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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Why do people bother? They ride around for years with their license plate out in the open, and then when they go to sell the bike, they cover their plate in the ad. That makes no sense to me. It's not like the license plate info/address database is public knowledge.
  2. If anyone wants to start a kid or a wife on riding, there might be some good deals here... Not mine, obv, from Craigslist: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcd/4592860947.html In Mentor, OH And I bet you could haggle with them, if they have 25. Plus, the Riders Academy bikes usually have like 500 miles on them Probably a good chance they were never titled, too, if owned by a dealer, so you might even be listed as the first owner. And even though you know they've been dropped, a Blast can just laugh it off and keep on chugging.
  3. welcome aboard! Lots of C-Bus people, since the roads down south are better than the ones up here to the north
  4. Time to change your member title to "welcomes the Slingshot" and add it to the sig
  5. I'll volunteer to proofread a resume. Other than that, all I can really do is remind you that LOOKING for a job IS a full-time job in itself. Good job sites to use: Monster, indeed, dice.com, linkedIn, careerbuilder.com. Some of those are tech-oriented. And lots of them link to OTHER job websites, but it's all a big web of sites listing open positions. Apply for EVERYthing... most places will do a phone interview, and if they like you, call you in for an in-person. Even if you don't want the job, it's good practice... then when you get an interview for a job you DO want, you won't be nervous, and you'll have practice answering all the usual questions that they ask. Project management is a good place to be... it means you can fit that in ANYwhere, to any kind of company. Networking is key. Something like 70% of jobs (I made that up, but it's probably true) go to people who "know someone." Starting on here is a great idea. If you're not on LinkedIn yet, make one. It's like facebook but for professionals. They also have a ton of job listings, and recruiters & HR people KNOW that, and believe me, they look there. I'm on my 5th job (eek!) since I graduated college in '08, so I've done a decent amount of job hunting. It sucks, I know, but it IS possible to find a job you like that pays well If you want to make spare cash in the meantime, sign up on workmarket.com and pick up random tech work. My last company that I worked for (I was a field tech) used them when we needed laborers, basically, or an extra pair of hands. It's not glorious, but some jobs pay pretty decently. Like 100 bucks for 4 hours of work. Keep a log, either in a notebook, or in an excel spreadsheet or something, of every job you've applied for, and names & contacts #'s of recruiters & HR people, and dates that you've been in touch with them. It will come in handy. If you're going to collect unemployment, you have to keep a record of every job for which you've applied, anyway, and you have to apply for 2 each week, minimum. Craigslist is the easiest place to apply for jobs, but it also has the most spam and BS. Headhunters in employment agencies will do a lot of work for you, but just remember, they're working for themselves... meaning you have to impress them like you would a potential employer. If they're impressed and they think they have a chance to farm you out and get you hired, then they'll try real hard. They'll sort through their openings and find one for which you fit. Good luck and don't get frustrated!
  6. News article tomorrow: Man has winch break, new motorcycle crashes to the street! All in all, that's pretty ingenious.
  7. Women have caught on... women think that men with Porsche's have small dicks and are overcompensating... and they know that Miatas are just plain fun Here's the wife in my mom's Miata (Was my stepdad's before he passed... Mom knew it was fun, so she just kept it). (Sorry to go off topic from the OP's post... Porsche's definitely have the edge in the whole "I have money and class" factor, and no Miata will EVER hold a candle to that... and yes, women ARE attracted to money & class! )
  8. Sounds perfect. Seems like Honda needed something for people who wanted more than a CBR500 but not a supersport cbr600rr. Enter the cbr650, perfect. Shame I'm not in the market for a new bike, and am only looking to buy used.
  9. But it DOES snap them clean off if they're stuck. Anywho, props for the "Lime 9" license plate
  10. I'm hopefully buying another yzf600 from Columbus. I'll keep everyone updated, of course.
  11. Helmet with built-in bluetooth like this one? http://www.cyclegear.com/CycleGear/Street/Helmets/Bluetooth/brand/BILT/Techno-Bluetooth-Full-Face-Motorcycle-Helmet/p/44032?icid=HP_TopSlide1_BiLTTechnoHelmet_073113
  13. Wind noise loud! Need better earplugs! Anyone ever try? http://www.amazon.com/Radians-Custom-Molded-Earplugs-Blue/dp/B003A28OW6
  14. Thanks guys. The motor was (obviously) much stronger & gruntier than my lil 500, which is just what I'm looking for. It's possible that the turning was simply just not what I was used to, underinflated tires as mentioned above, or just tires that don't turn as easily as other models. The ergonomics were a mixed bag... When I got back on the Ninja 500, I realized right away that the lower pegs on the 650 were more enjoyable. I'm 6'2, and I've realized before that proper riding position on the 500 can't coexist with both comfort and time. Pick two, y'know? But aside from the footpegs, it felt like I was sitting straight up. On my ninja 500 I lean forward at least a little bit, and I didn't feel like I was on the 650. Maybe it was just that I wasn't used to it, but I like being able to "tuck in" at least a little bit. I don't like sitting straight up. I wish I'd had more experience than having it be my second bike, but the posture and ergos on my yzf-600 that I used to have seemed perrrrrrrfect. From what I've read, that wasn't just me, though, it's general consensus. As for being a corner carver... The more I ride, the more I'm thinking that I love commuting on a bike, but the twisties still scares me. I'm okay to approach the limit of my riding skill, but I don't need to be PUSHING those limits. We texted a bit after the test ride... he bit the bullet and wrote first. In short, before he'd accept 2500, he'll try and get 2800 for it, or 2700 with the stock exhaust (the two brothers on there was certainly a little bippity brappity... I like my bikes quiet, not loud). That sounded reasonable to me... The situation I was considering was paying 2500 for it, riding it for the rest of the year to make sure I like it, and then spending the money for new fairings for next season. At anything higher than 2500 I don't want it, because although it's far newer & has lower mileage than any other bike I'm considering for the price, and just the right engine size/style for me... I think it's truly a beat-to-shit bike, and that means unknown problems. Pros: 1. Color. Love that blue. 2. Engine size/Config. 