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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. A little common sense can go a long way.  Common sense is one thing totally missing from the mess called the AHA.



    "The Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare "defies the whole concept" of its intended purpose to make health insurance more affordable for more people, billionaire entrepreneur Ken Langone told CNBC on Wednesday.
    "Insurance is a fairly simple," Langone said in a "Squawk Box" interview. "It's spreading risk. It's sharing risk."
    "You're not going to bring 35 million more people into the pool for care and say, 'We're going to do it cheaper,'" he argued. "We're living longer. The longer we live, the more health care we need."........


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  2. Is a GW's wheelbase longer than a HD Wideglide?  I just added a Bike Pro chock on mine and pushed it forward just a bit further than the clamp that comes with the HF lift.  I picked up onf of those cheap chocks HF sells and modded it to allow the Bike Pro chock to bolt onto its base which I bolted down to the lift table.  I left the Bike Pro quick release base on my trailer.  The base of the HF chock is heavy enough to handle the weight of the front end.  When my bike (@ about 700 lbs) is on the table fully raised it is very stable.


    Please ignore the messy shop....lol



  3. To play devil's advocate...


    Does "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it" only apply to firearms?  How many officers should be killed before you would find this to be a rational purchase?  How many explosive attacks should there be before it's necessary?


    Plus I think it would be totally badass to watch that thing drag some cars out of illegal spots on game day.  The crown-vics, Impalas, Chargers, Explorers, and even the expeditions (if they still have those) aren't going to get that done!

    I'd would think money would be the deciding factor.  Sure it was cheap enough to obtain, but maintenance on it would seem to be astronomical as would keeping fuel in it if and when it was used.  The actual 'need' is so ridiculous I just cannot see any real justification.

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  4. Our 'family' copay is $300, then it switches to 80/20.  The thing that really kills that is its 20% of the 'usual and customary' which is hardly ever what the hospitals or Dr.s really charge, so we end up paying more.  Once I called the insurance company and asked them to tell me where any hospital or office actually charges their 'u&c' rate, and was told its all based on averages, but they still could not tell me what or where they got their figures.

  5. Man, sometimes you hear things that really bring a smile to your face.....

    a longtime friend of mine has been one of those advocates for the 'affordable' health care bill arguing with anyone about it, saying the poor need affordable health care and all that. Welll....he went on one of the exchanges just to prove everyone wrong. Now let me tell you this guy is a very studied individual. Went to college and really understand economics much better than I ever could. The was his statement after doing the 'exchange estimated cost' deal...."I just tried applying for health insurance as a 21 year old non smoking male.
    I was shocked at the cost. There was a 6300.00 deductible plan for 170.00 a month. That is freaking ridiculous.
    I wonder when the "affordable" kicks in under the affordable health care act.....170.00 with a 6300.00 deductible but there was a 202.00 option with a 4000.00 deductible

    Just like we've been hearing. There are going to more like my friend who continue to believe what they want, but when their time comes to do the exchange estimate deal I'm sure many are going to find the things that many of us have been complaining about isn't really so far fetched as they want to believe.

    The people/family groups who are going to actually save money are going to be far smaller a group.

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  6. My initial post in here was #8-, never mentioned anything about penalties....my next post was #12, again, nothing about penalties.....#16 was about the reliability of snopes.......and my final post, #21, only mentioned the penalties in response to your  previous post with me saying I really do not know anything about them but I would not put anything past the govt concerning any penalty costs.



    So, you say I am arguing about penalty costs


     Wait..  You are arguing penalty amounts....

     Try starting an argument with someone else Scruit.

  7. At least they quote their sources so you can check for yourself.  Do the math...  How does one get a $4k no-insurance penalty in 2014 while only earning $45-55k?

    So you think the govt actually cares about your income level when it comes to them penalizing a person?   I have zero faith in the current govt. and would not put anything past them in their attempt to make the 'change' they deem we need regardless of whether 'we' actually want it.  I claim to know zero about the penalty amounts.  I do know I have worked and paid my way for over 40 years and do not like knowing when we retire we will have to rely on some govt employee to determine whether we should be allowed coverage on some sort of necessary medical procedure based on our age and productive years left based on some sort of national average.  I also do not like having to pay for others to have healthcare.  These issues will effect us personally. Living pay day to pay day has become a norm to us, and any increased cost is going to hurt.  As to costs, any co pay increases come out of pocket as do deductibles.  


    Back during Obamas first campaign for Prez snopes was found to be less than reliable concerning information concerning Obama.  Since then I will check snopes but always take their writings as more opinion than fact.

  8. We have checked and compared before and nothing we could get that included what our coverage includes came close to how much we pay.  I did read a blurb from a yahoo.com source giving co pays, state by state, and here in the Cbus Ohio area, iirc, the avg co pay was about $47, and after OC takes over it will go up to around $200.


    There is some good in the reform bill, but there is more bad in it and because of it.  My friend says it needs 'tweaking', but I call it a near total 're write'.

  9. This whole thing is a bigtime controversy on lots of forums across the web.  One person who has been vocally pro Obamacare checked his exchange in California and was shocked to find that choosing as close to the same coverage as he now has was going to cost him twice as much.  My wife works at Nationwide and they are going to stay with their employer shared plan but said the govt was charging them something like $65 per employee, per year.  Now this 'surcharge' is actually a cost that the employees should be paying, but for the time being they are going to assume the cost themselves.  When the company has to renegotiate with the insurance company at the end of next year though, we are figuring the company will make a change.....if they are faced with more increases in cost.  So, ultimately even if you have insurance and don't participate in the exchange crap you are going to be paying into the system.  Many have said it's going to be cheaper to just pay the fines and remain the way they are, uninsured.


    Nearly everyone that has talked about checking their exchange pricing says its going up substantially.  I read somewhere that those who will benefit with cheaper prices are a select group....sounds like young families with 3 or 4 kids, something like that.

  10.   The 2 party system doesn't work, and its impossible to get a third party in office because there simply aren't voters for it. 

    I think its more like the 2 major parties are the ones who would make the decision to change to a 3 or 4 party system and that means giving up some of the campaign monies.......and that ain't happenin.  Term limits, pay raises, stopping their pay when the govt is partially shut down....all decisions congress would have to make will never happen.  They aren't going to let go of their brass ring.

  11. Driving under the influence of anything that impairs driving is a time bomb waiting to go off.  I would also classify texting, and nearly as bad, using a cell phone (unless you have hands free technology) to be lumped in with severe punishments if you violate any of them.  But what good will it do?  Leo's already miss court dates because they are so busy with 'more important' crimes or because their dept cannot afford the OT for such trivial offenses.  Lawyers find every loophole there is to get their guilty party off the hook too.  And there are plenty.


    So many people are on prescription drugs, that probably makes up alot of it, maybe most.  But I'm sure in the real world drunk drivers do the most damage yet they get off most of the time. 

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