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was wondering who was showing up to these protests 😶
just rig your house up with explosives. if anyone breaks in, hit the button next to your bed and problem solved.
99.9% of emails from CL are bots or scammers. Eventually they will all circle around to "do you have a VIN report?" and then try to get you to use their VIN service, or try to get you to send them more photos so they can scam other people using photos of your bike. Insist that you speak to anyone you're talking to on the phone, or get some sort of proof they are a person before you give out any info. Selling bikes online sucks.
A lot of the problem with the modeling was they were taking data from China and applying it. They are working with data from Italy/Taiwan/Korea now as the baseline I think, for the most part. This is another strike against China, giving out incorrect data, claiming it is factual and letting everyone else base their reaction off of it. Something like that is a pretty open declaration of ill intent against... well, everybody. If you look at the IHME model for the whole of the US, it is doing what you're saying it should be doing: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america You can see Italy, which is over the hump already, is coming down about as fast as it went up, at least as far as deaths are concerned: https://covid19.healthdata.org/italy The model for Ohio is interesting, the death rate has really dropped off a cliff: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/ohio (The model was last updated on 4/13, should be updated again on Monday)
Here's a fun question - what the hell happens if it does come out that China manufactured this virus in a lab for research and it accidentally got out? There's no way every country on the planet says "don't worry about it man, it happens." Some other troubling news - China is outright banning online games with the ability to communicate with other people. This has been a bit of a loophole in their internet monitoring efforts for the past 15 or so years, they have known about it but let it slide for the most part. They just now decide to plug up all the free speech loopholes after this shit show? They are battening down the hatches and preparing for something. Not really optimistic about this one.
There's a lot of info relating to that lab floating around, and a good bit of it is pretty sketchy. Hard to tell if China would allow any damning info to get out if this actually was caused by a lab accident. Regardless of the truth though, this should really highlight the need for strict controls and oversight on bio engineering and pathogen research. There was a new story not long ago about some PLA officers posing as grad students getting caught with vials of live virus randomly thrown in their suitcase and carry-on luggage trying to fly back to China from the US. Their destination was Wuhan, go figure. Forgot to mention their co-conspirator, the chair of bio chemistry at Harvard. **source: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related
dang, they couldn't find a yard, a pool, or people to take an actual photo. scary times.
If the food supply chain starts to break down, that's where things will start escalating quickly. Mobs of angry people with nothing to lose get violent real fast.
I've got 2 turn tables and a microphone. Think that will be ok? Honestly I don't see Ohio becoming a nightmarish hellscape like LA/San Francisco/NYC/Chicago might turn into. But who knows.
I think I read that crime is down overall, but commercial break-ins are up. But yeah, once people start having to go without food in major metro areas, things will get ugly quick.
I'd blame something other than stupidity, but no. I just made the same mistake as NASA and forgot a decimal point. Seems my blood isn't acceptable because I didn't get tested. Dang. If only there were a way to figure out if there are antibodies present... https://www.nbc4i.com/community/health/coronavirus/new-ohio-state-research-uses-plasma-from-recovered-coronavirus-patients-for-treatment/
Sounds like California is going to start rolling out antibody test sites this week. Hopefully Ohio follows. I'll be the first one in line to donate blood if it turns out I have the antibodies. As far as everything else goes, NYC is a good gauge on what happens if things are left to their own devices and no measures are taken. Yes, the population density there is higher and the public transit system also plays a large role, but people would get sick regardless the way this thing spreads. Mortality is somewhere between 3% and 10% depending on where you look. Places that get hit hard and don't have the medical facilities to handle the load are at or above a 10% mortality rate, which is horrific given the number of people this can/will infect. Keep in mind, 1% of the US population is still 3,300,000 people.
looks a lot more comfortable than the stock SF seat
I bet he was out protesting Ohio's "overblown" response at the capitol.
That's tested. There are likely a heck of lot more untested cases out there, all over.
For you Tiger Kings:
I think he's talking about you arguing with ninjadoc, who, is a doctor, and buried in this virus and what it's doing day-to-day. Chief.
This flu/cold was going around in late December, I had it out in New Mexico the week after Christmas. What I've had the last 3 weeks is different and overall has been less severe for me. I plan to get an antibody test as soon as they become available. Not really, but I don't eat much anyway. Keep in mind that people don't get all symptoms they describe. A person can have one, two, three, all of them or none of them with covid-19. A friend of mine that lives in Miami who tested positive had very similar symptoms on a very similar timeline. He is probably 4 or 5 days ahead of me and is considered recovered. That would put him at around 23 to 25 days from start to finish. His case was mild as well, most of the time it was just a lingering tickle in his chest and cough, like I have now.
