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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. As soon as the door opens. I heard 2 shots. First time I thought it was the door opening and closing
  2. You've never been to the executives den in Euclid have you? #2 goes right out the window.
  3. Depends on who you're with. With anyone I ever worked with, it's the titty bar. Family or friends Strip club
  4. i got lots of big things going on
  5. He is being honest about who he is and what he believes in. I'll be voting for Gary Johnson or writing in Ron Paul/Andrew Napolitano no matter who is on the ballot come November, but... I really hope it's Cruz vs Sanders. 2 candidates on the complete opposite spectrum both who are honest about who they are and do not waiver in their beliefs. If it's Cruz and Sanders we will know what direction the country will go in. I think Obama is going to suggest the Justice a Department file charges against Hillary because he wants to be the political ruling family. Not continue in the direction of the likes of Clintons and Bushs doing "favors" for special interest. And the lies, and people getting killed over bad intelligence.
  6. When he was first born he would puke up everything he ate and was diagnosed with GERD. So we had to get the special formula that you can't write off as a tax expense even though it was ordered by the doctor for us to do, the idiots in the government consider it "nutrition required for simple existence" or some B.S. Like that. Well he started to keep it down but was still puking a lot from it all coming back up. So we went in for his 2 month check up and told his doctor to write us a prescription for Zantac and she did, and just as we thought the Zantac might have been working a few days later he ended up in the ER diagnosed with a respitory virus and had such a bad cough it would trigger his gag reflex and he'd puke everything up. So after 2 days of nothing but pedialyte he added in some formula and couldn't put the poor kid down for an hour after he ate and he could only eat a couple ounces at a time so by the time his formula got digested and we could lay him down and get a little sleep 30 minutes later he would be crying for more food because he was still hungry. That was a rough 2 and half months. Complete opposite of our daughter who never got really sick until a week after we finally got her off the bottle and then had to go back to the bottle because she wouldn't drink anything from a cup.... God I. KIDS.
  7. Our 2 and half month old son goes from almost dying 2 weeks ago from dehydration and lack of nutrition to sucking down 7 oz of formula 5 times a day and last night he sucked down 8oz...
  8. Of course she wants them delayed. They're all do damning and by November people will have forgotten all about it. And if it's true what everyone one on Patriot radio on SiriusXM is saying, the high level people investigating can't even read some of the email because the classification is so high, that something like only 12 people in the world can read it.
  9. Gatsbys over by strolling afros is pretty much anything goes.
  10. That is the exact one I was thinking of. Best time pretty much ever but a quick google search says permanently closed
  11. Across the board to Kentucky? I "hear" Canada has some great strip clubs and Windsor is only a 4 hour drive.
  12. When I was 16 a sophomore in high school, we had 9 kids commit suicide in one year. Majority did it with sleeping pills One jumped over Niagara Falls And a couple gun shots
  13. zx3vfr

    Bernie Sanders

    Majority of Americans could not handle the freedom of the libertarian party. No one to cry to when you get butt hurt.
  14. And of course the lenders will be threatened with discriminatin lawsuits if they don't approve everyone without a social security number.
  15. She owes to many favors not to become president. If she doesn't she will disappear off the face of the earth. Send,1 00 1 1 1 0p
  16. zx3vfr

    Bernie Sanders

    At least the bern is honest about it
  17. zx3vfr

    FN FNP 45 FS/FT

    This one doesn't have a manual safety It's got a decocker and a heavy DA trigger pull, and a 1911 crisp SA pull
  18. Sure this is a good idea? Free booze for a potential OR member? Linked to your kids tickets. Can you say banned from the Q for life?
  19. It will only be as successful as the people who write the program. I'm not an engineer by any sorts of imagination and this is cool, but it seems as if it's a culmination of technology that's been on road cars for a while now.
  20. Very good shape have owned since new. Pistol with factory hard case, backstraps and 3 mags. 269 rounds of FMJ Crossbreed iwb and Tagua OWB Asking $700 for everything 600 leave out ammo. Trade for the following with ammo, extra mags and holsters. Sig P230 3.9" 9mm FN FNP/X/S 9mm Glock 19 Basically a 9mm 4" compact pistol
  21. Seriously look at the floating vinyl. It comes in all sorts of faux and colors and patterns.
  22. I highly recommend floating vinyl.
  23. i read the best description of the grom to date. It's the bike your dad always wanted to get you but your mom would never allow and it even fits an adult.
  24. Ugh. My 2 month old got RSV and has refused to sleep for 6 nights and 7 days.
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