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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 5 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    In the latest American Motorcyclist Mag... 



    That guy on the cover is my friend Dan Anderson. Met him at the gap last year. He didnt even know till it came out. He's the one that convinced me to buy my new Klim gear.


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  2. Just now, Howabusa said:

    Dry? Use any chemicals?

    Just soapy water with some kind of gease cutter when washing or general housekeeping. 

    With brake cleaner non- chlorinated for deeper cleaning( the chlorinated will melt the scotch bright) 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Too early in the year fore down there.

    Liar!... :lol: ...if the weather cooperates somewhat i'm going down at the end of this month...Maybe.


    Then me and the Mrs. are going down the week after July 4th. Yes she taking her bike this time and probably riding it down.  

  4. Honestly not even concerned about it. Being middle aged and fairly active and healthy even if contracted this virus most of us will survive. That being said there are far worse things going around in this country already that will kill you with greater odds. On this virus there are already more people that have recoverd  from it than have the active virus. Deaths from the virus are declining daily now that they have a grasp on what it is and how to treat the symptoms. Just like the basic flu wash your hands keep fingers and other contaminated objects out of your mobth and away from your face and you will greatly reduce your odd off getting it.

    As far as the economy goes and availability of things you need I'm not concerned either. But in the case I'm wrong my inlaws are food hoarders. Provably over a months worth in thier 3 deep freezers...lol

    I think the markets will take a bigger hit but will rebound in the months to come.  I do feel tourism is going to take a huge hit this year due to all fear mongering and people having irrational fears of going anywhere. That will only benefit the rest of us when prices drop and promotions come out to help boost the industry.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Gixxus Christ! said:

    If my back can't play nice-nice with the squid missile I may have to sell it and get a grandpa bike. Looking at either a vmax or m109r, or perhaps a scout. I cannot go through what I did last summer again. Maybe a pre-emptive epidural shot at the beginning of the season...

    The scout is impressive. You get a chance demo one. Maybe sweet talk my mrs into letting you take hers out.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Howabusa said:

    I will lead the weekday rides. Lol

    Your weekday rides are always last min leaving during work hours. Make some afternoon with a little more notice I'm always game for a romp through the surrounding counties 

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  7. We have a local cruiser group(Knox county area) that me @Namdum68 and the mrs. ride with occasionally. Very slow group (talking speed limit here) but they ride to some cool places and see cool stuff sometimes. Not always curvy roads and sometimes well just ride to get icecream or somthing. But they are good folks and sometimes nice to just go for a afternoon cruise. I'll start posting up those rides too. 

    Also most know Saturdays are hard for me to get out most of the time. So I'll take the lead on some Sunday rides this year when I can.

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  8. I like this idea of some more average paced rides. While most know I can hang with some of the faster guys that's not what I want to do every time I hit the road. One of the rides last year I show up and say I'd like a medium fast pace. All I was in the mood for that day. So somone agreed to take on a group at that pace. Think there was 5 of us. I take up sweep position keeping maybe a 20 over limit pace myself. Before I knew it the other 4 were gone. I wick it up to 80-90 still not seeing the next guy. Only when I start hitting $1.20 in the straits did I start realing them in. That's not a medium fast pace. Based on that I'm apprehensive to invite folks that aren't OG's on rides like that. 

    So some average paced rides will be a nice change for some. Then the faster guys can post up thier spirited rides too with the disclaimers that are appropriate.

    Need to check our egos and attitudes at the door and make this joint feel welcome to all with open armd again. Instead of getting stuck in our cliques, habits and not keep things behind closed doors.

    And ladies and germs when Tonik says we are dying he speaks the truth. If OR keeps going in the direction it's going it's will disappear forever. Still might unless we can rekindle the enthusiasm and comrodery of the group and make it appealing to folks that want to put on the time and resources to keep it alive.


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  9. Slow your roll youngster. There will be a good time to hit the Nickle mid season. Early in the year isn't it. Its dirty, slick, water seepage and just a mess. Ease into the season. Do some local roads your familiar with and knock the cob webs off. Seen plenty over enthusiastic folk go out too early on the twisties and get burnt. 

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  10. 14 hours ago, Pauly said:

    I agree with Tony. I plan to spend time exploring WV this season. It's right here. Why go all the way to the gap? If I miss the gap.. I can go next year. 

    I rather enjoy the gap areas atmosphere especially the last couple times I've gone down and stayed at the resort/campgrounds right at the dragon. Last fall I went down by myself and camped in my little tent and enjoyed the fidey races and camp fire at night with a lot of like minded folks. Get up in the morning listening to sights and sounds of bikes and riders. Head to the grill fro a hot breakfast till the morning dew lifts and temps come up. Kinda relaxes me just thinking about it. Meet a few new friends every time i do that. Take a couple days to get there(twisties), couple nights at the dragon campground then a couple days ride home (twisties)sounds like the perfect extended weekend to me. 

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