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Everything posted by crb

  1. +1 Good chance if she did do it and get away with she will do it again and may not be so lucky next time. Hell I believe OJ is in jail again. I think its crazy all these kids are disappearing and being murdered the last several years. What is wrong with this country?
  2. Why would someone clean the chain with the engine running? I would never ever do it! Do you change your lawn mower blades wiry the engine running? Common sense isn't so common anymore!
  3. RIP rider! I figured NY and NJ had helmet laws because its the only safety gear most of the riders wear. Hell I see guys wearing flip flops on a bike.
  4. I71 and I 76 are looking good a little damp on lines. I came through akrpn halfway to cbus now. Rain at 151 mm hwy 95 and I71.
  5. Kids get in the car daddy needs some beers we are going to chuckee cheeses. It's like a bar with a babysitter.
  6. Anybody riding on the 4th? I'm in the NE Ohio I'm not up for a 500 mile trip yet buy I think I'm going to try and get out on the 4th.
  7. I wish I could tag along at least for part of the trip I'm not sure I can handle 500 miles yet, but I have a prior obligation. If you guys to go sat due to weather maybe I can tag along. Longest I've done so far is about 80 miles. Not sure my sportster could keep up anyway.
  8. 2 pts, fine, court costs, and higher insurance at least. Do you know how much the fine is yet? My 88 in a 55 in Indiana costs me over $300 I believe with fines, court costs, etc.
  9. 4511.20 Operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property. (A) No person shall operate a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar on any street or highway in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property. (B) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of two or more predicate motor vehicle or traffic offenses, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. I don't see where it reads you can't get a reckless op ticket just for speed. 20 or 51 mph could be considered willful disregard for safety depending on how the officer interpretsthe law.
  10. My last major spewing ticket was when I was 19 88 in a 55. Cop pulls me over in Indiana asked me if I was in a hurry. I said yep if I'm late to class (college) one more time I fail the course. He said okay and had me written up in less than 5 minutes and off I went. He was nice enough not to write me up for reckless op which he could have. I paid the fine and about $100 more a year for insurance for a year. Thatcwas my second 88 in a 55 in a year at that time. $380 fine end four costs the second time I learned my damn lesson. Speeding gets costly when you get caught.
  11. This is where I have been stumped NIKON or Canon. Once I go one way or the either I'm kinda in it for the long haul because to switch brands would be an undertaking selling everything off. I hart been able to get over the hump and pick NIKON or Canon. I have had several people suggest pentax also. I'm basically lost!
  12. I'm not sure why they have an auto setting I don't use the auto setting on my superzoom.
  13. Why would yoi be doing 116 in a 65? You deserve to lose your license! You want to do 116 go to the race track!
  14. I'll have to check it out I really liked the size of the d90. Thanks for the suggestion.
  15. I've been wanting a DSLR for a while myself its just a huge investment. I keep letting guns and a motorcycle get in the way. I've drooling over the NIKON d90 for over a year.
  16. With the price of fuel and the distance I was surprised although I haven't had any dealings with forward air. I am in the LTL sector.
  17. That's better than I expected I was waiting to hear twice that round trip. Sounds like you got a good deal.
  18. What did it cost to ship it out of curiosity? Did you ship it via LTL carrier?
  19. Cloudy hell if you cant see a dead body there's something wrong with your pool. Maybe they need to make a pool turn blue around a body like the stuff that turns per blue.
  20. There were carry fixs passed also I believe. I'm not sure exactly what changed. From what I read it removes all restrictions on car carry so you can carry how you see fit in your car.
  21. True and the ones that post will lose business. I don't patronize Criminal Protection Zones!
  22. Some you can anyway. I was surprised when the wife and I went into one and Cleveland that served alcohol. Most chipotles I've been to don't serve alcohol. Some chuckee cheeses serve alcohol which I find odd!
  23. Hooray! A great step forward for Ohio! Can't wait until September 30th!
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