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Everything posted by crb

  1. Was Martin wrong for attacking Zimmerman? Assuming Zimmerman was only following him and did not draw his weapon?
  2. Don't respect me, I don't care my life's in danger I'm drawing! I don't fight and if I'm forced into it you bet I will use every tool to my advantage gun, knife, rock, brick, big heavy object, etc. That said you wont see me getting out of truck and following you. I have a weapon to level the playing field. I'm a pussy so what? I am what I eat!
  3. Not if he assaults a 28 yr old man. His tweets are interesting. http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/26/the-daily-caller-obtains-trayvon-martins-tweets/ I still want to see the toxicology reports.
  4. Totally agree! I have the same questions. I can't say he is guilty or innocent in my opinion until all the facts come out. It may be best that it goes yo trial. I will say 100% both men made bad choices that night unless it comes it comes out that Z followed him gun drawn, but I have seen no evidence to show this despite the liberal media trying to spin it that way.
  5. Stand your ground law doesn't even apply IMHO. A. He was the aggressor. Or B. There was no duty to retreat because you can't retreat when a man is beat the snot out of you while you are on the ground The author of the stand your ground law has even cone out and said it doesn't apply. That's right 17 attacking a 28 year old is a man not a kid, baby face, teen, etc. If the roles were reversed he would more than likely be charged as an adult so stop this kid shit. I knew a couple 17 year holds I went to school with you would not want to tangle with one had a bad temper and wouldn't stop beating you. Hell at 17 if you threatened my life I would gave given you a run for your money and I'm no harass. I wouldn't have attacked someone for following me. He had a cell phone call the cops and let them deal with it unless the follower escalates things. Zimmerman following Martin does not give Martin the right to touch, punch, choke, etc Zimmerman unless he was following him gun drawn which I haven't seen proof of yet.
  6. Only $300,000 ! Actually I figured it would be higher. I need to win the lotto!
  7. +1 Have the toxicology results been released for trayvone?
  8. crb


    I want one
  9. I have an addiction maybe I need help too...... I keep breathing in and out all day long. I just can't help myself I've been doing well I guess since just after I exited the birthing canal. Should I seek professional help?
  10. If only we could force criminals to leave their firearms, bats, knives, etc locked up in their home.
  11. Or Do you not understand the diferrence between criminal and civil law and court? Was rge homeowners charged with assault or attempted murder for leaving the knife out?
  12. We wouldn't be friends anymore! The constitution doesn't say you have a right to keep and bear arms "inyour home or at the range" if you don't like my RIGHT of self defense you cam fuck off!
  13. About time you joined the dark side. Many times I have 2 loaded firearm on my person and usually spare mags in case I need to reload. Hell I went for a long bike ride last Saturday and had one loaded firearm on me, and two unloaded firearms in my saddlebags. The only reason they were unloaded was because I planned to shoot at the range so I unloaded my defense ammo, but the range was booked. The Guy leading the ride had 2 loaded firearms on him! An unloaded gun does me no good if my life is in danger.
  14. crb

    XBox 360...

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003O6JKLC/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1334078320&sr=8-1 Xbox new I'm box 4 gig $196 http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B006NQP42Y/ref=mp_s_a_7?qid=1334078409&sr=8-7 120 gig hard drive $45 Controllers run $35 Plug and play $20 Games don't add much value. I got my Xbox at Walmart for $199 plus I got a $50 gift card last year. The Craigslist ad isn't such a good deal for a used Xbox. He/she says its not Xbox lovejoy banned, but people lie.
  15. At what point was the gun pulled? Did Zimmerman confront trayvone before he was (supposedly) attacked from behind? Does following someone give the person being followed the right to stalk and attack the follower? Grind their face in the concrete? Lay theirs hands on them at all?
  16. Me too! I can see both sides in most cases where a lot of people can't, my wife being one. I don't know if he us guilty or innocent until all the facts come out! I can see multiple ways it could have went down, but we still don't know step by step how it actually went down.
  17. crb

    XBox 360...

    $350 If he gets $350 I have 3 I will sell! A fourth with the red ring surely its worth $150 at least right?
  18. Didn't this occur in Florida? If so why are prescribing ORC?
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