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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 13 minutes ago, ricer1 said:

    I went to Costco this morning for "senior hour" 8:00AM to 9:00AM, felt guilty because you have to be 60 and I'm 62, probably look like 70 years but don't feel it. There was a huge amount of TP, I asked the manager if TP would be available later, he said the hoarders are gone. The war between the hoarders and the TP manufacturers seems to be over and the TP manufacturers won. The plants can make more than the hoarders can store in the homes. The hoarders put up a good fight, but the plants can run round the clock and require very little man power to operate. At least that's the story in CLE. BTW, Costco will not let you return the over bought TP. 

    Hasn't made it to the stix yet. Cow town shelves are still mostly bare.  

  2. 1 minute ago, SpecialEd said:

    That picnic food looked delicious, BTW.

    Just your basic Applebees.Bourbon Bacon Cheese burger, Lime Fiesta Chicken and Spinach artichoke dip. All on the 2 for $22 menu app included. With a couple bottles of Gatorade Zero from Walmart it was a $25 meal. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

    The closer it gets to the worst time to get it, the more I crave takeout.



    2 minutes ago, SpecialEd said:

    We must be related.

    We all want stuff more when we can't have it. For me it's pizza--a small thin-crust delivered to my front steps "contact-free"--for just over twenty bucks. I've "pulled the trigger" on this three times during each of the three weeks I've been working from home.

    As far as personally picking up take-out at a restaurant, is that burger and fries worth risking your life for?

    We've only eaten take out twice since this all happened. Once was a Stromboli i picked up at a pick up window, the other time was curb side take out at applebees this weekend for a moto picnic. 

  4. When is TP gate going to end? While out Sunday and stopped at a small town store yesterday to grab a couple forgotten items I looked in the TP isle. I would have bought some if there but the shelves were still bare. We are probably good for a couple more weeks at my house and my old man said he's got a few to spare us, so not a rush for any. But where is it all going? Why are idiots still hoard buying it? I mean people literally have to have rooms and garages full of it by now. Just make zero sense. I don't think I've bought any since early January. We usally buy one of the biggest packs they sell and will last us months between the three of us. I do most of my goings while at work anyway. 

  5. 9 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    To clarify, By decline  I meant % growth of new cases, overall numbers still slow climb. But the onslaught seems to have slowed down 

    Wait wut? Ohio Health in Columbus said they expect "The Surge" next week. Telling all the employees to be prepared. 

  6. 36 minutes ago, what said:

    My first day of respiratory symptoms came with a tiny bit of chest pressure, a sore throat and a cough. The chest pressure was gone after the first day but cough and sore throat persisted. I was also extremely tired off and on, falling asleep at 3 or 4pm and sleeping for 16+ hours. That was week 1. Week 2 I thought I was finally getting better, but that Monday I woke up with pain in my lungs, and a really bad tickle behind my sternum/in my chest, I couldn't stop coughing. That tapered off over about 3 days and the only lingering symptom I have left is the tickle behind my sternum, but it's hardly noticeable at this point.

    I've not had a stuffy nose and none of my coughing has produced anything (dry cough). The lung pain felt almost like a cold burning sensation, it was kind of strange. It was deep in my lungs and felt like the entirety of them as well. Can't say I've felt that before. The chest pressure on day 1 felt like I had a cat sitting on my chest. Light pressure, no real difficulty breathing just uncomfortable. If it hadn't gone away by the 2nd day or had gotten any worse I probably would have gone to the hospital. I had chills and night sweats in week 2 as well, though only for the first 2 days when the lung pain was going on.

    My symptoms started with digestive issues 2 or 3 days before the onset of respiratory symptoms. I thought maybe I had eaten something that didn't agree with me, but in hindsight I realized that probably wasn't the case.

    I never really had a verifiable fever. The highest temperature I got was a 98.8. My average temperature has been between 96.6 and 97.7 degrees. That's taking my temperature 3 times a day since 3/10. I haven't broken 98 degrees since the 98.8 degree reading on day 2 of respiratory symptoms.

    As far as exposure goes, I have a few theories. They break down like this:

    1. Work - I work in events and come in contact with a lot of people, all the time. I work in highly trafficked areas, all over the place. My co-workers also come in contact with people, fly around a lot and do work in highly trafficked areas like conventions centers, hotels, hostpitals, etc. We all sit very close to one another at our desks with no separation, when we are in the office. We had people flying in and out of NYC the weeks of 3/2 and 3/9. We also had people flying to/from Vegas and Orlando in that same timeframe, with layovers in other airports.
    2. The gas station next to my office - The case at the nursing home in Hilliard that has been in the news is right behind the office I work at. The last place I stopped to get gas was at the gas station right next to this nursing home. Staff brought the virus into the nursing home as early as 3/10, they think. I may have used the same gas pump as one of those people.
    3. The grocery store, CVS, any other common area I stopped at - these are all high risk areas due to the foot traffic and people's general disregard for hygiene. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught this at the kroger behind my apartment.

    Sounds exactly like me back in late Feb. My symptoms only lasted about a week. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    No, the fact that it goes bad....gets out of date.

    Usually has a sell by date 2 weeks after you buy it. Usually still good for about a week after that date. I'm still working and there is a drive though on my way home that sells milk and bread so that's my back up plan.

    Also almond milk keeps for months and it's not bad. I use it in my protein shakes. I get the unsweeten vanilla, pretty close to 1 or 2 percent milk in taste.

