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Everything posted by Ricochet

  1. Ricochet

    Should I?

    yes i have more sitting around. The last one was an impulse buy. i bought 2 and sold one to friend. I haven't shot much in past yr so they just sit in safe. I'm hoping price swill come down. I would rather have a nice bike since I ride all the time. If anyone would be interested, message me for details. I have ammo, and lots of mags also.
  2. I have a honda shadow and also looking to upgrading this spring...
  3. Ricochet

    Should I?

    Been wrestling with the idea of getting rid of some guns. I have a AMD-65 and a M&M m10/762 i have picked up in the past several months. I am looking into getting a new bike this spring and selling these would help.. but i hate selling guns.. so talk me out of it or into it.
  4. Ricochet

    m+m m10762

    From the album: stuff

  5. Ricochet

    IMG 0704

    From the album: stuff

  6. they aren't putting much on their site and aren't taking too many phone orders due to not having the staff and the huge amount of calls they are getting. I got mine on fri... check their FB page as they post most guns they get in on there.
  7. 255 is closed again and so is 556.. if you are in monroe county.. 536 will have a lot of salt/ gravel on it... stop and say hi when down this way
  8. I went and picked up this.. and this..
  9. yea pretty much everyone is posted.. I still eat there cause i have friends that work at one and i get free beer so i dont have a weapon on me anyway..
  10. they screwed me.. audited back in 2008. Sent in everything they requested.. didnt hear from them thought everything was taken care of, then in 2010 i get a letter saying I am being sued by city of columbus for failing to pay city tax for 4 yrs from 2003 to 2007. I didnt work in city but lived there for part of 2 yrs but had same job. no idea how they came about that since i worked for the state at the time. Had attorney friend look at it, send in letter etc and never heard back until last yr and they wanted to garnish my wages for back taxes. They say with late fees etc i owe around $5000 but they cant show me how they came up with that figure....
  11. bullet to her head and take the kids for adoption. most will probably end up in prison like daddy
  12. I am also looking for a HD... Said i would never get one because they are overpriced, but I do like them. Been looking at a couple used ones. Im too old and fat for sport bikes anymore.. my back cant handle it.
  13. Anyone is more than welcome to come visit me and stay... ride, shoot guns etc... hopefully i will have more free time this yr for a cook out/shoot etc... range is started but haven't had much time to work on it...
  14. why does my right nipple get hard but my left one doesnt?
  15. that isn't Marietta lol that is Monroe county. where i live
  16. buy it.. i would love too but i already committed to buying a glock 19
  17. i was going to come but weather is supposed to get crappy here in the morning
  18. i wore a long sleeve shirt plus a hoodie with hood up to help me sweat more... i am not there to impress anyone..
  19. My last pc build was 4 yrs ago and I can handle anything new without problems. At the moment I am playing black ops 2, far cry 3, Day Z mod, max payne 3, and every once in a while will play Fall out new vegas. Right now most of time is spent on BO2. add me to steam.. xxxamishxxx
  20. I went to dales once.. woke up with no memory and my butt was sore
  21. if you werent so far away
  22. pics!!! i might be interested in both
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