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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I rub my own out, too, but only when the GF is gone If they're that painful... Use more lube
  2. All the good pics I have of Charlotte have my GF in them, and they're NWS
  3. has this been watched & mailed out, yet?
  4. About how much does a novice day cost? Does one bring a street bike to it, or do they rent bikes?
  5. I've watched the show a couple of times, but it doesn't do much for me.
  6. Ran out twice on the Buell Blast.. Both times it died completely while I was on the highway. Both times, I should shake and jiggle the bike (while stopped) and it would fire up for 30-60 seconds at a time... It was enough to get me a mile or two down the highway to the next exit The YZF-600R has a five gallon tank, and I'm lovin' it
  7. My GF is German. Actually home right now for two weeks to see family for Christmas. If you want German, get the real thing! Just come to our place for dinner!
  8. good browsing, there. I learned how to make a Dakota fire pit.
  9. A quick correction: A realtor works for THEMSELVES. They are, though, like casper said, your advocate. My realtor wanted me to offer 70K on my Condo... In insisted on offering only 65K. I got the place for 65K. It's sorta backwards, because the MORE money they get you to pay, they more they make. It's all based on commission. Had I trusted her more, I'd be out $5,000. Realtors are a dime a dozen, and yours doesn't sound like a good one. It's a very competetive industry... Find someone that you like that will bust their ass for you, and then they've earned their paycheck. This guy seems like he just wants a quickie.
  10. This thread is fun to read when you're sorta new to the OR group.
  11. I think the SECOND winter would be a LOT harder than the first. 2nd winter... all the "real" food will be gone. And the people left alive will be the ones with the knowledge, will, and means to kill you and take what you have.
  12. The thread on Bug-out-bags prompted this. I firmly believe the collapse of society WILL happen.... finite resources we're using up too quickly, the food chain will be broken in one-too-many spots, etc. There are already "routine riots" in many countries... in the event of collapse of civilization, what would you do? Imagine no electricity, meaning in a few days, no heat, water, gas... NOTHING. No help from government. Riots, looting, etc. Any zombie movie, just without the zombies. Remember, EVERYONE will be roving around in groups with guns, killing those without, so keep that in mind. Short term plans for survival? Long term?
  13. I will consider that there must be "law" enforced if you will consider that there may NOT be. Do we really wanna chance it? I did some reading, and turns out infinity + 1 is larger than infinity. It's weird math, but it exists
  14. space is so big, we're just stuck in the corner. We've been visited before, and likely are still... and will be again. I'm with Steven Hawking... He's against looking for others, since it's likely they'll be far more technologically advanced than us, and won't have much reason to let us live.
  15. nice thread! I always wanted to ride an EX-500... still do
  16. I'll be i nColumbus tonight for an install... Might have to stop by the store on my way home on Saturday afternoon to take a look-see After the HandMeDownDobes adoption fair, that is
  17. Put me in line. Whoever gets it AFTER me gets a free Armslist T-Shirt. If they don't want the T-shirt, they can just pass it on, too.
  18. Thanks to the sombrero in your avatar, I read that as "hollow out a Mexican leg."
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