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Everything posted by crb

  1. Hopefully the colonel is in the minority. Most soldiers and veterans that I have ran into do not have that entitlement mentality.
  2. Pitifull! Is he banned yet? Good luck Iron Pony! (My poor attempt staying on topic)
  3. I like Mike Church, Andrew Wilkow, David Webb and NRA news on the patriot channel. Occasionally I catch Mark Levin. Not sure I will renew next time. I can get by with slacker or pandora free.
  4. Willie's place for older country. Prime country where my radio stays much of the time. I like some of the 90's on 9. I listen to a couple talk shows on patriot radio as well.
  5. Exactly. Although its more offering wholesale vs dealer retail price.
  6. If they are excluded then they should be able to be sold or transferred. There is no telling if/until the bill is passed. I don't see it passing as written.
  7. Those are still on the air? how about honey boo boo? Reality shows sheesh.......... Back to the topic: :tinfoil:
  8. Never had a problem with a steel. A friend's AR wont feed or extract steel reliably for some reason. Can we have the caliber debate next? Please......
  9. Thanks for the update. I missed that link.
  10. Hello 9-1-1 what is your emergency? Or hammer down and get away. I've dealt with some crazies before.
  11. Chevy we are having too much fun with this. Do you think occupy was background checked and properly trained?
  12. EXACTLY! The founders couldn't have imagined the computers, pens, printers, etc of today. Its common sense!
  13. Stiff penalties for straw car purchasers. It's for the children. Do you hate children? Don't you want safer roads for the children?
  14. A test isn't equal to training. Im serious lets apply these common sense regulations to other things. Do you dispute that more peolpe die in car accidents than with firearms? Background checks and mandatory training to exercise your 1st amendment right? Restrictions on high word capacity articles for newspapers?
  15. True and there is no constitution right to drive a car. Hmmmm how many people die in car "accidents"? Maybe we need common sense car regulations! I demand universal background checks before purchasing, owning, leasing, renting, or driving a car. Eliminate the private sale loophole for automobiles and motorcycles. Common sense speed limiters to 35 mph. Lets not forget mandatory breath analyzers in all motorized vehicles. I also insist on mandatory training! We must do this for the children!
  16. Let us hear her offer. If someone else buys it is her offer still on the table? J/K
  17. You usually supply the targets.
  18. Got you. Don't take a loaded firearm in there DUH! keep your finger out of the trigger area. I've been to fin feather fur and seen them unloading a gun at the front desk that someone is bringing in to sell/trade. You cant fix stupid.
  19. I actually agree with you on this one. They are reporting the news. Don't want this to be in the news during this time? Be responsible, don't "accidently" shoot someone during this sensitive time.
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