650 twin is perfect for me. Enough "go" to easily cruise the highway, but not more than I need. 3. Year. 2010 is newer than most other bikes I'm looking at (i.e., spending 3K or less.) 4. Mileage: It had under 5K miles, which is real nice. Cons: 1. Fairings. All fairings would need to be replaced. 2. Seating position. Not sure I like sitting straight up. Would need 2nd test ride. 3. Turning. Not what I'm used to, for the worse. Could just be a familiarity issue, but could be.... (see #4) 4. Unknown condition of bike. This is the real deal-breaker. I'm not an expert. I can look at a fairing and know it needs replaced, but that's about it. For all I know, the frame is cracked and the forks are bent. I mean, sure, I rode it, but I rode it for less than 5 minutes, and on top of that, I don't know what it SHOULD have felt like. I know it's been down (at least once, if not more) and I don't know what lasting problems there might be because of that. All in all, I'll let this go unless he texts me in 2 weeks desperate for a sale. Then I'll lowball him, of course. Until then, I'm going back to trying to find another blue YZF-600 in good condition for supercheap And while I do, I'll keep on ridin' the 500, which is serving me fine. My only dislikes about my existing ride are that it could stand to have a LITTLE more power on the highway, and the high pegs. My 30 minute commute is all I'd really want to do on them. And for power, I really just need to downshift if I wanna go faster. Oh, and the color, feel free to tease me about that Thanks again, guys.
  15. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/4587694702.html Not bad for $1,500.
  16. Charge the zombies with disorderly conduct (their instructions stated not to block traffic). Charge the driver with assault with a deadly weapon (a car should never be used in that manner).
  17. at first I thought it was pulling left, then after riding it a couple of minutes I realized I actually had to push/pull harder than I'm used to to turn the handlebars. The more I think about it, the more I want to buy the bike. Sure would suck to find out later there's something wrong with it, though.
  18. This one on Craigslist caught my eye: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/4585639168.html (yeah, I'm a sucker for blue) The fairings are in very poor shape. The bike has been dropped at speed on one side and from a standstill on the other, it looks like. One piece of the nose was repainted (poorly) and so it's darker than the rest, and there's overspray on the adjacent upper fairing. There are scratches on a matte-black part of the engine from the zero-speed drop. The rear brake lever has (is) gouging a fairing where the fairing is pushed outwards because of the two brothers exhaust. The other was a very nice guy who showed up in a helmet, but clearly not ATGATT. Said he's selling the bike because he's moving, and that he's had it for a year. That said, it's a 2010 650r in my favorite color for an asking price of $3,200. I'd texted him Friday, but schedules didn't work. I texted him again this morning, and we met up. (that's how he said he knew I was a serious buyer... because I texted him in the morning, haha). I told him ahead of time I would like to see the bike, but wasn't going to bring money this time, although if I liked it, the next meeting would involve money & a plan to purchase on the spot. So we met up, and I discovered all that about the bike. I wasn't planning on riding it, although he wanted me to. As he put it, he wanted me to know that the bike was mechanically sound, even if the fairings were LBTS. So I took it for a 5 minute spin. My number one takeaway is turning. Compared to to the Ninja 500 I ride, It was incredibly hard to push the handlebars over to turn the bike. So here's my questions... Is that due to the geometry of the bike? Because it's a wider tire than I'm used to on my 500? Just how most bikes are, and I've been riding one with much easier turning? Anyway, it clearly has more power, and is a "nicer" motorcycle. I mainly ride while commuting on the highway for about 30 minutes each way, and surely this would accomplish that easier than my 500. I WOULD need all new plastics, but the seller did say his list price of $3,200 was negotiable. It might be pretty beat up, but it IS a 2010 with less than 5,000 miles. Anyway, if anyone has experience riding a ninja 500 and a larger motorcycle, and can comment on the steering, that would be great... If anyone rides a 650 and wants to test ride this thing for me, holler for sure... I'm not particularly experienced when it comes to evaluating motorcycles. I'm tempted to buy this for cheap, ride it for a year, and get new fairings for it next summer if I keep it. (I have motorcycle ADD like TPoppa does.)
  19. Congrats! A second interview is like a first date... it means they want you, just as long as you don't do anything to screw it up
  20. motoseries is a closer shop, and I know they have an armory or something... do they have an FFL? If not, MidgetTodd doesn't look that far away... A nice afternoon's ride.
  21. I used to think the secret to getting out of debt & having lots of extra money around was to be a DINK.... Dual-Income, No Kids. So now I'm married, and don't have any kids, and my wife & I both make great money... But, LOL, it's just not working out! She makes me spend it at IKEA on things like NEW furniture, and new windows for the condo, and crap like weddings! And vacations! If it wasn't for the sex and food, it wouldn't have been worth it Actually her tuition for the fall semester at grad school was $4,000 that we just paid... Her employer reimburses her $5,000 max per year for school, so we'll get back $1,000 of that 4 that we paid (the rest was used earlier this year).
  22. Him in the dumpster Wife with 2x4 Him on a tree, on his way home! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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