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Everything posted by crb

  1. I got lucky and came through early, but the FBI and state police kept darting every which way and freaking the cagers out.
  2. All the damn FBI and State police really screwed traffic up while inspecting the bridges and over passes for Obama.
  3. So it is then, I guess. Would I be in a different position than you? Nope! If that's the case if you die first reserve me a spot next door. its called faith for a reason.
  4. crb

    P11 Holster Info

    A link for what? Trigger being covered isn't a law from my understanding in Ohio, but is common sense.
  5. My assumption is that Z believed it was Gods plan for him to be armed to defend himself. Just because God has a plan doesn't mean we follow it. I don't know Gods plan for Z, M, or me. You ridicule the "sky fairy" all you want. Worse case scenario the "sky fairy" doesn't exist, and when I die they throw dirt in my face just like they will to you.
  6. Did M have free will to break Z's nose and smash Z's head into the concrete? Did Z have free will to defend his life? Assuming Z's story is accurate, which a court hasn't ruled on yet.
  7. Tell that to the parents that weren't using safe sex practices. I guess blame the God that you don't believe, its easier than personal responsibility. How did God give these babies aids? Did God force the "parents" with aids to have sex?
  8. God didn't tell him to shoot Martin, or at least that is what I get from it, but I am not an anti-gun, anti-religion bigot either. Firstly people have free will.
  9. Ditto, more wasted tax dollars.
  10. Sad to hear, sorry for your loss! Remember the good times. You are a bigger man than I, as I don't know that I could have pulled the trigger.
  11. crb

    P11 Holster Info

    Trigger should definetly be covered. Everyone's taste for holster is a little different.
  12. Sure figured these would be gone, if you were only closer.
  13. Personally I would buy a used Mossberg or Remington first. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Website says they are out everyday from 9am - 6pm approx. Damn, that's dome dedication. I suppose they sell lots of pics though.
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  16. Who says you are sane and well adjusted? He didn't say its all God's adult. Yes, that is how I took it listening to the actual interview. Thank you for being sane and rational! Oh and yes I listened to the Sean Hannity show on the evil faux news for once simply to hear Zimmerman in his own words. The question becomes can he prove his story, or disprove the prosecutor's story. Little new was learned except his side of some of the timeline.
  17. He didn't say that God made him do it. Maybe you should have listened to the actual interview.
  18. crb

    FS Thread Junk

    Used to sell appliances, and I wouldn't even try to guess what somebody was going to spend. I got quite a few because the other sales guy would think oh they are gonna buy cheap and I won't make commission. I had a farmer in bibs come in the other guy says he's all yours, farmer whips out a huge wad of money at the register. I ended up selling him over $6,000 in appliances, and he paid cash. The $6k wasn't but maybe a 1/4 the wad he was carrying around. I don't judge peoples worth.
  19. Almost forgot about them myself.
  20. Just admit you are a racist, bigoted, redneck and all will be okay.
  21. We need rain too, hope this storm hit the NE.
  22. Guns are bad! The old guy should have used kindness, sugar, and spice .
  23. Your a dillusional liberal brain dead Obama bot, got it. Maybe you look up what Karl Marx pushed. If you can't draw barrels well the previous applies. Socialist? Does he believe in wealth redistribiotion? Is wealth redistributuon a socialistic idea? He believes in universal health care is that a socialistic idea? Guess not. Suppose he couldn't be classified as a progressive or liberal idea huh? You have made me see the I'm just a big meanie! My apologies for calling the savior any mean names. He is a moderate democrat constitionalist! He has the most transparent administration. He has a spotless record and is simply doing what's best for the USSA. You have made me see the light I shall change my mean, redneck, racist, bigoted libertarian/republican ways and vote for hope and change. Thank you for helping me see the error in my ways.
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