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Posts posted by what

  1. I think the point is that it's not legal to share a lane with another vehicle in Ohio and I don't know of any state where it's legal for cars to lane split. It's not something people are looking out for and expecting here and that makes it dangerous regardless of who's doing what. 

  2. Trying to thing positive, but the forecast is not looking good for the whole weekend. What's the contingency date if the weekend is a washout?


    Well, the following weekend is a 3-day...


    course i'm sure people have other trips planned with the family and such. just bet on 16th/17th working out.

  3. He would go into their system as an asshat. Next time they pull him over he will get told he is an asshat, that he is in their system forever as an asshat and tickets for whatever he did that time.





    next time they're pulled over, the officer might be a rider/sympathetic to riders and decide to throw the book at him/her. 

  4. Looking at the triumph forums, seems a lot of people that had an sv650/650s moved to the street triple. must be the natural progression of things.


    Love it, went to bed last night wanting it to be morning already so I could ride to work. Needs a fly screen for highway though.

  5. Congrats! Welcome to the Triumph family. Post some pics qhen you can.


    Thanks! Now I can wear all the Triumph swag and not be a poseur. :monkey:



    Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. I don't think I have ever wanted the weekend to be over early so badly.

  6. Well, it was an impulsive day today. Found a nice 2010 Striple R for sale... I pick it up Monday.






    Thanks for all the suggestions/insight guys, I appreciate it. You did help sway my decision.

  7. Going to check out a street triple R today.


    and yeah, a sport tourer is on my wish list once I live somewhere that has a garage and I have a little bit more disposable income. 3 week motorcycle trip all over the country? why yes, yes I would love to do that.

  8. You are a bit clueless on the ADV bikes, as most of us that own them can EASILY hang just fine with the sport bikes in the twisty bits. Then I will leave you in the dust when I decide to take that gravel or hard pack road off of the tarmac, and then I can head to the West or East coast in comfort as well. ;) Just sayin........


    Caught me. I was trying to get around saying I think they are ugly so I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.


    Oh well.

  9. I was looking at sprints a bit today... they didn't have any out to sit on though. I think in the future I will move on to a Sport Touring bike but for now I'll probably stick with a sport/naked.


    I tried out a Daytona, a Street Triple, an FZ09, and just for shits and giggles a 2012 ZX-6R. The Daytona and the ST definitely had the most leg room, which was a bit surprising to me as I figured the FZ would beat them both due to its more upright seating position.


    The one thing I did notice about the Daytona is that I would have to scoot my ass WAY back in order to tuck in behind the windscreen. There wasnt much difference between seating position (weight on hands wise) between the SV and the Daytona for me.


    I think I'm down to either a ST or a Daytona at this point. Might come down to what I can find quality + price wise on a used model.

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