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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Ok, this is a real puzzle. We need to solve it. Put a shorter tire on and figure out a way to keep the bike upright. Chock the front perhaps. It would be helpful if you add your amount of weight to the seat if possible.

    Lay a 4x8 beside the bike and lift up the edge furthest from the bike until it hits a hard part. Then measure the distance from the edge of the 4x8 to the ground.

    Put a taller tire on and repeat. Then post results. TiA.

    I will do that. Sometime next year :lol:when I change tires again. Have 50 on there right now, and a 55 on the rack i'm going to next. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Howabusa said:

    On my 2009 FJR one of the brake light bulbs works fine as the taillight, but when I activate the brakes the bulb goes out completely. The other bulb is fine. Is this a short or what? I was changing bulbs and a couple of times it worked, but now it won’t. 

    You don't get it figered out stop by this afternoon (im home at 330)well look into it.  Sounds like dirty connectors maybe? Only other thing i can think of (not sure what type of bulbs it takes) but some of them it is possible to put them in backwards. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, what said:

    The reason for running a taller+wider tire is the profile is generally better at full lean and will give a little more lean angle. Tip-in would also be quicker than with a more flattened out tire. You'd get more contact patch out of a taller tire giving you more grip at lean but that's only because you run out of contact patch sooner on a flatter tire when you exceed the tire edge - Lean angle is a bit more limited on a thinner tire but that's fine as you can compensate by getting off the bike more. 


    You don't want to exceed the tire edge. :p 

    Yup. I can use every cm of 55 when I run them, a 50 tire it is impossible to run to the edge. Usually have 1/4" chicken nuggets left on them after draggin parts. 

  4. 6 hours ago, jbot said:


    keep up this uppity attitude, and i'll change it to "motorized recumbent tardcycles for fatties"

    I Like It! It rolls off the tongue nicely. Lets call it that. But no pasta bikes permitted. I'm trying to keep the joint classy and shit.

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  5. 5 hours ago, jbot said:

    My first act as god emperor of OR is to restrict Tim's access to the track section and sequester him to a new section I'll call "overweight scooters"

    It's an obese moped you prick, why you got to use derogatory terms? Only slow poopoo heads permitted in my new section.

    • Haha 1
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  6. Just now, jbot said:

    i actually don't care about any of this, or even disagree with tim on the subject, i'm only doing this to remind everyone i should have been picked as mod.  i mean, guys, look at how much more rep i have.  it was an easy choice.  i feel so cucked and will resent tim for the rest of my natural life because of it.


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  7. 31 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    You were attempting to troll. If this were a mile munching or touring part of the forum we’d probably listen to you. But it’s not. 

    My first post was a quick jab in the ribs. No different than someone coming up and saying "hey shit for brains, nice bike, looks slow". If it was said in a touring thread I'd chuckled gave it back a little and moved on.  Guess maybe taken out of context a little bit, maybe?

    I have no disrepect for you track bubbys, never had. I sure it's a damn good time on two wheels. Hell I've even come to the track a few times to watch y'all go roundy round and enjoyed the hell out of it. Ive even told some folks " if your going to ride like that on the street, maybe the track is the place for you"  Again not my thing, long term I think it would bore me(eventually), but still a cool thing. At the same time I never miss the opportunity to be sarcastic sadistic asshole either.  


    But yea, always though what Doc wanted out of riding might have be better fulfilled at the track. And that what I was initially saying (sans my other added BS)

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, jbot said:

    is this your way of acknowledging that you bring no useful information or even a remotely educated point of view to this forum on this particular topic and should probably refrain from offering your opinion like it has any value or validity?

    k then

    Honestly i don't even know where this whole thing is coming from. All I said was .

    *Sounds like (i think) Doc is a good fit at the track.

    *road > track for me

    * others agree with me

    * everyone rides for different reasons 


    Apparently that makes me a poopoo head :dunno:



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  9. 5 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Unless I'm misunderstanding your statement, grip level absolutely changes depending on the size of the contact patch. More rubber to the road you get more grip. That's one of the main reasons for trail braking.


    What pressures were you running on that rear and how much highway do you ride?

    No trail braking has to do with weight transfer. More weight = more friction 

  10. 1 minute ago, Tonik said:

    I think it is more accurate to say the friction/grip of a tire does not change when the contact patch size changes.


    This could be why I've never noticed a difference with my assumption. And the faster wear could just be because I'm running it harder because i'm not having to force the bike to turn as  much.  

  11. 1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

    Contact patches technically never change size, just shape

    You sure? I'm not saying i know this for sure. But one would think a tire with a steeper curve  vs one with less curve would have slightly less contact patch. With everything else being equal ofcourse.

    A over kill example would be a moto tire vs a car tire. they can be the same size but obviously the car tire will have more contact patch. 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, jbot said:

    i, too, enjoy going into threads where i have no 1st hand knowledge of the subject being discussed and talk shit about it, and then accuse other people of being defensive when they call me out for more or less acting a fool.  i, too, am a man of culture.



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