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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. Spicey beanless chili 10-15 San Marzano Tomato's 1-2 hearty thick type tomatoes. (I use celebrity) 15 Green Chilies Whole (mild I use Anaheim) 7 Jalapeños 1 Cayanne red pepper 1 whole white onion 3 garlic cloves Salt Pepper Various seasonings Olive oil 1 tsp cinnamon 2 well marbled ribeyes Run tomatoes through processor to slightly chunky consitancy. Place in large bowl and set aside. Boil green chilies for 10-15 minutes or until skin is soft, rinse in cool water. Remove seeds and ribs of chilies. Place in processor and turn in to a paste. Set in large bowl and set aside. Boil jalapeños for 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Remove seeds and ribs except for 2 (can be more or less depending on preference). Place in processor turn to paste and add to other chili paste. Place steaks on freezer for 10 minutes, remove trim excess fat and cut into 1" cubes. Coat with salt and pepper. Chop onion and garlic, heat olive oil in a large pot. Add onion and garlic cook until translucent. Add steak, cook to medium rare. Add pureed tomatos and pepper paste. Allow to come to boil. Dice or chop hearty tomato's add to pot. Slice cayenne pepper in to small slivers add to pot. Once at heavy boil reduce to simmer. Add cinnamon and check for taste. Add own spices as needed. Let simmer for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Divide and refrigerate. Serve the next day. This makes about 8-10 servibgs. It will be more of a chili soup but it is very hearty and filling. Do not simmer longer than 2 hours. Or you lose to much liquid from the tomato's and will cause loss in number of servings. I do not add any kind of chiplotle or chili powder, especially Texas chili powder. I do not want smoke taste in my chili.
  2. Sam Smith Group love Getting back into AWOL nation
  3. we both are close to the same. Idropped from 250 to 195 by cutting carbs (cut out all grains, legumes and dairy). Another 5 pounds and I'll up my carbs until I hit my goal weight of 175 then I'll up them again to maintenance mode and stick there. Im eating just about 50 grams of carbs a day all in the form of veggies. The rest is organic pastured meats. I still have a cider a couple times a week and a 85% cacoa square every night. Its 90% will power and 10% actually doing it. I have no desire to eat bread potatoes or pasta at this point. I do make some crock pot Mexican chicken on lettuce and I'll put some yogurt made with whole milk on it to make it seeem like a our cream.
  4. Propane is scary. Especially when the pilot goes out and the gas doesn't shut off like it should. It all sinks.
  5. zx3vfr

    Dunlop Q3

    I was doing this review from my standpoint. Jeebus midge. More than 4 or 5 track days would destroy these tires. I ride strictly street and was injecting that I wouldn't have a problem doing a couple track days a year with them. Is. Ride there and ride back.
  6. zx3vfr

    Dunlop Q3

    Bike Ninja 650 Bike mileage 11,200 Q3 Mileage 1,400 Style Aggressive street some comuting and 1 800 mile round trip Tire size 120/70-17 160/60-17 Initial impression. Got stuck in the rain on first ride with 0 miles on them and holy shit new tires are scary in the wet These are a great street tire probably good for the once or twice a year track guy. If I had to sum them up I would say they inspire confidence. Impressed with wear too. One trip from Akron to Indy on a slab and back and returned. No funny hump or wear in the center. Turn in is very fast and switch highway lanes just by thinking about it. Now that's not saying much considering the rear tire is 20-30 mm smaller than most sport bikes today. But I'll be damned if I go into a turn and maybe 50% of the effort to start the initial lean as the stock tires. Once in the turn you either keep a reasonable speed and effortlessly make it out the other side or you crack the throttle and just keep pushing on the bars and no matter how fast I go or hard I push the bike stays planted and in the perfect line without interruption even from gravel or an indentation in the road surface. Overall I really like these tires. Definetly blow the s20s on my old vfr away and probably close to the grip levels of the bt003s on my dads cb1 without sacrificing worn out tires every 2k. Judging by wear I should easily get 6 maybe 7 k out of them, with no track days.
  7. Bought a cheap tank bag from iron pony for the 650
  8. ya when I transfered over from Indiana the lady asked if my Vin was on the insurance card. I showed it to her and that was it. End of story.
  9. Eww. I've gone paleo. I feel great and best part is TECHNICALLY I can still drink cider
  10. Svedka is the fucking devil dressed in a magical clear potion that will have effects similar to ghb and you will wind up swimming in lake Erie when it is 20 degrees F outside then waking up in eastlake when your night started in Westlake with only the clothes on your back, a court summons for PI and a cab driver who is going to shoot you for not paying. And not to mention the worst headache of your life
  11. My wife watches it. It annoys me. I do like georgio tho. But it really iskinda dumb.
  12. Down to 198 from 250 in May. On a 5'10" broad shoulder frame. Basically you could only tell I was a fatty by looking at my face or when I sat down and my gut hinh over everything. Cut out all and I mean all grains. I never ate that bad but didn't realize that 200 grams of carbs a day. Been eating between 20-40 grams a day all in the form of veggies and an occasional handful of almonds (maybe once a week). Doing roughly 100 push ups and crunches/sit ups every night except Saturday night and walking about 15 miles each day. Goal weight is 175. Once I hit 190 I'll up my carbs to 50-80 a day and let the last 15lbs come off slowly. Then once I hit my goal weight I'll go to 100 grams a day and probably start some serious weight lifting
  13. Like Brian said, those of us with families and ride motorcycles, are we selfish? To recieve some kind of euphoric gratification for what, 2 hours once a week? Smokers, yep you're selfish, especially when you have kids because your kids go to school and smell like smoke. Remember less than half the population smokes now, and plus you're gonna die 15 years sooner. Just think of all those selfish activites we do because one day your little girl isn't going to have a dad to walk her down the aisle when she gets married. Ya imo suicide is the pussy way out, but it really doesn't matter because we all die and I fully support any legislation for assisted suicide.
  14. If someone wants to die, they should be able to do so. People need to learn to make peace with the god they worship and get over it if someone they know kills themself. Chances are if you claim to be close to someone who kills themself chancee are you should have recognozed the warning signs. Remember christian god forgives all sins. Jewish god only rewards you here on earth and muslim god flips a coin when you die, but chamces are all that happens is we rot in the ground. People meed to stop lookint for answers and move on. If you were really concerned about suicide youd wcall you congressman and tell him to do something about big pharma pushing suicide pills err anti depressents
  15. sales wise and mag reviews. But honda usualy gets ripped a new one anyway from most mag reviews . It always seems honda tries to build the jack of all trades amd we know what that means. Im sure its a fine bike to own and ive only been on one once but after owning hondas, they have no soul imo
  16. cb1000r is a bust imo. Going directly after the z1000 maybe even the s1000r.
  17. you think they got screwed? Obviously you dont understand racing
  18. Meridian was insane this year. Busiest I can ever remember.
  19. Nice that'll go perfect with my saddle bags. Pm incoming
  20. Probably comes out of the same factory as the go pro made by 5 year old Chinese kids
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