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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 37 minutes ago, Howabusa said:

    My plan for July is to ride to the west coast and ride the PCH. Only have tentative plan at this point.

    id love to do that but only have one week of vacation to use for a bike trip and that's a minimum a 2 week trip


  2. I'm looking at going down the week/weekend after the 4th of July. Sometime  between the 6th and 12th. Very tentative haven't gotten time off approved yet. Not planning a group thing because I might be meeting other friends down there. So like I said it's a very tentative date and plan. Mostly likely 2 nights in the area and the rest nomad back up the BRP for the trip home.

  3. Bourbon trail is cool. We've done it twice. Once in the car and once on the bikes. Get the little stamp passport book and when you get it stamped at all the distilleries  you get a free t shirt. 

  4. I completely fell off the wagon. Was on vacation half the days since before thanksgiving took 3 weeks worth of cruises and spent 2 weeks at Florida resorts. All I did was eat and drink like  fish. Need to get back in the grove of what I know I need to do. Need to cleanse my system now for the next few weeks. Till I recover from a surgery I need to have in couple weeks and I can start working out again.  

  5. Love my Nomar! Had buyer remorse right after I bought it but after I broke it twice and Nomar sent me replacement parts without cost or questions I realized it's a tool for life and I'm now content with my purchase. Figure in another couple years I'll break even on my investment. 


  6. Late to the game here but thought I'd share my wifes bike progression over the years. ... She stared with a vstar 250 great for learning but once she had it down and knew what she was doing we quickly realize how anemic it was almost to dangerous levels and we made a mistake. The bike was just too light to be stable at speeds, or in any kind of cross wind it was all over the place. On the open road it didn't have enough power to get out of its own way. One time on a 4 lane(non interstate)she was attempting to over take a semi at maybe 65mph. She got beside the semi and stayed there, took a few miles to make the pass. I gave her hell at the net stop saying if that truck would have made a bad move or lost tire she would have been dead. Her reply made the decision to get rid of that turd. She said "I had it wide open" she hit the side draft off the truck and the bike just hit a wall. Around town this bike would be fine but anything over 45 mph i would strongly discourage it. 

    She then went to a Honda VLX600, great bike pretty much bullet proof. 100lbs heavier than the 250 and almost twice the power. She rode that for several years. then she wanted a more all day bike to ride. One more for the hiway and open road so we went with the vstar 1100. It was a okay bike for her although "I" hated it. Really heavy for what it was carberated and air cooled, don't regret buying it but she wanted something different eventually. She now has here Indian Scout and WOW! what a bike. Lots of power, perfect size and comfort for her. That thing still impresses me. Can't think of a better bike for her now.

  7. 15 hours ago, Danimal said:

    Stop. Please don’t turn this into a discussion about how our bike felt in the hands of other forum members. It’ll get ugly fast lol


    14 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Geeze why don't you just call me out right now Dan? It's local to me, I see it occasionally.

    @Pokey sold me a POS. Worst bike I've ever owned. I hate it and never ride it. Should piss on it and set it on fire. What an a-hole. :lol: 

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