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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. The tan leather was absolute selling point on this bike for her. Almost as equal as the fact that it fits her perfectly. If it didn't have the tan leather she didn't want it.
  2. Being leather I figure it's going to be one of those replace every year or two things. And she had black leather wraps on the vstar and loved them, even in the wet.
  3. Already has a Indian Stage 1 pipe on it. Only thing that gets whipped is me
  4. Annnnd. We have tassels... Thought we were going to clip them off when we put the leather wraps on the grip. But...No, she likes them. Not my bike but I had to put them on. Yes dear. Heated grips still get pretty warm through them.
  5. Kinda look like a late 70 early 80 goldwing wheel.
  6. If they were open he'd try to pay with a card anyway.
  7. Little taillight addition to the Injun. LED running light and flahing then solid bright brake light just below the lisense plate. For some added visibility.
  8. Chrome don't get you home. I kinda like the new ones looks. Sometimes a bike can have too much bling
  9. And threw on some bike master heated grips.
  10. More suspension upgrades on Injun. Rear springs and shock swapped from a 2017 version that were upgraded to progressive springs at the factory because the 15-16 springs were garbage. These are the old 2016 springs. Side by side comparison. Newer 2017 and up springs.
  11. Ive had Fred's vidoes for the Connie since ive owned it. A lot of good info but his monotone gets annoying quick...lol
  12. The Injun got a front suspension upgrade. Provressive springs and 15w oil. Took out the pogostick springs and the ATF polaris puts in them. Rear will be done later in the week.
  13. Good info. Kinda puts my min at ease a little. I was really concerned when it wouldn't stay running.
  14. Sunday. Youngs Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs.
  15. On the teailer for legit reason this time. She broke. Just a battery....i hope. Wasn't going to waste money on a walmat or parts store battery so i towed her home. Turned the key and every thing lit up. Hit the button everything died. Few min later everything would light up again, hit the button same result. Started on a jump but as soon as jump was disconnected bike would die. While on the jump I could get voltage to increase while revving so it seems to be changing. Wait a couple days till R.D. can get me a new battery. Battery is 5 years old and has around 55k miles on it. Hot day parked in the Sun is another good indicator that its the batyery.
  16. There is a fix for that....Don't be a shity rider (not implying you are) I don't usually run by myself but when I do I run a tracker and ask folks at home to keep an eye out on it if they haven't heard from me.
  17. Should have posted up. I would probably rolled with you today.
  18. @JustinNck1 who? Must be new.
  19. Made a radiator guard for the wifes scout. Turned out way nicer than i thought it would. Used a old screen door protector, left over paint, silicone adhesive and a lot of time and patience. Total out of pocket cost $0 This is why it was needed...only 2500 miles on this bike.
  20. @RidersDiscount can you get a radiator guard for a 16 Indian Scout? I know R&G makes one also Klock Werks has one.
  21. Bags, rear seat and windshield mounted that we picked up this weekend in NC for less than half price.
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