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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. eyes on factory motogp team
  2. G.W. Would win. His daddy would get him exempt for the actual battle then would show up as the last man standing was about to bleed to death.
  3. remember when the federal government almost banned sport bikes? And when they compared sport bikes to Harley's and felt that they were competing to much? Be it through lobbying or just plain old idiot politicians... There is a chance they will be banned one day, not today, not tomorrow but one day they will be banned from the road and restricted to a track. After that it will go the way football is heading now,, it's to dangerous so the federal government will ban it one day. I bet 10 Ben Franklins that within 15 years football in this country will cease to exists. And shortly after that, when all the racing riders and drivers start having complications from sitting in or on a race machine start surfacing, ya well... It's just a matter of time til all we can do is eat an mre pill, get into our self driving car, go to work, get back in our self driving car, come home eat dinner mre pill and go to sleep while obamas anthem is forcibly played over your tv that you can't turn off. Also, as to the smoking, simple capitalism yo, if you allow smoking in your restaurant and no one wants to be around it, you have no income for your staff, your staff all quits and so on and so forth. Why can't we just leave everyone to be and make their own decisions. If you don't want to go into a smoking restaurant don't fucking go its that simple.
  4. I love my jr. If the bikes in the garage even if I'm going to ride it the next day it goes on the tender. Been doing this with various powersports equipment for years and never had a battery go bad. My dad's 2002 919 is still on the original battery and he keeps the jr. On it all the time
  5. People in Ohio are stupid amd want the government running their lives. He'll this whole country has gone,full blown retard and wants the government making decisions for them. Yes the smoking ban is retarted and infringes in a business owners rights. No one is forcing anyone to patronize or work at an establishment allowing smoking. Bottom line, you have the freedom of choice to enter a smoke filled building or not. I think a federal helmet law is even more full blown retard. All it's going to do is create a bunch of brain dead zombies, because those that don't want to wear helmets are going to buy the novelty helmets with fake dot stickers and when they wreck it will provide enough protection to not let their brains spill out on the road
  6. the concerm is the amount of pesticides and herbicides applied. Roundup ready corn still takes up the glysophosphate, it just jsnt affected by it.
  7. A constitution is a document which what rules are followed in this country. A flag has no rules or guidelines an inanimate object that offers us nothing but SYMBOLISM.
  8. Hybridizing good.. Genetically modifying bad.. There is a difference, insects have been hybridizing for us for millions of years.
  9. Tax the hell out of it, just like tobacco.
  10. Wow you really are a fucking idiot who had no idea what you are talking about. GMO is adding an extra gene. What you are taking about us hybridizing. What you are saying is if 2 people of a different race make a baby, that baby is genetically modified, but the baby has both parents genes, not any extra unless a mutation occurs but it was not forcibly added.
  11. Pledging to a flag is retarded socialist activity. A flag is an inanimate object that was changed every few years until about 50 years ago. Now pledging to the constitution. That would be awesome.
  12. do you buy insurance after a car wreck? No. It's cheaper to pay the penalty, so why not just pay the penalty until you need a 30,000$ surgery then get insurance... IDIOT
  13. the insurance industry isn't the problem. It's the lawyers and constant bad drug lawsuits that try to bankrupt the doctors and hospitals. So of course healthcare costs have to go up.A real solution would have been a 1.5% tax on all health insurance premiums put into a general fund for those truly in need.
  14. Accirding to their facebook page they have closed permanently
  15. Um, bike engine not econobox engines.
  16. zx3vfr

    Meth Lab

    When I lived in an apartment I had some across the hall neighbors move in. All of a sudden I couldn't sleep, always was itchy, didn't know why. Doctor couldn't find any reason why. A month later swat and local pd busted down his door and the found a meth lab and a baby... Yeah, that was part of the reason I got the fuq out of that apartment shortly after. Apparently the owners did background checks but failed to find either he have them false ID or didn't do the background check and didn't see the warrant for his arrest.
  17. Umm. Ya. I really don't think any super industrial military strength cable tie is going to hold up past 3 mph of wheel spin.
  18. I'm still a fan of the idea of shared manufacturing of engine blocks across the board for the bikes. 1000cc i4 750cc i3 500cc par twin 250cc single Save money by being able to share pistons, bearings rods, valves, etc. with modern electronics and the simple fact different camshafts would have to be used, it wouldn't be hard to make each bike very rideable to its respective cc.
  19. major cbr1000 redesign for 2015. 200hp v4
  20. I will only care when our fourth and fifth amendments stop being blatantly trampled on by being required to inform if I am carrying. Well duh if I want to kill a cop I'm going to tell him I'm carrying. Oh wait I'm going to go through the trouble of getting a chl to kill a cop during a traffic stop ugh.
  21. I have a theory. A theory that explains this giant mess all to well. Obamacare was fucked up on purpose. They purposely wrote a bad law. They did this to prove, Well to prove the only solution, is not the old way, not the current way, but the next way The next way of SINGLE PAYER.... If you have your health ID card you get treatment. Then we are all fucked. And the old way really wasn't that bad. If you got sick and needed $100,000 dollar surgery NO ABSOLUTELY NO doctor or hospital could refuse treatment. And when you can't pay the bill you simply call up the hospital and ask for easy payment terms of $20 dollars a month and they would take what they could get. You Obamacare leg jumpers do realize most hospitals are non profit right?
  22. zx3vfr


    I love my spyderco. I use it every single day, it's beat to hell. Zdp189 sandwhiched blade. I've had it for over 4 years and it still holds an edge, but... It's becoming worn and chipped so I think I'll be replacing it with another spyderco for Christmas.
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