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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. See whatcha get fer riding one of dem sporty bikes.....jk man. Dude you were clipping along at a pretty rapid rate. Glad to hear you suffered only minor injuries. The bike can be fixed. Take care and heal up, lots of summer left...
  2. strings, sometimes it takes a few for the thing to load up.... DA PA, heck I can't tell, my head can't hardly rotate enough to keep up....lol
  3. Ok, this one made me laugh. JimBo himself isn't going to put up with this kind of stuff, so I highly doubt it being anything but a rumor. The joint serves ice cold beer and great burgers, BIG burgers, and I have seen bikes of all makes there. There's parking in front of the eatery, or across the street, but it does have mostly HD riders, or cruiser riders as customers. But I have seen groups of sport riders come in with no bs from the Hog riders. But like anywhere, mix alcohol (beer) with an azzhole and we all know what comes out. And that can happen anywhere. And remember, if you do ride down there, he takes CASH only.
  4. Yep musta missed the part that you already bought it. My bad. As to the wallymower, I was talking about it lasting. I bought mine just to do trimming, once a week, sometimes I'd skip a week, and before the end of the summer it was giving me all sorts of problems. Maybe you'll have better luck, hope so. Me, I wouldn't buy another one.
  5. Kate Upton Perfectly Timed Slow Motion http://www.break.com/index/kate-upton-perfectly-timed-slow-motion-2084489
  6. Yep, we on two wheels can never be too careful when riding. Years back my best friend's dad was killed when he hit a deer (decapitated it) on his Electraglide running down the road at the posted limit of 50 mph down in Ill. He was an ex-LEO with lots of roadtime under his belt. His was a closed casket funeral. We just can't be too careful.
  7. Oh I agree. The driver was out of line but the cop went so far overboard after totally the cops' mishandling of the stop from the get go. That, imho, put both officers in more peril than the drivers failure to inform. Stress is stress and everyone handles if different, and because of the deadly nature of their job, cop's are under a lot of it. Still no excuse. Maybe he should sign on in one of the major Cities PD's, like LA or Philly Boston or NY. Stress there must be even higher for officers. But we should be more appreciative of those officers who go about their daily occupation safely while at the same time enforcing the law with respect and dignity given and taken. Thanks to you all!
  8. Sounds great except for the fuel needed. One of those things can suck a lot of propane or nat gas real quick especially during the winter months.
  9. A bad cop (for whatever reason) who should either find another line of work, or be transferred to a permanent desk job.
  10. Illegal immigration is illegal although not on the scale of an illegal war. But it does amount to $billions$ being burned up nationwide and all of us 'legals' are paying their way. Immigrants = votes and when our dear govt screws with their families (illegals) then tend to not vote for that particular candidate/party. It all comes down to votes as is the norm with the slime in Washington.
  11. Anyone riding up from Circleville way??
  12. Happy Birthday and hope your trip to Nashville is fun. Not sure if you are aware but anytime you ride in the mountains there is at least a 50% chance of showers....lol Last time we rode in the areas ( Hillsville, Va over to Danville and down to Raleigh) we rode through blinding monsoons.....still had a great time. Guess its just a part of the journey and adventure. gasup in Hillsville prior to the monsoon My gal standing by Lovers Leap in Va before the monsoon Right after this it let loose and was impossible to take any pictures.....didn't have any underwater camera equipt....lol
  13. On the internet communication can be difficult. All we see is what's typed on the screen. No facial expression or body language, just words. Sometimes it is better to just keep it to yourself.....a bad habit of mine..... But sometimes we all do get along, sport riders and us Harley riders. That's cool. Just wish us bikers could get along likewise with all the cages around on the roads. Usually that ends up with a biker down, like the other night (11 pm) on 22 eastbound just outside Circleville. This girl in a cage pulls out in front of a biker cruising east towards Lancaster. Like she couldn't see the headlight shining with a dark sky background. Bike hit her dead broadside, biker was dead on the scene. Bet she was either under the influence or texting. That or just plain not capable of figuring the bike was too close. His speed was estimated at near 50 or so. If that's the case she should get her license pulled. At the least, vehicular manslaughter, but most probably she'll get a citation for failure to yield or some bs like that. -RANT OFF-
  14. Have any pictures of the interior? And what would be the weight capacity? Would need to be able to safely handle my HD along with the wife's 650 V Star.
  15. So Farrow Lost their tuner eh? I was up there just before the 4th and it was sounding like there had been a shakeup.
  16. At least she'll stfu about Anthony.....
  17. I forgot the shotgun shock system is designed for softtails. Not sure if they have designed it for anything else, but you can check with Drew at http://www.drvtwin.com/. Good people to deal with. Tell him glideridemike sent you.
  18. Might look at the shotgun suspension. Its supposed to be great.
  19. I withya on a true fan sticking with your team regardless. Moving to Buckeye land a few years back I could see a strong fan backing for the team. There are extremists like everywhere, but OSU has a strong following. They team will survive. Fickle seems to be a good choice, and the addition of the new linebacker's coach is great for the team, and OSU will win its share next year with a good chance to beat the Wolverines again this year, although it may very well be more of a fight than in the RichRod/Carr years. Neither coach was worth a crap, but Hoke is quite successful and a big Wolverine football man. Makes me think of Fickle at OSU. Hoke is quickly making wholesale changes and while many of the players are from the RR era, look for them to be strong in '12 and quite possibly dangerous to play this year. I think both Fickle and Hoke emphasize old school strengths on defense Big 10 style but know how to blend it into the bigger faster athletes coming up. Great competition in the Big 10 only brings about better play from all the schools so come bowl time we can stomp some SEC azz. But I'm afraid OSU is looking at some real sanctions, and loss of scholarships which could really handcuff Fickle. I am a HUGE Wolverine fan but hate seeing OSU's team fooked by the attitude of a guy like Pryor who seemed to have Tressel over a barrel. Too Bad, Tress was a great coach between the lines.
  20. Wide Glide here, and yes I've gone 2 up on long tips loaded with luggage. At the time I was running lowered Fox billet shocks. Lots of adjustment, but being an inch shorter, a loss in travel. So in some rougher roads it would bottom out. Since mine were put on when the bike was new I still had my stock 12"ers and put them on before heading out west. Was only riding solo, but was fully loaded down. The extra inch of travel made a big difference. Isn't the Streetglide equipped with air suspension? Maybe your's is too old a model. If it isn't, that might be an option. If thats your bike in the pic it appears to have been lowered? Nice looking scoot. Lowered?
  21. Its our anniversary so will have to check with the ball n chain....errrrr sweety. 37 years of wedded gridlock....wedlock....lol Seriously, I'm a lucky man and still in love.
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