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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 1 minute ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Every time I get annoyed that I'm still having to go into the office I think of my friends that have lost their jobs already. Makes me feel a bit better.


    Then I remember my boss is working from home and then I'm mad again.

    I'm not mad at all, just found this funny. I'm glad to still be working. Little jealous of the ones sitting at home collecting the pay but it is what it is. 

  2. Well the Mrs. got reassigned to a phone answering gig at Ohio Health's Covid-19 Command Center  in Dublin. Right now handling scheduling and canceling of appointments, screenings and elective procedures. Ohio Health is canceling everything till the first of June and she assisting patients with those things. Once that phone traffic subsides from that she will switch over to their call in hotline to answer questions and info line for the Covid-19 shit. I'm glad she getting hours and not per say on the front line. But she's more than willing to do that too if needed though. 

    • Beer 1
  3. 7 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    All information I say take it with grain of salt as I am purely a kidney guy. (But we are the most common sense / numbers driven field in medicine/ so all my opinion are too rational to be true in medicine. )

     First off if you had a dx of dvt in past/ or active risk of dvt/ the use of or lack of aspirin doesnt play a big role. Aspirin can take an edge off risk if you never had dxed dvt issues or risks but not in a significant way.  Only presence or absence of blood thinners matters/ plus if it was dvt / PE most likely you would have been typing this message from hospital bed during recovery. - we can rule out PE ( I should never say never in medicine I guess) 

    then the symptoms, this year flu was bad, common theme seen was despite vaccination people getting hit bad. Even young healthy people. And significant cases of double impact as in one episode recovered some time end of fall winter and another during dec Jan period. Most have been dxed with test proven Inflz para inflz etc but  Recently after corona news started I was also thinking same whtr those rare tests that came back negative was corona which when ever knew. But currently based on the info available, corona is highly contagious and if it was here that early we would have seen a massive influx of cases already and not such spotty rare presentation. 

    in short that was most likely one of the common viruses running around which was really debilitating this year. Also the sub Acute symptoms like runny nose  continue to run for sometime. 

    having said that if you have one leg swelling and pain etc make sure you get ultrasound. 

    Yea I was on Eliquis for two years before the doc told me to switch to the asprin. Pain in my leg is also gone now after i returned to active duty and got back on the asprin. But about that bug I had. I have to add i have never in my life felt shortness of breath life that before ever. Felt like running up a flight of steps while doing nothing for a period of about a week. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. Okay now that we have this topic of maybe I have or had it.

    Over four weeks ago I had a surgery on my backside to fix a fistula and to check out a growth of somthing that shouldn't be there.(no worries it was benign) Now I have been on an aspirin regimen for a few years because I have gotten and I'm susceptible to getting DVT in my lower legs. Before my surgery I stopped taking my aspirin per the doc's orders. About a week after my surgery sure enough I felt pain in the pit of my knee and calf indicating my DVT was returning. At that time me healing was good so stated to take my aspirin again. About the same time I was fighting what I thought was a sinus infection with runny nose, little cough and body aches. 5 or 6 day after stating the aprin again I stated to get chest tightness and really needing to gasp for breath sometimes. I mean it was very obvious just walking a flight of steps was making me gasp for air. I couldn't bend down to pick something up with out getting winded. I essecaily winded laying flat on my back. I actually thought that maybe a clot in my leg had traveled to my lung and may have had a very mild PE (pulmonary embolism) of course my stubborn ass said I'll deal with it unless it gets worse. Continued for maybe 5 to7 days even after I returned to work then it almost overnight went away after a little over a week. Had the sinus head cold issues since then, running nose and froggy throat. Still kinda do.  Everything Ive read said impact from even a minor PE should last weeks not just days. So now with all this info I read about the Covid19 makes me wonder if all that was actually and infection of the Corona


    What do you think @NinjaDoc

  5. We are finally caught up on amazon stuff. But was hit with a influx of Heinz (which is way more than ketchup), General Mills, Pepridge Farms, Fritolay, Pepsi and Campbells (which is way more than soup), and still working on Chewy back orders. Also a customer that makes carry out containers and cups called Graphic Packaging is now back logged. We are working all weekend to catch up. 

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  6. 13 hours ago, Tonik said:

    And Amazon is struggling.

    1st gallon of oil, undeliverable.

    2nd gallon of oil undeliverable.

    5 quarts.....3 separate shipments.

    I got 2 large amazon shipments monday and tuesday. Oil and filter for the truck and bike. Various shit for the house and a tire for my old mans car. No issues. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, what said:

    Probably people desperately looking for supplies who didn't go out last week or the week before to stock up. 


    I thought this too but it's the only store in town that's that busy. I stopped and bought some Rum there Saturday and checked the TP and Sanitizer isle while I was there and they were already cleaned out too. So yeah bars are closed and mount vernon is a blue collar town. I bet the liquor shelves are bare there now. 

  8. Apparently C-19 is a cure for cancer. My wife was just told they probably going to stop all mammogram screenings until further notice. For those that don't that's what she does. There goes her pay check. Her bosses are in a meeting about it as we speak. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Danimal said:

    As I crossed into Brazil from Argentina yesterday their computer systems on the Brazil side crashed (I had already stamped out of Argentine and cancelled and turned in my Argentina TIP [temporary import permit allowing my bike to be in their country. Standard border crossing bullshit]). 
    Myself and the German guy I’m riding with ended u sitting for four hours in the office of the head Federal Policia at the Brazil border chatting with the guy, who had nothing to do. He told me he had an email that the entire Argentina border was shutting down in 48 hours. It was just made official that it’s closed after midnight. 
    Peru the same. Ecuador following. 
    So I’m stuck in Brazil for the time being. 
    multiple Central American countries are closed too so even if I was further north the path home isn’t clear. 
    Supermercados here are open and very busy. Local tiendas are normal. But stocks are getting low on any veggies or fruit brought in. 
    Might try to find a nice Airbnb apartment in Rio and chill a few weeks and see how things change. Am already being way more careful as far as what I touch etc and washing. 

    I take it Olaf decided he wouldn't be able to make it home? Thought that was his original plan here soon. 

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