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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. FNs are great. I've got at least 20k through my early fnp45 and its workings look brand new.
  2. I don't care about any form of football.
  3. Going to be funny. Never show up for class then drop out. One of them will have a career ending injury and then they'll be "striking" for 15 an hour to flip burgers
  4. So you spent 4 years with your ankles by your ears like all the other girls that go there?
  5. Whatever the sticker on the swing arm says
  6. Going to trade the 4.2 i6 4x4 nearly 3 ton gas guzzler in for a 1.25 ton 1 liter turbo. Prepping for when gas goes back up
  7. Pay check forgery / altering is a highly fowned upon offense. I'd call the IRS and your state department of labor
  8. But, a well ran joint is going to have 25-40% food cost(10 dollar buger and fries costs about 3.33 max to make that's a 300% mark up as well. Think about all the salds they sell to house wives and hipsters trying to stay thin. Salad even with some cut up chicken on it is like 10% food cost at max (5% of $9.99).... 99 cents to make that salad. that's a huge profit, Personally I think, and with a little service industry knowledge of running a bar for a friend for a few months there is still way more money to be made anywhere than beer sales.
  9. Hating someone for their religion does not make you a racist.
  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n083eytJe5g
  11. Because I know serpent is going to say okc bombings. Mcveigh claimed his religion was science and he was agnostic.
  12. zx3vfr


    Apparently this guy. http://slumz.boxden.com/f218/im-not-saying-denzel-washington-sucks-but-1847634/
  13. Hitler was agnostic at best. Possibly indifferent to Christianity. Most historians believe he was extremely hostile to Christianity. Hitlers religion was the German State.
  14. I don't think we are seeing this eye to eye. Look at it from an economic prospective, not just water, grain, hops, yeast and time. I could probably brew and bottle at home for $0.08 a serving. But I don't pay taxes, I don't have delivery trucks, I don't have employees, I don't have to pay for health care. Etc etc. It could very well be a 3x mark up by the time it gets to you at your bar stool but it's not a 10x mark up. And a liquor store/gas station is pretty much stuck using ohios minimum mark up because if they didn't no one would buy their alcohol from them because the store down the street would have it at state minimum. Just because something is "cheap" to make. Doesn't make it a cheap product to get to a consumer. My whole point is QSL is not making bank or pure profit on beer sales at bike nights. Because of all the reasons I have previously mentioned. The markup compared to liquor is marginal and add in security, extra insurance, hiring security and police, etc. etc. just because you make 3 dollars a can in a quick transaction doesn't mean that it's making you make bank. You have tons of other costs associated with it. Economics yo.
  15. No it's not. Perhaps from what it takes to produce it but a liquor store or grocery store selling at or slightly above state minimu, is a 25-33% markup. My usually go to is a 25oz bud ice costing me $1.19 at the liquor store next door so that can costs the liquor store $0.90 assuming a 30% markup. Remember in Ohio we have huge beer distributors and a giant multi national beer do twisting the arms of our politicians making sure that liquor stores and bars etc. can never buy direct from the Brewer or distiller. For christakes a LaRose is in our state senate.
  16. I wish someone would buy my bike. I went out for a ride Monday, and it took me all of 3 seconds to decide which bike to ride. The poor 599 just sits. Fresh synthetic oil change, a full tank of fuel from the marina and some sta-bil. Just need to do a bit of cleaning.
  17. 16oz cans cost about $1 each. Ok even at .60 a can not including delivery fees, paying someone to unload the truck, paying someone to put them in storage, paying someone to take them out of storage, filling up bins with ice, putting them in said ice, then paying someone 4.05 an hour and trusting them to make sure everyone buying is 21. So my point still rests, there is not money to be made in beer and yes in terms of handling it makes it very expensive. Unlike a bottle of liquor that can can pour 25 drinks (based on a standard 750ml bottle). A bottle of bacardi black (my poison of choice) costs me 16.25 / 25 (drinks) is $0.65 before handling, which doesn't have to be chilled, and a bar back can move 12 bottles or so at a time, which equates to 300 drinks and on the low low low low low side of $4.50 per serving of liquor is an amazing $1350. Even with a trolley and moving 5 30 packs (150 cans) at a time and selling at the high side of $5.00 a can and your estimate of $0.60 is only $660. Making half the money of liquor and involving a whole lot more handling because of having to keep it cool and the sheer bulkiness of moving 150 servings of beer at a time vs. 300 servings of liquor at a time. Does that explain how canned and bottled beer is not a money maker?
  18. Saudi Arabia and Turkey were christian nations long before Islamist's killed everyone who wouldn't submit to the Allah and his pedophile prophet.
  19. the crusades were christians taking their land back from the muslims who took it by killing anyone in their way.
  20. It's not a religion of peace. Go watch the video of the Turks shouting Allaha Akbar during a moment of silence at a soccer match just after the Paris attack.
  21. No, there is virtually no mark up for canned beer. Even at 3 dollars which is what I recall paying over the summer, they're only making $2 a can, minus the huge liability insurance you must have for having people drink in the parking lot, hiring police and security, paying a dumb broad to get half naked and bake in the heat. No bike nights are no pure profit. If anything it's probably a break even point hoping to get people inside to buy over priced wings, burgers and salads. The big money is in liquor sales. Not Beer, especially canned or bottled beer.
  22. zx3vfr

    2006 Honda 599

    For some reason craigslist is refusing to let me add pics for this ad. I've reposted it a billion times and it always deletes the pics Holy shit I fixed the craigslist. BTW dickhead your picture link didn't work.
  23. zx3vfr

    2006 Honda 599

    heh, wasn't even getting any nigerian scams. i posted in in motorcycle parts. lolol http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/5321164000.html
  24. zx3vfr


    Fuck the Middle East, fuck Isis, fuck the Saudi Royal family, fuck the Jordanian Royal family. Keeping oil prices so low and Obammy's epa keeping fees so high for US oil production it can't compete. I have friends losing their jobs working on the Ohio pipeline because if the camel fuckers keep selling oil this cheap, there's no money to be made to produce it here. At least not enough to justify creating more jobs.
  25. zx3vfr


    Thanks Germany.
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