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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I would've video'd opening the box.
  2. I bought the NABI from woot. But when I hit the button to STOP it from recording, it saves the file but immediately STARTS recording again. Very annoying. It frustrated me so I put it down and haven't picked it back up again.
  3. CHOICE OF 22 BUELL BLASTS! http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/4605622964.html HAHAHAHAHAHA. I guess they sold three, though
  4. Thanks guys,. I'm going to see what happens with one other bike, and maybe make an offer on the high mileage one. It only scares me since I'll be using it as a daily commuter, but then, at least if something DOES happen, I'll be close to home, have a cell signal, and people I can call I'm sure I'd love it if I just bought it and didn't look at the ODO I'll keep ya'll updated, of course!
  5. Y eah, but can you imagine showing up to the track wearing that and its matching bike from the 80's? that'd be awesome.
  6. Hey guys, I just thought I'd get some opinions. I used to own an '04 cat and I loved it, so I'm looking to pick up another (I took a break from riding of maybe 2 years, but got back into it a few months ago. I've been puttering around on a ninja 500 to get my feet wet, again). Unfortunately, good bikes are hard to find! Lots of bikes are beat to hell, with mechanical or fairing damage, or their owners are simply asking too much money, or they're in terrible shape, or have high mileage. Obviously, I want new, cheap, and in good shape with low miles Picking the right bike to buy is always a matter of compromising on some combination of all of those. The short story is that someone from the boards here knows someone with a 'cat for sale, and pointed me in his direction. Here's the response I got about the bike: It has obviously been maintained well, but it DOES still have 38,000 miles on it. I've got a couple of pictures, and it looks like it's in good shape. Also, a member I respect has seen it and says it's very clean and in good shape. The price is obviously right, but cleanliness and price won't matter much if 2nd gear decides to crap out, or the whole engine goes somehow, or even if I have to start throwing money at repairing brakes, etc. The closest comparison is one on Craigslist that has only 3K more miles, but is an 06: http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/4598046427.html Obviously, they're not the same bike, but I would just welcome any input people have for me about buying a cat with such high mileage. I've been (literally, I'm not using hyperbole or exaggerating here) checking Craigslist for my city and about 6-8 others for YZF600 postings DAILY. I'm pretty set on a stock Blue & white, although that repainted one would be tolerable. The one in the e-mail is blue, although it has fairings that aren't my favorite: (http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2000models/2000models-Yamaha-YZF-600R.htm) same as there. I plan to use the bike mainly for a 30-minute commute (each way) to work & back. Occasionally I'll go on group rides. My budget is.... Looking to spend 2K, but would spend 3K on the RIGHT bike. Those are few and far between, and summer is half over. Another way to look at it is this.... Would you pay $500 or $750 to take 20,000 miles off your bike, or would you rather keep the money and have a higher mileage bike?
  7. LITTLE PINK DEATH MACHINE: http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/4603971483.html
  8. My bike is therapy, too... I'd be driven nuts if I didn't have a little fun in my life
  9. wow, I'm glad you're okay... Sounds like the frame sliders were worth the investment! Does everyone recommend them as a matter of course?
  10. I would've totally rolled down with you, Tony, and done this, except that I have a stone-setting for my stepfather on Saturday Not really something I can get out of. I'd still love to go to one of these.
  11. TY for your support! I took two years off from riding, but I'm back in it now. I did make a few rides, and I'd love to catch the next big group ride. It seems like a lot of people here like to push the limits, though, and I'm a little wary of that... and I can also understand not waiting to wait for a slowpoke, or stopping to give advice when they'd rather be riding. Once it cools off a bit, I plan to sign up for an Advanced Rider MSF course, too. Until then, I'll just be bike shopping
  12. awesome! Wife just got back form a 2 week vacation in Alaska to visit a friend she loved it.
  13. Congrats! Where will you be working?
  14. I fiddled with it and got annoyed. Might just be a setting though.
  15. I need either a more knowledgeable person to look at it, or to have it inspected by a mechanic. I don't know enough to evaluate it properly. As for riding the twisters with others... I'm a little hesitant to push my limits. It's one thing to push my comfort zone, but it's another to overextend and have an accident. I DO like the idea of doing, watching, and getting advice from everyone. I have a ton of respect for riders here, since pretty much everyone has more experience than me. Hopefully I'll get some details from armith about a yzf600 tomorrow... If it turns out to be a good deal, I won't be buying the ninja 650r.
  16. That DOES look like a great deal... But I dont want an fz1
  17. No, the last text was the offer of 2500, and I said I'd think on it. I'm going to wait and see what happens with a yzf600r in Youngstown... That's how I know how badly I want the 650r... If it gets sold while I'm putzing around with other bikes, then it means it wasn't really in my heart That said, I would probably get used to the seating, and if sticking up vertically was a problem, I would probably just get a new windshield or something... Most of my riding will be on the highway. Windshield seems like a smaller mod than handlebars, and I'd want to keep the bike as close to stock as possible. Or I could use the money saved to buy an entirely new set of plastics If I decide to buy it, anyone who wanted to come look at it & ride it would actually be greatly appreciated.......
  18. If you change the dogs food, remember not to do it all at once, but mix in the new food slowly, in ever-increasing percentages. Dogs tummies are sensitive, and an all-at-once cold-turkey switchover can cause bloat & other digestive issues.
  19. price? Bluetooth is in my future, but hopefully when affordable
  20. lol, in for pic from the 7-year old thread
  21. That's my neck of the woods, but I take 271 north to 90 west instead most days. Bump.
  22. Congrats, Chief (Sorry, I was USN!) That's a major accomplishment (at least in the Navy). Not just another promotion in a string of them, but entry into a new category of NCO
  23. Congrats! What was his name?
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