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Everything posted by crb

  1. Until commifornia changes their barely existant gun rights I wouldn't live there. Woo so you can open carry unloaded firearm. Carry permits are very difficult to obtain, and you can't have hi capacity mags. My right of self defense comes before being able to ride all year long. We should give California away, hell its being invaded from the south anyway.
  2. Can't shoot the parents I believe they are in the UK, although they could be beaten with baseball bats!
  3. Very nice I even like the color. I tried talking the wife into one a couple years ago, but she wanted a Jeep commander that she hated from day 2.
  4. Hell I've been in a good mood. The weather has been mild, I'm as happy as a pig in mud.
  5. I see a wide variety of weapons being carried by officers.
  6. Your avatar disturbs me badtraindriver. Were you the Guy in the AR rest area that asked me if I had any duct tape?
  7. My nephews name is Blake Lee I keep waiting to see him do karate moves.
  8. Damn it I'm going to have to start reloading ammo is too expensive. Besides I hope to shoot my soon to be new to me penis compensator regularly. I have found the gun I've wanted since I was a kid and its gonna be mine all mine. FYI I'm a Tad excited. I'm thinking I want to go single stage when I get some funds back. I am thinking rock chucker.
  9. I can't stand Cincinnati, Columbus, or Cleveland but I don't want to live in a big city. Driving through Cincinnati in rain or snow is the worst those people are absolute morons.
  10. If you watch movies loud enough to disturb your neighbors, you live to close to your neighbors.
  11. Park the right direction. you broke a stupid law and got fined end of story.
  12. That's a good deal on an EMP, they are great shooters.
  13. I wasn't planning on watching it until now.
  14. $995 is the preorder price whatever that means
  15. Single stack pocket pistol vs double stack not pocket pistol. Springfield is coming out with a single stack 45 and a 9mm and 40 are sure to follow.
  16. If you have to ask you can't afford it. $995 MSRP http://www.bobergarms.com/
  17. Mine came with the fiber optic sight from the factory, I love it. http://shopruger.com/Mark-II-Mark-III-Pistol-Fiber-Optic-Sights/productinfo/84147/ Not a bad price either.
  18. I think they had dome issues with the early ones. I know two guys were shooting the same M&P at the CHL class I took they had feeding issues and quite a few ftf like one or more each magazine. They were using factory ammo and even had two brands I believe. I was Leary of the M&P's for a while after that. The was another Guy with the same issues in my local shop around the same time. Both were sent back to S&W.
  19. What did you pay for yours if I may ask.
  20. I need to build up my allowance I just blew it on her 642 pro. I'm hoping the Guy still has the 638 in a month or so.
  21. I'm waiting on a hamerlrss S&W 642 for the wifie. I'm considering a 638 for me
  22. crb

    12 gauge rounds

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