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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. Lol. Sharing everything doesn't lead to a divorce. If you ever do get married and all that freedom gets taken away because she wants to share everything, you'll want that freedom back but when you get it back you'll only have half your money and half your things. Start sharing now
  2. I make about 10k more a year than my wife. But her job pays for our health insurance for a family of 4 which is roughly 10k a year. Our money just goes into one account and all the bills come out of that account. When we want something or want to get our kids something we just do it without much discussion because we invest, donate and save what is recommend for our age group.
  3. Not that anyone cares but it's almost at 5k signatures. https://www.change.org/p/ohio-governor-remove-front-license-plates-in-ohio
  4. beep the horn twice for service. Service not available when only one,attendant is on duty ,
  5. Obama can get fucked by a camel. He can't ban them, he can't ban ammo, he can't tax the ammo, so he'll just make sure that everyone will be disqualified from the background check.
  6. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Stream+super+cross+online
  7. Not bad at all. Most painful part is when he was searching for the tube on the right nut and clamped it down before the local anesthetic. The needle injecting the anesthetic was not bad at all. It's now been a little over 2 hours most the numbness is gone and it feels like I was kicked in the nads. Just sitting with feet up and ice on. I did get some Percocet and took one about an hour ago so the transition from anesthetic to opiates went fairly smooth.
  8. 1:30 today I'm getting snipped.
  9. Since when did cell phones become penis extenders? Are they the new pick up truck lift kits?
  10. Yes it's real it's proposed by the democrats. It will never pass. Not even with a democrat majority. There would be revolt. The military, FBI, most ATF agents would not be on congresses side.
  11. My guess would be some insulation around a wire has worn away and is short to grounding. Could also be related to throttle position sensor not sending the correct signal or a weak signal. They are potentiometers that rub on contacts and may not be making full contact, or when small voltage goes through it expands away from contacts and after you shut down it cools down enough to make contact again. Keep us updated.
  12. parma is the 7th largest city in ohio. comprised of mostly of eastern european people.
  13. zx3vfr

    Church carry

    I live next to a mega church that preaches some very radical ideals. For example a YouTube video was released by them of the pastor beating up the Easter bunny. The pastor has 2 armed "security guys" with him 24/7. If you need armed security you're doing something wrong
  14. Bottom is the new addition to the evil black rifle collection.
  15. Some cinnamon and clove will keep the little bastards away. A table spoon of each wrapped in microwaveable Saran Wrap will send them running
  16. Obstruction in airbox most likely. Electric choke butterflies may also be stuck closed, if it has it
  17. Ford family really cleaned up the controls on 2015 models.
  18. Index funds and Fossil energy stock and precious metals. Oh and guns and smokes and booze. Also will apply for grower or retail license as soon as possible depending on how legalize Ohio 2016 is looking to pass
  19. just reiterating what everyone else says. markets are dumb, I'd have better luck in a casino. I just buy precious metals. Hoards of cartons of smokes, and enough alcohol to burn down an entire city. Barter, it's the only thing that's going to be worth anything after obummer is done with his presidency, or rather elects himself to his 3rd term.
  20. Because credit is cheap and you can earn more in the market during the 6 months of zero per cent financing.
  21. Another gripe of mine about our piece of shit law makers. First blackberry was in 1999. 16 years later they have failed to bring labor laws up to date with technology.
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