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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. When we were saying our goodbyes, I held up my helmet to them and said "I know it's a personal decision, but ride safe, guys." It was too hot to waste any more breath than that
  2. I'm the LAST person who should be giving advice, given my lack of experience, but do you think maybe the aggressive riding position makes you be cautious more so than a standard or sport-tourer would?
  3. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to browse mcy on Craigslist
  4. Know what I realized on the way home, Mike? He probably lives 5 minutes from the mall, and wasn't even there in the first place... he was probably just sitting around at home waiting for US to get there, so he wouldn't have to wait. Anyway, it was definitely legit, and I'm sure that if I'd waved any of my my $500 cash in front of him, he would've gladly accepted.... But the more Mike and I looked at the bike, the more we saw wrong with it. At first glance, cracked and beat to shit plastics. At second glance, missing turns signals. Zip-tied on license plate, wires sticking out frmo the wiring harness all over, JB weld in too many important places, leaking oil from the dipstick ("Oh yeah, the guy said I needed a new gasket or to have that re-threaded..."), VERY hot transmission, blown fork seal, etc etc etc. I didn't ask to ride it, and turned him down. I wouldn't have made half as smart an educated decision without Mike there, so I'm really grateful he came. I think that with some time & effort, and a few replacement parts, it could've been a great deal... It's still a $11,000 bike new, and it had less than 10K miles... But I'm not looking for a project or fixxer-upper, I'm looking to enjoy the rest of the riding season on a bike that I know has been maintained. Mike did a lot of talking to the guy (Who had a friend with him, who rolled up on a black GSXR). He said he'd been through about 20 bikes, so Mike figures he buys 'em, abuses 'em, and flips em He rode up in a wifebeater, shorts, & flipflops, btw I was sad to let it go, but I think in the long run, I would've been sadder if I'd bought it and then regretted it. Buella comtinues to be my girl, until I can sell/trade her
  5. He called! Headed over to Mike's now, and then we're off to see this bike :D
  6. *sigh* Called again, no answer... I KNOW he's interested because HE called ME last night (y'know, at 6:30 when he was supposed to call me at 5 to meet at 6 ) Wish he'd pick up. And Mike, I'm sorry this is so uncoordinated.
  7. I dunno... He hasn't seen pics of K yet. Well, except for the one in my sig, I guess
  8. OK, giving him a call now. I feel better about going to his house, too... Less chance we'll be mugged if we have his home address
  9. OK, I'm sold! You still watching the kids this morning? Also, should I request to meet as his place, so we can test the bike on a cold start, or should we meet in public somewhere? Whichever is your preference is fine for me
  10. As soon as you and/or r1crusher can ride out with me, I'll call him and set up a time... If he answers the phone I'm not perfectly clear on why he wants to trade/sell. First, it was to get money for his son's car, then on another call he mentioned something about car problems.... He'll ask for cash along with the trade, it's not straight up.... I have a limit in my head about how much I'll throw in and hope to get it for less... Even older, it's better than a Buell Blast... It's sort of a pain to take my bike on the highway for 1+ hour trips. And it lacks the horsepower to pass someone in any great hurry, too. The bike will happily get me up to 90, but it takes its time getting there. If I'm on the highway and I want to pass someone... I want to be able to twist the throttle and then see them in my rearview.
  11. K says she'll wear it, and for pics that can be posted to the board PM on it's way to Casper with address... thanks
  12. Sounds like afternoon or early afternoon is the concensus... Thanks guys, I'll shoot for that. And AOW, thanks for the link. I'll call him first and check it. JRMiii, do you want to come, too?
  13. If Mike / Kevin have time and are willing tomorrow, it's on. ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. As for tonight, Kristina is making us some Hamburger helper and then we might go bowling, LOL. She's cooking in exchange for me looking up scooters for her to buy
  14. Bah! So he just called. I told him my GF was home and she and I were heading out to dinner, so it was too late for tonight. He suggested tomorrow, and I asked for a time, and he said just give him a call. My GF is counseling against trading... She says if he acts like this and is unreliable in general, then how good could he have taken care of his bike? Then again, it's a chance to move up from a Buell blast for only a couple-few hundred dollars out of pocket. Here's what I'm thinking... If Mike/Kevin/anyone else can go with me, or meet us somewhere to help me look over the bike / provide peace of mind that I won't be mugged, raped, and shot, then I'm thinkin' I'll still take a look at it... Might be in great shape, and if not, I can always still walk away.... I have a feeling he just wants to get rid of it and needs money. Sound good to you guys?
  15. Woot, that makes me feel better. Now, if only my seller/trader wasn't a no-show There's no way I'm riding out west in 90 degree heat during rush hour for an hour there and an hour back when he hasn't called You know what they say.... If it's too good to be true... It usually is. Or isn't. True. Or whatever. *Goes back to secretly holding out hope*
  16. That's fine, you still know more than I do. I'll ask him when he calls at 5, supposedly.... there's a decent chance he won't even call to confirm If I wait until then to get back to you about the meeting spot, will you still have time to make it all work out? I'd just feel WAY better about having someone there, both to look at the bike and to make sure I don't get mugged
  17. Ah, that's it... it says "Original" right below the word "ohio" at the top. thanks. You're nearby? If he calls me at 5 to verify the meeting at 6, wanna be the friend with the bat?
  18. Great, wanna come with and help me look it over? Actually, if ANYONE could make it to Elyria at 6 your help would be appreciated... I'm not real good at "looking bike over." Sorta new to riding I'm not sure how surprised I'll be if he shows up at all... but y'know, some people just don't know what they have. OOC, where DOES it say on an Ohio title if a bike is salvaged? I'm looking on my title (which is clean) and I don't see anywhere where it lists title type.
  19. A 2000 Triumph Daytona 955i. Clean title, 9500 miles. It's, um, a little shady, what with all the phone tag and e-mail tag, but.... Well, sometimes you have to take a chance to get a deal. Thoughts? He'll ask me to throw in some cash, but I'm prepared for that. I AM seeing/riding the bike before we swap... And I have a notary friend who'll handle that part later. I mean, um, he'll be with us to handle the transfer. I'm meeting the guy on the west side (at a mall, because he didn't want to come more east, and I refuse to go all the way to his house, so that he HAS to at least ride the motorcycle SOMEPLACE before I get on it). OK, begin the flames and telling me how stupid I am for even wasting my time hoping this isn't a scam.
  20. Josh1234


    Smack dab in the middle of the bumper... Driver didn't even try and swerve.
  21. Awesome! I like how you introduce riders & bikes in the beginning, too... and nice music choice, it had a good beat & made the vid flow
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