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Posts posted by what

  1. 2 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

    Interesting idea.  If it proved feasible it would solve the recharge time/infrastructure concern...but I wonder if the consumables and waste would be a concern.

    Maybe I'll read up on it :dunno:

    It's a closed system. Spent battery fluid would just get sent back to be recharged. The big upside to this is the infrastructure is already in place with gas stations on every corner. I don't see this idea winning out in the end but it's at least interesting. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

    EV tech is evolving rapidly.  IMO, any EV that exist today will certainly be obsolete in 10 years. 

    Infrastructure is the driving force of the industry.  Infrastructure is largely going to determine which EVs are going to be successful...not the other way around.   I expect some failed formats (think VHS vs Betamax) before the industry is standardized.  Whatever company emerges & gains control of that infrastructure is going to become one of the most powerful companies in the world. 

    After those chips fall is when I'll seriously consider an EV.  Prolly 10 years.


    Whoever patents an effective and durable wireless charging pad that can be installed in existing parking spaces is going to be the next Bezos. Charging stations probably won't be a thing in the way gas stations are a thing.The simplest solution is to transform all parking spaces into charging pads that automatically charge a vehicle that's parked in the space and bills the driver using some sort of identity chip/ID attached to the vehicle. A good portion of the electricity could be gathered and stored in on-site batteries via solar in order to ease strain on existing electric infrastructure and keep overhead down.


    Jim, when you and your son put this together I'll be happy living off of 0.1% of gross profits.

  3. 38 minutes ago, ricer1 said:

    I agree with your statement that EV's will be mainstream viable in 7-10 years. I can't use a Tesla as a business vehicle due to the range. I drive to an account in Canada and it's a 320 miles away. I leave at 6:30AM and arrive before 11:30AM for lunch. During the winter the Tesla range will be reduced due to the cold, we can argue the amount, but let's say 10% (I have read 20%). I can't make it to my destination and I am not getting up earlier in the morning to save the planet and find a charging station, hoping nobody else is in line. EV's will take hold when the range gets to 500 miles (Less in the cold) because the number of components in an EV are way less than an ICE vehicle, reducing the cost of assembly. Also, EV's have to be produced by auto companies even if they don't make money because of government CAFE standards. Tesla has been in business for 16 years and hasn't come close to making a profit on an annual basis, they are no longer a start up. Tesla made money last quarter and sold less vehicles I will will be curious if they can continue making a profit in future quarters. 

    See, the solid state battery that's being developed has no power loss due to operational temperature and range will be more than double (and as much as 5x) the current max range - going by what Goodenough and his team claims, and assuming they can actually get the thing into production anyway. 


    Also, my BMP is pretty low. I think I can only get through 1 or so in that amount of time. I really do need to work on that. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

    IMO, we are 10 years away from all-electric vehicles being a viable option for a meaningful number of drivers.

    Battery technology is getting there, but they need to store more power and become much smaller & lighter.  Recharge times are the real deal breaker.  Infrastructure is going to need to evolve differently.  Charging "gas stations" are never going to work for a large number of drivers.

    Charging stations in the parking lots of grocery stores, etc would work  a bit better...but, scrap the whole charging station idea and move to hot swappable batteries.   Batteries sizes should be standardized across vehicles, and the vehicles need to be designed for easy battery access.  10 years away...at least.

    OTOH, we are living in the golden age of burritos.


    That's about the timeline I'm thinking as well. 7-10 years before things really start to change.


    Here's a good video about what a high density, cheap, safe battery could do for, well, pretty much every aspect of every day life. 



    But nevermind that, here's the real issue we should be tackling as a one-world government. Mega-Burrito construction and distribution.


    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    There are lots of things uglier in this world than a burrito.

    But what if I have to pick those burritos up and they are 501 miles away?

    That is a good point. I wonder if the engineers at Tesla have considered powering their vehicles with burritos. That way, if you went to pick up burritos 501 miles away, you could make it home using CSCE (concentrated sour cream energy). 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, durk said:

    We need pictures when it’s finished 

    You say this before knowing exactly where this tattoo will be placed...


    Unless you know exactly where it will be placed and the tattoo is just a convenient excuse for pictures.

    • Haha 2
  7. Pretty true to size. I wear a 12.5 to 13 and picked these up in size 13, they fit perfectly. Haven't used them on the bike yet but I think they'll work out well. Build quality seems to be better than the Sidis they are replacing.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    No change in performance with the tune. It fixes some things that annoy people. Remembers your engine mode when you shit down. Little less throttle response in sport at low rpm, an more in tour.

    And then there is the removal of the speed limiter. 



    You're talking flash. You need an actual tune. I know a guy... 😁


    7 hours ago, Pauly said:

    With the money I paid for the convenience of auto-blip, I could have become a Track God, Track God...

    Woolich autoblip/quickshift/pit speed limiter/etc setup is only about $400. But there are many other things I should be spending that on before I blow money on something like auto blip. No matter how many pops and bangs it gives me on decel. 

  9. The US motorcycle industry is not doing well, EU is doing better but still not good. Don't know about Asia. A good portion of the dealer/sales presentations at the AIM expo this year were about figuring out how to save the industry - they are very worried. Right now their idea is to try to appeal to different groups of people ("hey what if we advertised specifically to not white men?") with targeted adds and such, which reads to me like they really have no clue how to get out of this nose dive.

    In my opinion the next big boom in bikes will start with e-bikes and scooters as efficient city/small distance transportation. That will eventually lead people to buy more powerful electric bikes for fun once the range/price point is there, but I'm talking 10+ years in the future. The e-bike will be the new Honda Cub of the 60's and will open the market up to a lot of new people. It will only be a fraction of those people that end up on 2 wheels for fun rather than transportation though.

  10. 4 hours ago, RidersDiscount said:

    I also like Cortech Adrenaline suit, we did a ton of testing when we had the race team years ago. We had our shares of crashes, held up incredibly well for the money. They have since made a newer 2.0 version. At $799 retail price point hard to beat. 

    Unfortunately off-the-rack stuff doesn't fit me well otherwise I'd be looking at regular name brands. To get a suit that fits my legs it ends up being like 3 or 4 sizes too big in the chest and waist. Torso length is also an issue it seems. To buy something off the rack then get it altered to fit, I might as well just get a custom suit for $600 to $800 and call it good.

  11. 2 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Most of my dudes.... ^ Craig included have heroic gloves and have loved them. :dunno:

    People hate on RST too and their stuff (that I've seen) has all been good quality. I'm looking at getting a custom suit from Comet this winter. Syed, while it looks nice, is way out of my price range. I know a few people running Comet stuff with numerous crashes in them (big bike) and they've held up great.

    People seem to like Heroic, Vo2 and the other brands like that minus the odd mizer who thinks stitching falling out after 5 crashes over 2 seasons is on the manufacturer to warranty :dunno:

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