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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. Norman Gurley arrested in Ohio for having empty hidden compartment in car



    "LORAIN COUNTY, Ohio -- A man was arrested in Ohio Wednesday for having a hidden compartment in his car.

    The kicker? The compartment was empty.

    Norman Gurley, 30, was arrested by state troopers in Northeast Ohio after being pulled over on the turnpike in Lorain County........"



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  2. I noticed that.  Sad really.  The lack of concern seems to be prevalent in Washington anymore.  I guess they are getting their pockets stuffed with money so what goes on outside of D.C. is really no big deal to them.  I'll bet if they were under the same mandate as the rest of us they would be concerned.


    The question of whether the Constitution was obeyed needs to be litigated'



    "........The foundation explained that because Obamacare’s “individual mandate is a tax – and, indeed, Obamacare includes more than $500 billion in new taxation, in all – the law should have been initiated in the House, where Article I, Section 7, of the Constitution says new taxes must “originate,” in order to keep the taxing power close to the people.”

    “However, in defiance of this constitutional requirement, Majority Leader Harry Reid launched the law in the Senate, by taking an entirely unrelated House bill on housing for veterans, stripping it, and inserting the language that became Obamacare.”

    Beard said the “current attempts to roll out Obamacare are frankly a fiasco......”




    Another freaking court case.........but at least this one makes sense.  There is a process for creating a new tax, and Obamacare did not go through that process.  I have been wondering when this would come up.......

  4. An old old friend was the trainer for Pittsburgh back when Mario and Jagr were playing.  To this day he is still great friends with most who were on the team.  I believe last year he temporarily helped the Blue Jackets as trainer.   Based on what he has said it sounds like Lemeiux is a really great guy to know.

  5. This sickens me beyond belief....


    Sickness just begets more sickness.



    Emphasis Mine.

    Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

    Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

    In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

    B4U-Act calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”

    In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

    Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government. The Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act lists “sexual orientation” as a protected class; however, it does not define the term.

    You would think they wanted to fix that loophole, right? No.

    Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation;” however, the amendment was defeated by Democrats. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law. “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these ‘philias’ and fetishes and ‘isms’ that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule.”

    The White House praised the bill saying, “At root, this isn’t just about our laws; this is about who we are as a people. This is about whether we value one another – whether we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to become a source of animus.”




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  6. We have been focused on the failure known as Obamacare, lets shift our focus shall we. The Repubs have their own epic failure going on too. You remember, they passed all these voter id laws so they can keep people of color from voting?


    You guessed it. Fail.




    Political failings are non partisan crossing the aisle constantly.  Very few politicians give a crap for anything other than their re election and how much it profits them.

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  7. I have a few knives myself. Love em.  I found a nib Kabar short heavy Bowie a while back.  Made a nice leather sheath for it.  But one of my fav's is a Helle Symphoni.


    LOL, my wife hates it when I come across an auction or a flea market where they are selling knives.  Me, I love it.....lol

  8. This.  Used HD prices are down a lot right now. 


    As much as I'm not into HDs, I'm considering buying one to flip in the spring.

    And some are ridiculously priced too.  Saw a 2011 bagger listed on CL down in Ky at $30k!  But you are right, there are some deals out there.  Right place, right time......best of luck!

  9. Many buy a HD thinking that since the resale prices are so high they can simply sell and get their money back.  Imho this used to be true, but not so much anymore.  LIke anything else, once the market gets flooded the value stops rising.

  10. How did Obamacare site go so wrong? 5 questions Sebelius must answer






    My wife is a systems analyst who tests software for a large insurance company prior to the software being implemented to agents and or the ie. She has laughed at the debacle of it all. She has been involved in several projects where the target date of implementation was over 5 yrs out, and non of those projects were the size or complexity of the Obamacare project.

    We came up with this timeline, starting what, 4 yrs ago?

    First off, after its signing in as a law it had to be fully understood. Fully. Consider how long it would take someone to fully read and comprehend the bill in its entirety. Then, someone needed to script out how and what was needed pertaining to it being used by potentially everyone nationwide at any time of the day or night, integrating not only each state but also many govt departments with every healthcare scenario, every risk factor...yadda yadda. This could take quite a while. Then it has to go to programmers and developers. Code has to be written, testing has to be done. Every feature, every govt department, every state and their pertinent dept's, etc etc, must be able to 'talk' to each other, must be able to 'read' and correlate all entered info. Just looking at it through her eyes it could easily take many years to get it all done ending with a website up and running correctly. There are a vast number of variables that have to be worked out. Saying it could be done operationally within 4 years is saying a lot. Evidently, it was saying too much because its a broken $400M + website so far.

    As to this chick taking all the heat over its failure, I am not so sure the buck should land in her lap rightfully. But it is what it is and she is going to take the rap, stupid or not.

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