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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 48 minutes ago, NinjaDoc said:


     I believe one of my best asset as a rider is my ability to have a photo memory of maps. I never used gps for any street rides in the last 10 years, except once we reach a city area. And I love exploring the roads that way, just look up map and go out and enjoy, stop take tons of pics and videos. And most importantly meet new people. For example in the last few days I been out riding have met some other new riders who is just like us “ full gear full long day twisty riders” already have their contacts and stuff and most likely building up a network of like minded network like this. 

    Nail on head. 

    Just last weekend during my Mental Health ride. I added 6 new friends to FB and hope to meet up and ride with them again. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    You really hate the track don't you. Since you've never done it what could you possibly have against it besides it stealing your friends :lol:.

    Never said i hated it, just said it's not my thing. I do find it hilarious that some get so defensive about it and can't take a little rib jab every now and then. All (my)road fiends I can think of that tried the track and came right back to the road. They learned the lesson for me that I think I already know. Road>Track (for us anyway)  Some like you and other obviously feel different. I've never told any one that the road is the best and only way to ride for everyone. But I've heard many on here say track is best and only way to ride and if you don't try it your a poopoo head, over and over again.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    And we lose another one to the track. I predict a trailer and full on track bike by spring. Hell, maybe before winter. Barber has a day coming up I believe.

    I can totally see Doc being a track fago.......hom....person. He loves the thrill of going fast at the same time wants to do it in a controlled semi safer environment. Most road riders speed is secondary to just being out in the world and seeing things. Doc seem more like a speed/thrill first kind of guy. 

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  4. Just had a conversation last night with a friend that said grandkids have greatly impacted his time to ride. I was like.."What?" Hell my own kids only minimally impacted my riding time. Fuck those grand kids. They got their own parents to raise them. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Pauly said:

    Everytime I see Tim's "Metal Helth" rides, I wish he would invite me. I couldn't go, of course..but that is irrelevant. 


    1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    He used to invite me and Justin. Then it was just Justin. Now it is no one.

    My invites would go something like this......

    Ride to(blablabla).....On(blablabla)date. Maybe.  Will probably get changed, most likely get canceled. If I do go there will be no planned route till the day of and over night accomodations will be minimal and last min. 

    Hell I didn't even know myself if I was going till literally the hours before. My bike was packed and ready to roll for over two week trying to take off the previous two weekends,  just hoping I had the chance to do. Almost unpacked it the weekend before thinking it wasn't going to happen, my beautiful bride said try again next weekend and it finally worked out.    

  6. 30 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Part of me wants to suggest Sunday. Part of me wants to ride in the cold rain just so Tim can't go.

    Not even sure I can make Sunday now this weekend. The Mrs. ask me two days ago if I had plans for Sunday. I said "No". She said "don't make any". Not sure what that meant but after she gave zero fucks about be taking off last weekend I didn't ask why.

  7. 1 hour ago, RidersDiscount said:

    Let me know if you need anything, I am here to help. :cheers:

    No hurry but I'm going to be in the market for some new riding pants next season. Looking for high end this time. Bought a pair of Aerostich Darian pants used(about worn out) on ADV rider and I can really tell the difference in quality over my cheap Tourmasters ive ran for years. Also Klim has caught my attention. So high end Gortex( a must) Touring pants that has abrasion resistance and knee and hip armor. 36 Tall would be my size. Maybe keep and eye out for deals and closeouts for me. Other brands welcome too. 

  8. 12 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    Access to good school system and competitive education environment will be a high priority as well. Does being around big university/ college town areas influence these outcome any ways? Want to be in suburb of a bigger city if possible, mainly for varied cultures cuisines and stuff :) will these criteria be satisfied by any zones in Tennessee NC upper GA area. 

    Doesn't to me because I"ll be a empty nester when the time comes. But look into the Clemson/Greenville SC/Athens, GA area. 

  9. 52 minutes ago, NinjaDoc said:

    I am trying to add trail braking to the tool bag these days, it’s messing up my rhythm now, but trying to keep at it until it becomes second nature. Old dog and new tricks is a reality for sure and not just a saying. 

    Trail breaking is the only way to make the big girl turn and still be quick.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    I mean, as long as you've trained yourself to actually get off the bike to decrease lean angle if you're hitting those warning signs and still need to reduce radius in an emergency type situation.

    In 150k(ish) miles of  two wheeled riding I've never crashed anything ...Yet. Even the time I hit a 100lb dog at 70 mph i didn't go down.  Must be going something right. I'm sure one day it will happen but I'll stick to what works for now. 


  11. 2 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    I just hate the idea of dragging hard parts lol. Last thing I want is a hard part picking a tire up off the ground, then it's game over.

    The peg folding up sans feelers is a prewarning. After that my touring peg brackets hit. Those don't upset the bike too much. You can actually see where those hit in a couple of my killboy pics. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    I was going to go with you were counter leaning. Not a big no no though.

    I usually stay strait up. Let the big girl do all the work. When hard parts start to touch that's fast enough. No need to lean and go faster. I truley believe that's what's kept me in check all these years.

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  13. 1 minute ago, TimTheAzn said:

    haha I notice as soon as I try and open my mouth (I talk to myself and sing sometimes.:dunno:) "Something should be touching my chin...shit" *pull over*


    Both time it's happened to me I didnt make it out of my neighborhood thankfully.

    With the ratcheting system i can actually do it on the fly. Just can't believe of all the places to do it , i did it there.  

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