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Everything posted by crb

  1. Sorry my stupid smart phone screwed some of it up and other parts were just ugly. I failed that's all.
  2. We really wanted one house, but the bank would not budge $1 on the short sale. Short sales are a PITA just as 6 siblings trying to sell their childhood home. They didn't want to budge either and still had the house for sale a year after we bought this house and they were like $20,000 under our offer. I hate buying houses. Fixed it hope that's better. Stupid smart phones.
  3. I almost traded for an HK, but I've never shot one. They are supposed to be very nice firearms. I understand your concern my firearms are my babies and I'm careful who I let touch them.
  4. Houses are a money pit its always something. Nice looking place. I wish I could shoot at my place I have an acre, but I have neighbors on three sides. We shoot at my wife's uncles house about two miles away.
  5. $70 does seem high. It's hard to find a trustworthy gunsmith. I've read and heard lots of complaints about gunsmiths scratching up slides doing sight installs. My local dealer has a gunsmith he used but I have no experience with him. I would like to take a class it might be a nice side business. Good luck on the sights. I like the big dots on my Sig.
  6. I sent my slide to James at http://www.xd-hs2000.com/xd-hs2000/Welcome.html he is w great guy to deal with. I emailed back and forth with him several times before choosing him. He responded quick and was very knowledgeable and helpful. Quick turn around on install too.
  7. Shame your not closer hell we pay my mother in law $50 a week to clean our house and she doesn't need the money. Someday I'd pay somebody to watch my nephew for a little bit at least. We babysit him on our off days since his Mon has no support from the sperm donor. Good luck with your search.
  8. crb

    towing a camper

    Towing that will be no issue with your equipment. No trans cooler or brake control should be needed most POP up campers are 4 wire plug and do not have brakes on the trailer axle. The big thing you need to watch is swaying. I've seen quite a few people pulling POP up campers swaying extremely hard going way too fast, that's an accident waiting to happen. I would suggest having a spare trailer tire those little wheels on POP up campers blow frequently.
  9. I receive their newsletter not that I regularly read it. Buckeyefireams has a link to them which is how I found then. I do not contribute to them. I am considering contributing to kniferights.org (may not be .org) though.
  10. I have an FNP45 honestly one of my favorite pistols. The dealer had a 5.7 but I passed due to the price and ammo process.
  11. It's common practice in other states like Indiana nearly all funeral processions are escorted by police.
  12. You need to know the amps the hair dryer and fan star to know what size you need. The laptop will be fine with about any of the inverters. I'm not sure the super small inverted will handle the fan or hair dryer.
  13. Not necessarily should the truck move trucks get into a lot of lane change accidents which is part of the reason we tend to not move. It's too easy for cars to come around us as we are changing lanes. Cars should be able to merge around us as they are smaller. Too many cars will not let us back over if let them and that puts us in a bad spot if we need to get off plus we have huge blindspots on the passenger side.
  14. What are you wanting to run off inverter?
  15. crb

    Drink Water...

    Drink water? That stuff will sink battle ships!
  16. They are cheap just pick one up at Walmart or auto parts store. I have w couple but I'm not near cbus.
  17. Or they think the ramp has the right of way and cut a big truck off doing 45 when the big truck is doing 65. When merging you are not supposed to disturb the flow of traffic meaning I should not have to swerve, change lanes, speed up, slow down, or lock my brakes up to avoid you!
  18. +100000000000 I can't stand Nancy grace.
  19. My pet preeve is people don't know what yield means anymore more especially on ramps. I also hate people merging on the solid line. I don't understand why people speed past me at 75 mph or so on the interstate and see a cop with a customer on the other and then cut in front of me and slow to 55. I swear people are stupid!
  20. Blood is from my heart and frequently visits there.
  21. crb

    Drink Water...

    Well it doesn't gave come from the toilet, but yes. What movie is that line from?
  22. Good point. I probably wasn't paying much attention to it either until the last few years.
  23. It was a shocker to me when I moved here from Indiana several years ago I wasn't used to the way Ohio treats funeral processions. Just after we moved here a funeral procession was on a two lane highway coming towards me I put my flashers on and stopped. My wife asked me what I was doing. I explained that we are required to stop unless on divided mutilane highway or interstate in Indiana.
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