or so. Nice bike. Never knew they were 6 bangers. The guy had a 276 (I think that was the road number) sticker on the back of his helmet. Him and another bike went south on 56, we swung onto Kingston Pike headed for Chilli. I wondered if it was anyone from here....
  11. Build a 50 ft high wall, with 50 ft footers, using labor provided by the illegals caught here. When its finished heave them back over the border, then mount armed snipers with 50 cal. autos. Its time to get serious about the invasion. They cost the nation $billions$ in health care costs alone. You do not reward lawbreakers by changing the laws but instead enforce them.
  12. Nails in the road could have been for anyone, 2 or 4 wheeled. People like that need to be drug by their dicks for 5 miles or more.
  13. I believe Perry said he is doing the same for illegals in Texas. During the debate in Fla he defended his actions saying it was the right thing to do. But there they had to have been living in Tx for 3 yrs to be eligible. There is something terribly wrong with the system, and those instituting such a system, when this is allowed to happen. And people wonder why we are beginning to see huge demonstrations against 'the machine'.
  14. Yep some just don't get it...gives em just more reason to fook with us bikers.
  15. Well had to take my doggie in yesterday for what we thought was a minor operation, but she is not fairing too well. Had to take her back in this morning, so we really can't leave her along in the house. Man its always something.....and to make matters worse its b utiful outside!
  16. Ok, considering this alot, but when I googled it your $310 price seems to about the same as many other places are offering.
  17. Seems therre is a good mix of all types of bikes here although sport bikes outnumber the cruisers imho. I have found that like anywherre there are those who automatically do the association game-you are the type of bike you ride-, but most just look at it like me. Its the ride, the journey, not the bike upon which you make your trek. Welcome to a great Ohio Motorcycle site!
  18. I believe we have a winner.
  19. Me be eatin some Chili.......my ridin will be the 45 miles to Rt 66, and the extra long ride back home to Circleville. I got out today....when it was still about 50. Rode about 100 miles so by the time I got back home it was near 70. Didn't realize the colors were changing over by Lancaster already. Real purdy it was.
  20. Exactly the point of allowing ccw's in the first place. A well armed citizenry...see a robbery using a gun....1 to the head stops it everytime....
  21. Hey, the tablesaw works great! Thanks hoblick......he's a standup guy
  22. Its election season so the lies will run amok across the airwaves at least for the next year. Good ol DVR allows me to skip right over ALL commercials including the political kind. Dig, study, then VOTE
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