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  8. Had been 24 days since we had been to the store. Could have gone another week but my old man needed stuff so he and the inlaws made us a list as well as our list and we were off. I must say that was exhausting. We were all dolled up in our mask, gloves, long sleeves, hats and basically covered head to toe and armed with wipes and hand sanitizer. With shopping list from 3 households and 2 more than over flowing carts we spent about $500 at walmart. It was nerve racking trying to keep track of the list and stay clear of other people and try not to touch anything we didn't have to and deal with the ppe not being the most comfortable. Also stopped at Lowes and bought a truck load of mulch and other lawn care stuff that we and my dad wanted, dropped another $200 there. Yes not essential stuff but it will keep the old man busy and not tempt his to go into town to get it himself. Once we got home we wiped every single item with disinfectant before it went into their respective houses. Kicked our shoes in the garage cloths went right into the machine and us in the showers.  I'm telling you shopping has become an event and a true chore. But we should be set for another 3 or 4 weeks and we took every precaution to prevent cross contamination to protect our houses and our parents. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, Steve Butters said:

    I learned at work once that "gal" is a racist term for black women..... You racist. 

    Based on that I guess the answer is "yes I am a racist" . Learned to not argue with people like that. Just agree with them. For some reason the argument empowers them more than just agreeing with them for some reason. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Wahoo said:

    Nice 👍.   Is 715 still flooded above the dam?

    The high water flashing lights were off, so I think it was open but usually covered with mud and debris for a week of so after it recedes so I didn't even want to go that way. I'll check it out on my next after work ride maybe some time this week. 

  11. Decided to do my fist ever edited ride video yesterday. I've taken videos in the past but never actually edited and posted any. Thought I'd give it a shot. Lots of mistakes were made but still learning. Here is the ride of me and the wife yesterday. Just a slow cruiser pace.  Sorry about the camera angle at first and the shity music and wind. Uploaded in 1080 60fps not sure if that is over kill or not.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, durk said:

    I’ve heard other OR members speak of what you’re saying but I’m so used to the bike the way is now. I could see me tipping right into the asphalt with this quicker tip in you speak of. I probably should give it try at some point. 

    It made a world of difference on my heavy pig. Made the bike fell 200 lbs lighter going into a turn. I'll still run 190-50's too somtimes but when going from one to the other it's always a reminder of how different they are.

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  13. 8 hours ago, durk said:

    Price on Roadsmart 3



    Ever considered running at 190-55? The tip in is quicker and its a tad taller so it fixes the speedo discrepancy on most bikes. 

  14. 1 hour ago, snot said:

    To all those bitching about "going to work", try sitting in solitary confinement.

    I got out today and went to work. It was great not sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours, a work computer.... Where they see if you are idle or working and have limited access... And can't modify anything because it is govt owned....

    .... I need out of this tiny room more often.

    No bitching here, i love and thankful to the fact my daily routine hasn't changed. Sorry your going through that Jen. 

  15. 23 minutes ago, what said:

    Maybe they are maybe they aren't. Can't force people to do a job they don't want to do. Who knows what their situation is as well, it could be that they live with someone at high risk and don't wan to bring it home to them. It sucks there are staff shortages, but that's the way things go, especially when people are facing their own mortality or the mortality of their loved ones.

    Yes those are huge factors but there is also the ones that want their cake and eat it too so to speak. Want patted on the back because they are a nurse and essential and taking in all the praise and thank you(s) when thrown their way. But when told "your cush office job isn't essential we will need you in the ER when they get over run" and their response is " oh yea , well I've got this thing, sorry can't help, but i'm still getting paid right?" And when ask what that thing was the answer was "I have asthma". 

    That may or may not been a actual example of someones coworker ;) 

  16. Okay I have to have this conversation here because I can't on my social media because I'll butt hurt people that matter. You assholes don't matter.


    This in no way taking away from any of those medical workers out there on the front lines of this thing or the ones that are willing to do what it take when ever and where ever it takes to combat this thing.   But the new catch phrase amongst the medical profession community is "I'm immune compromised" And what they mean by that is they can't work the front lines of this thing because they say they have some kind of auto immune disorder or asthma or what ever. If that's true I understand and have sympathy for those. BUT, now techs, nurses, aids, ect , ect you name it. Are all coming out of the wood work claiming they can't work in the ER or sick floors basically saying they can't work where the Convid-19 patients are because they are "immunely compromised"  Now myself and others around me have heard this term passed around for a few weeks now and have up to this point just rolled our eyes and said "fuck it, they don't want to work they don't have to work I guess" and just figured shame on them. An mind you most of the ones(not all) that I'm talking about there is a pretty good chance there is little to nothing wrong with them. They are just saying these things to get out of working the front lines out of nothing more than fear, that pretty much the rest of us share about this whole thing.  But now, now it's being taken to a new level. There is word that some of these folks are trying to claim this/that as a medical disability so they can get out of working during this outbreak and still get paid. 

    My over all view of all this is. Maybe if your scared of catching a disease or illness working in the field of medicine maybe you made the wrong career choice? Maybe even the ones that truly are immune compromised choose the wrong career? Assuming that they already knew they had that issue from the start. Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure there are legit cases and scenarios but I more or less speaking of the ones that see this as an excuse or easy way out just because they are scared. We all are. 

    Thoughts? Lettuce discuss.  




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