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Everything posted by 216cityboy

  1. I liked 3 better. This was the equivalent to final destination 5. Why?
  2. RIP rider. I just installed the "back off" module on my bike yesterday before I left work just for situations like this where the driver is either too close or can't see my brake lights due to sun. Unfortunately no add-on can MAKE someone pay attention.
  3. 216cityboy


    Is that kitty porn? Lol.
  4. Lol, KTM its not like I'm running a straight pipe or a Leo Vince. My exhaust sounds exactly like its supposed to & I've done nothing to make it any louder. It's no diff than any other slip on brotha. I just prefer to be heard (previous ex500 rider) rather than not. Believe me my exhaust wouldn't disturb your knitting if I rode down your street.
  5. I like mine as is. Low & grumpy at idle like an old Barry White, loud & obnoxious at wot like a kid at the waffle house chuggin a red bull! To each his own though.
  6. I have the grenade disc lock from IP. I'm considering the Gorilla Cycle Alarm though. Same setup as on my truck but a smaller version for bikes. Alarm goes off, remote beeps or vibrates. Although gps tracking would get me an insurance discount.
  7. Count me out. I'll still be at the meet & greet though.
  8. Or connect the inside speakers to the front channel & the outside speakers to the rear channel then use the fade to turn the inside speakers off when wanted.
  9. Cool vid. Looks like a Kawi ad or somethin.
  10. If you rub your hand across the tire you can feel & see the waves on the surface. They're not on the sipes. What pressure do you recommend KTM? I'm 6'3" 190lbs on a fat day. I'll most likely be at the meet & greet this sunday.
  11. I'll be on the eastside of Cleveland near Shaker Heights. If anyone is nearby or passing through I can possibly roll with them or just meet up in Akron.
  12. Yeah I commute 200 miles minimum a week back & forth to work & that's ALL freeway. I've only hit the twisties twice so I keep them at the owners manual spec. Thanks for all the info/opinions everyone. I'll just ride this set out til the winter then replace them.
  13. Lol. If only rotating them was an option RFM & no thanks jbot. Here's the pics anyway to show the tread life after 4k miles. I'll definitely look into 1: dialing in my suspension & 2: lower psi once I buy the next set.
  14. No point in attaching pics because it wouldn't show the wear but the front tire measures 3mm (book says min 1mm). I run them at the cold spec of 36 front, 42 rear. Glad to hear any info so I don't kill the next set. I just didn't expect them to wear uneven when I've heard mileage ratings from others as high as 8k & they appeared to be worn smooth. The rear is worn more in the center from slabbing it to work everyday but its not cupped. No biggie there.
  15. I live in Columbus but will be in cleveland that weekend & plan on riding back that Sunday for the meet & greet. I'll keep an eye on this & probably ride down with you guys.
  16. Barely noticeable by camera but I'll post some tomorrow. More noticeable by touch. I thought I lost a weight during a road trip but caught the view while sitting next to it. I was wondering about suspension & now that I think about it the Dunlop I took off the front when I bought the bike was mildly the same way. Where can I have the suspension setup for my stature?
  17. Get ya feet wet cuzo. Lol. I'll show u around this forum when yaw come down. Accept my friend request! Lol.

  18. Only have about 4k on a new set I bought from IP. Anyone else have the front tire cup leaving them with an annoying vibration at highway speeds? Most people will say tire pressure issues but that's not the case. I'm always aware of my tires having correct pressure. Just wondering if it will get worse or any other known reasons so I don't have the same issue when I replace them next spring. I plan on trying out the Continentals next.
  19. 8500 when I bought it early November. 14k now.
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