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Posts posted by what

  1. Saw one of these guys driving the other way on Fishinger blvd yesterday on my home from work... There's one guy I see fairly often who I call Old Man Ferrari that owns at least 3 F430's, just different colors (he may have more... there's a blue one, a red one, a green one and I think a yellow one). It may have been him. I want to know who this dude is. He's always wearing a brimmed fishing hat and is probably in his late 60's/early 70's. 




  2. I'm signed up for novice on Wednesday. Going to ride the bike up though unless someone from Columbus is trailering up and doesn't mind letting me tag along. 


    Pretty sure between my tank bag and backpack I can fit everything I'll need though. Track virgin. 

  3. As always, thanks for organizing this Derek.


    I'll be there if I can. I know I have to be in Pittsburgh the week of the 14th but I'm not sure if I'm there this weekend or not yet. This will be the last ride before I'm an ancient 30 years old so I really hope I can make it.


    Medium or medium-fast for me.

  4. Well, sold my CTS on Friday and just bought this today.

    2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo with 30k on the clock



    How is it as far as road noise is concerned? I looked at these a bit last year and that was one of the things I was seeing as a downside to owning one.

  5. Glad your buddy is doing alright (Mike?), sorry to hear about your bike though man. Did the frame get damaged or something? Looked like bent forks/bars when we left.

  6. Find a new internet provider. 


    I've been lucky with TWC and really have had no issues beyond a spat of random signal interruptions this spring (that were all magically resolved if I called and had them run a speed test on their end). Essentially they know what's wrong but they don't want to spend the money to fix it so they'll just keep giving you the run-around until you finally give up. It must be great having limited competition because you've got washington in your pocket. 

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