My first day of respiratory symptoms came with a tiny bit of chest pressure, a sore throat and a cough. The chest pressure was gone after the first day but cough and sore throat persisted. I was also extremely tired off and on, falling asleep at 3 or 4pm and sleeping for 16+ hours. That was week 1. Week 2 I thought I was finally getting better, but that Monday I woke up with pain in my lungs, and a really bad tickle behind my sternum/in my chest, I couldn't stop coughing. That tapered off over about 3 days and the only lingering symptom I have left is the tickle behind my sternum, but it's hardly noticeable at this point. I've not had a stuffy nose and none of my coughing has produced anything (dry cough). The lung pain felt almost like a cold burning sensation, it was kind of strange. It was deep in my lungs and felt like the entirety of them as well. Can't say I've felt that before. The chest pressure on day 1 felt like I had a cat sitting on my chest. Light pressure, no real difficulty breathing just uncomfortable. If it hadn't gone away by the 2nd day or had gotten any worse I probably would have gone to the hospital. I had chills and night sweats in week 2 as well, though only for the first 2 days when the lung pain was going on. My symptoms started with digestive issues 2 or 3 days before the onset of respiratory symptoms. I thought maybe I had eaten something that didn't agree with me, but in hindsight I realized that probably wasn't the case. I never really had a verifiable fever. The highest temperature I got was a 98.8. My average temperature has been between 96.6 and 97.7 degrees. That's taking my temperature 3 times a day since 3/10. I haven't broken 98 degrees since the 98.8 degree reading on day 2 of respiratory symptoms. As far as exposure goes, I have a few theories. They break down like this: Work - I work in events and come in contact with a lot of people, all the time. I work in highly trafficked areas, all over the place. My co-workers also come in contact with people, fly around a lot and do work in highly trafficked areas like conventions centers, hotels, hostpitals, etc. We all sit very close to one another at our desks with no separation, when we are in the office. We had people flying in and out of NYC the weeks of 3/2 and 3/9. We also had people flying to/from Vegas and Orlando in that same timeframe, with layovers in other airports. The gas station next to my office - The case at the nursing home in Hilliard that has been in the news is right behind the office I work at. The last place I stopped to get gas was at the gas station right next to this nursing home. Staff brought the virus into the nursing home as early as 3/10, they think. I may have used the same gas pump as one of those people. The grocery store, CVS, any other common area I stopped at - these are all high risk areas due to the foot traffic and people's general disregard for hygiene. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught this at the kroger behind my apartment.
I'm not going out because I'm likely infected. I have likely been infected since 3/16 or before. I've been pretty much recovered for about a week but I still have very very minor symptoms. I'm hoping the symptoms will be gone in the next 2 or 3 days, then I'll wait another 3 days after symptoms are gone before I can go out. On day 18 of being indoors currently. So more than likely 23 to 25 days of being isolated. The good news is I can pretty much go wherever after I leave with a lot less worry. I'll still be taking precautions because I'm not 100% that what I have is corona (can't get tested) and it's not 100% that people can't be re-infected, especially considering I technically have an auto-immune disorder (vitiligo). The first place I will be going is the grocery store to stock back up on things. I still have probably 3 or 4 weeks worth of food at my place though, currently.
If that's the original filter in that photo, it looks pristine.
How many miles do you have on that thing, to have it stripped down to the airbox?
Apparently this guy just died of corona... I guess? Pretty shitty deal if it's true.
to be fair, they kinda saved our asses in the first place.
Speaking of flat earthers, has anyone else noticed a hard swing in the uh.. nazi direction with them lately? Seems like a lot of their talking points have now become "the jews are behind it" "hitler tried to warn us" "hitler was misunderstood" "illuminati" "hitler found out about the giant ice wall, was able to escape and now has a giant nazi mega-fortress built under the wall, biding his time and is waiting to come save us from the jews" It's kinda sad, I used to like flat earth as a conspiracy group because it was mostly harmless and witnessing the mental gymnastics every time one of their experiments failed was endlessly entertaining. They sure seem to buy a lot of faulty equipment. I hate it when I buy a $5,000 laser and the light bends and twirls all over the place instead of going in a straight line.