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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. Reed is just as crooked as Dimora and Russo. He'll be busted soon enough but Sharpton and Obama will call everyone racists who busts him. Mike White was the only one smart enough to GTFO before shit got real.
  2. The state should just have allowed or put on a medical bill years ago, similar to California's so anyone could get it. Allow people to grow it. Keep public possessing amounts low, like an ounce. That way you could focus on busting people selling illegally and make it zero tolerance for having more than that in public, like 10 years in prison if caught dealing outside a dispensary. This law is fucked. Legalize Ohio 2016s plan is even more fucked in terms of publivc possession amounts, and will allow street dealers to stay in business. Ohio needs some kind of structure this isn't the Wild West. It's not even the mid west. It's more east coast politics here anymore. I will be voting yes for 3. I do love however all the hippie stoners I know and how they they say the main stream media lies and lies, but then they believe the lies they tell about their precious,herb.
  3. Vermont keeps electing bernie sanders. enough said. maine has decent seafood. new hampshire is the only one i would say was ok, only because they have no seat belt law for adults.
  4. Psh. When I was a corner worker we'd replace apex seals in mere minutes
  5. New England sucks. Shitty people and everyone thinks they're Irish.
  6. zx3vfr

    2016 Scion iA

    I'd go with a fiesta over the ia.
  7. Try volunteering. Thankless and you get bitched at for not offering more of your non existent time
  8. Until their self driving piece of fuck on Chinese tires kills someone and the person who was killed family sues Apple for billions. Actual good for Apple up out as an shitty Chinese iCars as you want and I hope they cause a couple deaths. Then you fucking hypocrites will be gone for good
  9. And that's why New England sucks. Stupid Hillbillies and even stupidider white trash.
  10. I had a friend drop me off something called the purps. Swing by some time and we can try it out
  11. State of Ohio just sent me a bill with an audit warning for the 599 saying I owe $364.46 in tax and they are claiming the average selling price is $6,326.46 lolololololololol
  12. Price drop $2,500. Need gone gone gone.
  13. Vehicular homicide. Will be sentanced to 3 years. Out in 18 months on good behavoir. 10 year loss of license. Will be busted driving 3 months after she gets out.
  14. Loud pipe on Grom because it saved like 20 pounds and defiantly made it easier to move my ass up hills. Loud pipe on 599 because some old fuck who owned it before me put it on.
  15. women judges are cunts. Women should not be judges. Ecspeciialy they should not be allowed t be judges in family court. Thank god you don't even need to go to court to get a divorce anymore
  16. zx3vfr

    Get off my lawn!!

    Fuck this place has gone to shit
  17. Just vote yes. Norml has evemn endorsed it. It's a plan to keep everything regulated so we don't have another Colorado, where every one and their brother opens a pot farm or retail outlet. Plus you must also realize these people who already invested to get this on the ballot already have millions upon millions of dollars. They're going to take out any sherif, state congressperson, mayor etc etc that spoke out against issue 3. next time they are up for election. Plus our fuckwad congress wants to keep pot illegal so bad they put an issue on the ballot to try and keep it illegal.
  18. No, it's really not. Unless you live in a town with a population of less than 5 and your brother who is also your father with your aunt who is also your sister is the police chief. I was caught a few years back. Not high, just a little bag and no papers. The cop dumped it out and it all blew away in the wind. End of story.
  19. 3,4 and 5.1 are all hydroscopic. 5 is not hydroscopic, it will separate from moisture. I personally like castrol gt Lma dot 4
  20. Even if you had to buy the plant from a farm, you take a cutting, dip it in hormone and 3 weeks later you have more fully rooted plants 100% identical to the mother plant.
  21. The game you play passing in a double yellow. I've had people try to run me off the road on a couple occasions. But it's the risk you take.
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